《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》eight | slughorn's christmas party


of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was down after Slytherin beat Ravenclaw in this years first Quidditch game, it was instantly lifted the day before Slughorn's Christmas party when Gryffindor flattened Hufflepuff 470-60.

"Tonight we celebrate!" Sirius cheered, earning shouts from the small Gryffindor gang that made their way through the halls of Hogwarts to the small hall where Slughorn's Christmas party would be taking place.

Lily had invited James, while Marlene and Mary had brought along Peter and Remus so none of the gang would be split up for the night. Dorcas would be meeting them there, as she was bringing a Hufflepuff the others did not know all that well.

"Where on earth did you find this dress?" Sirius questions, earning a nudge from Flo.

"My mum sent me it when I told her the Black heir was taking me to Slughorn's party." Flo teased, earning a big smile from Sirius.

The group quickly arrive to the hall, taking in the elegant decorations before making a beeline for the food table.

Flo, Sirius, Mary and Pete stack their plates high with food while the others take small portions before heading out to socialize with those who were already there.

After scarfing down two or three scallops wrapped in bacon, Flo finally looks up from her plate only to meet the eyes of Regulus Black.

She was not ashamed to admit that he looked ridiculously handsome in an all black suit with silver rings on every finger. He wasn't as tall as Sirius, though his figure was slimmer and his hair untidier. Flo suddenly forgot she was staring until Sirius dragged her towards their table.

"The boy's hopeless, you see?" Sirius states as the two take a seat.

"He's also a you know what." Flo answers back, earning a frown from Sirius.


"I know that..."

Flo saw the way Sirius' eyes darkened and his features fell just at the thought of his brother joining You Know Who... but it's not like the statement was false.

Regulus Black chose his path, just as Flo and Sirius and the rest of them chose theirs.

Tonight, however, was not about Regulus Black. It was about celebrating Christmas and eating scallops wrapped in bacon and dancing until their feet hurt, and that is exactly what they all did.

Flo let out a loud laugh as Sirius spun her in circles, before the roles were reversed and Sirius began to spin as a ballerina would. Flo doubled over in laughter as James joined in on the fun, the two boys making complete fools of themselves.

Flo adored them. The thought of them not being next year pained her in ways unimaginable.

And then, yet again, from across the room, Flo felt a pair of eyes on her. For the second time that night, she met the eyes of Regulus Black. He was surrounded by his normal Slytherin gang, though he seemed to be paying them no attention.

Regulus smiled at Florence, and to Flo's surprise, she smiled back.

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