《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》seven | a thing for werewolves


get an invite to the Slug Club Christmas party and not me?" Flo shouts through laughs, watching as Sirius danced like a lunatic around the boys' dormitory.

"Because I'm bloody charming, Flo, I'm bloody charming." Sirius grins, planting a wet kiss on Flo's cheek as he danced around her.

"You're bloody annoying, that's what you are Padfoot." Remus states, unamused.

"Oi, shut it. You're all just jealous I get to spend the night eating scallops wrapped in bacon and you don't." Sirius teases, though aims it mostly at Flo, who crosses her arms over her chest.

"They're the best thing I've ever tasted." She says dreamily, falling backwards onto Remus' bed beside him.

Sirius continues to dance around the room, his tie wrapped around his head and his white shirt unbuttoned all the way. Pete was sprawled across his bed reading (as per usual), James was lazily tossing a snitch around, and Remus was digging through his vinyl's.

Sunday evenings were usually spent like this - Flo in the boys' room, chatting about anything and everything while listening to whatever Remus had to offer. Flo always requested Queen, which was a fan favorite.

"Tell you what Florence Crown," Sirius speaks up, once the song Somebody to Love had finally ended. "I'll bring you to Slughorn's Christmas party just so I can see the look on ol' Reggie's face when we walk in together."

Flo lets out a loud groan of frustration, the boys laughing in response.

"You're a madman, Sirius Black. What's with this weird fantasy of your brother liking me?"

Remus changes the vinyl to Bowie. Once he sits back on his bed, Flo rests her head in his lap.

"My brother may have a bad taste in friends, but that doesn't mean he has a bad taste in girls, you know."

Flo jokingly swoons.

"If only you were into girls, then this whole thing wouldn't be a problem in the first place. We could've been endgame." Flo jokes.

"I've got a thing for werewolves, sue me." Sirius states, putting his hands in the air.

Remus blushes and the five continue to chat and laugh until Bowie plays his last song and they call it a night.

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