《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》nine | gryffindor vs. slytherin


gone by quicker than Flo wanted them to, though at the moment all she could think of was to score as many possible points for Gryffindor as she could.

Florence soared fifty feet in the air on her broom, grabbing a hold of the Quaffle and throwing it across the field to James, who aims and shoots at the Slytherin hoops.

"Ten points Gryffindor! Potter and Crown are on fire!" Peter's voice booms from the commentator's box, Remus' laugh followed afterwards.

"Nice pass, Crown!" James shouts, passing Flo to give her a high five.

"Nice shot, Potter." Flo says, jokingly winking at James.

The game continues, and although Gryffindor is in the lead, Slytherin isn't too far behind. Two or three unlucky runs and Gryffindor would be on the losing end.

Just as Slytherin scores, Flo takes a look around the pitch, noticing Lizzie and Regulus both circling the area, looking for the snitch. Regulus catches her gaze for a moment, only to wink at Flo before continuing his search for the golden snitch. Flo rolls her eyes in annoyance and continues to play the game.

"Lizzie has spotted the snitch! Go Liz, go!" Pete shouts into the microphone.

Lizzie shoots across the pitch, chasing after the small, golden blur that would give the Gryffindor team 150 points and win them the Quidditch Cup.

Flo had to keep playing the game below, though couldn't help but look up every few seconds, watching as Lizzie and Regulus shouldered each other and raced to get to the snitch first.

A few minutes went by. Flo has scored twice and Tommy, the third Chaser, scored once. James was playing what might end up being the best game of his life, and Sirius was making sure that a bludger didn't get anywhere near Lizzie.


James had just scored again, bringing the score up to 150-110, when the crowd went absolutely wild.

High above the pitch, Lizzie held the snitch in her hand, waving it towards the audience with a huge smile on her face.

"WE'VE WON! GRYFFINDOR WINS THE QUIDDITCH CUP!" Pete and Remus shout from the commentator's box, laughing and hugging and jumping up and down.

Flo lets out a loud laugh and flies towards the ground, crushing Lizzie in a hug once she does the same. James and Sirius and the rest of the team join in and eventually the entire Gryffindor house is on the pitch, shouting congratulations and hugging anyone they can get their hands on.

Once Remus and Pete finally make their way down to the pitch, Flo wraps Pete in a hug and Sirius grabs onto Remus' face and kisses him as if it was the last time they would ever see each other.

Florence was radiating joy, and Regulus Black couldn't help but smile at the sound of Flo's laughter.

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