《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》six | pudding and pumpkin juice


of the year was rapidly approaching. Two weeks from now, Flo would be in the stands, watching Ravenclaw vs. Slytherin.

Slytherin was easily Gryffindor's best competition this year, though the Gryffindor team was still hoping and praying that Ravenclaw would come out with a win, or at least keep the score relatively close.

Flo knew that after this year, Gryffindor would have a tough time rebuilding their team. Only she and the Seeker, Lizzie Martin, would be returning next year. This means that this was Flo's last chance at winning the Quidditch Cup, knowing that next year it wouldn't be so easy to achieve.

Instead of staying in the common room, where James was talking everyones' ears off about strategy, Flo chose to spend the rest of the afternoon in the Great Hall, helping herself to some pudding and pumpkin juice.

She was pretty well caught up on work - she had to be, or else James' never ending Quidditch practices would cause her to fail all her classes this year - so she spent her free time reading.

Pete had just finished reading Emma and was now forcing Flo to read it. She did not mind, as she was always eager to read a new book.

"Emma? Really?"

Flo groaned in annoyance.

"What d'you want, Black?" Flo questions, turning around to look up at Regulus.

Instead of staying standing, he plops himself down beside her at the Gryffindor table.

"I just think there's better books to read then that."

"And I think there's better people to talk to than you, but here I am."

Regulus lets out a laugh at this, to which Flo scoots a few inches away from him.

"I feel as if you've been following me these past weeks." Flo states.

Regulus shakes his head, "Why on earth would I be following you of all people, Crown? No, I just happened to stop by and see if all the apple pie was gone. I fancied a slice before the Slug Club meeting."


Flo let out a laugh at this.

The Slug Club.

"What a fun way to spend your Friday night, Black." Flo states, before returning to her book.

Regulus, however, stays staring at Flo, making it clear he is not leaving the table yet. Or, in better words, not leaving Flo alone yet.

"We're actually discussing the annual Christmas party tonight. It's coming up in a few weeks."

Florence was completely aware of this information - Slughorn threw the party every year, and every year Flo weaseled her way in. Not because she was dying to spend a night with her potions professor, but because the scallops wrapped in bacon that were always served was the best thing that Flo had ever tasted. It's what she looked forward to every December.

"Could you put in a good word and get some extra scallops wrapped in bacon this year? You lot ran out early last year." Flo requests, earning a groan of annoyance from Regulus.

Before he could answer, however, a small group of Slytherin beckon him from the entrance of the Great Hall. Flo recognized them all - Mulciber, Crouch and Snape - she despised every single one of them.

She saw the look on Regulus' face as they continued shouting for him... it was a mixture of annoyance and regret. For a minute, Flo began to pity the youngest Black brother.

But then, as she watched Regulus leave her behind and join the small Slytherin gang, she pushed the thought aside.

It's the life he chose, she wouldn't spare any feelings for a Death Eater.

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