《TRAGEDY || R. BLACK ✓》two | achilles and patroclus


piece of work, my brother." Sirius groans at the Gryffindor table the next evening.

"He just loves trying to get under my skin," Florence states, preparing herself a bowl of mushroom soup. "I guess that runs in your family."

Sirius playfully nudges Flo, earning a laugh from her before she takes a large spoonful of her soup.

"He's just jealous that we're gonna flatten them in the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match this year." James shrugs, eating away at the chicken and potatoes in front of him. Flo nods in agreement.

The three Gryffindors had gotten to dinner rather early, the rest of their small group of friends beginning to file in and take seats around them a few minutes later. Peter took a seat beside Flo, beginning to chat about the most recent book the two were reading.

"I think all these goons were too scared to admit that Achilles and Patroclus were in love." Flo states, not realizing that she was stabbing at her potatoes much harsher then she meant to.

"There's no way they were just friends!" Peter practically shouts in agreement.

The others around them groan, exhausted of how often the pair talk about their current reads.

"You lot just don't get it - these two were practically made for each other, you know. Yet these cowards refuse to acknowledge the love they share... it's- it's-"

"A made up story." Sirius cuts off Flo. She glares at him.

"It's nonsense. Their story is beautiful." Flo shrugs, before standing up from the dinner table. "Pete, we'll talk more about this tomorrow. Goodnight to everyone at this table except for Sirius Black."

From across the Great Hall, Regulus attempts to hide the smile creeping onto his face after watching Flo shout at her friends over the tragic love story of Achilles and Patroclus.

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