《Belle》Chapter 27


James's POV

"I'm coming." I yell to the person pounding on the door. I jog my way down my stairs and into the living room. I was wearing no shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants, since I had the house to myself. Ramona took Belle out shopping and my parents went out for lunch. I twist the nod and pull the door open to reveal someone I was not expecting. "Michelle?"

"Hi." She said, a small smile on her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"Can I come in? It's cold out here." She asked shivering as a gust of wind came by. I open the door wider and she stepped inside, taking her jacket off and hanging it on the wall.

"Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day. I should've respected your decision." She pursed her lips together, guilt flashing through her eyes.

"It's alright, really."

"Can you forgive me?" She pleaded. I looked at her in silence, thinking over my answer.

"Yeah, I guess." A smile broke out onto her face and she breathed a sigh.

"Thank you." She started. "Let's go up to your room." She said before grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs.

Does this girl not know the meaning of no?

She throws me on the bed and closes the bedroom door behind her before she began crawling on top of me. She stopped so she was sitting on my stomach, straddling me down. Her eyes darted between mine with hunger.

"Michelle, get off of me." I said in annoyance, afraid to push her off. Knowing her, she would use that against me in a courtroom. She opened her mouth to say something when her eyes landed on something beside me. Her face falls.

"What is that?" She asked as she reached for something on my bedside table.

"What is wha-" I stop talking once she shows me what it is. The ultrasound photo.

"Why do you have this? And in a frame?" She asked, turning it back around so she could see it.



"Bella Carpenter?" She shrieked, her eyes bulging out of her head. I remembered that in the corner of the photo, it had Belle's name written so they wouldn't mix up the photos. "Why do you have Bella's ultrasound photo in a frame on your bedside table?" She asked, her eyes as wide as the moon.


"Oh my god." She started, blinking a few times. "You're the father of her baby. You weren't kidding." She whispered, more to herself. "What an asshole!" She screamed, throwing the photo across my room. I heard glass shatter and my heart dropped. She quickly threw herself off the bed and stomped towards the door. "You will regret ever sleeping with that whore." She said with a fiery passion burning in her eyes before she exited my room. I waited until I heard the slam of the front door to get up from my bed. The frame was broken into two pieces and the glass was shattered. The photo remained intact, but now I need a new frame. Suddenly, reality hit me.

The person Belle hated the most, now knew her biggest secret.

"Oh shit." I muttered. "I'm dead."


Bella's POV

I push open the doors and the hallway got dead quiet. All eyes were on us as we entered the building.

"Why is everyone staring at you guys? Well, more than usual." Megan whispered, leaning closer to James and I.

"I don't know. Probably some new rumor going around about me." I said, rolling my eyes. I've grown so used to the stares and whispers, that it doesn't bother me anymore. "I have to go to my locker, I'll see you guys at lunch." I said, waving a goodbye to my best friends before I walk down the hallway alone. I shove my books in my locker and slam it shut, jumping at the figure revealing itself.

"Kyle, don't scare me like that." I chuckled, but he remained looking at me with an expression mixed with confusion and...hurt? "Are you okay?"

"No, not really. I don't know how I could be fine when the talk of the school is about my girlfriend's baby daddy."


"They always talk about who the father is, what's different today?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He taps for a few seconds before showing me the screen. My breath gets caught in my throat and my heart drops as I read. It was a Facebook post from Michelle.

The whore of our school, Bella Carpenter, is not only a slut but a liar. The father of her baby is no other than James Thomas, her best friend. Or friends with benefits gone wrong?

"I-I-" I try to speak but no words seem to form.

"You lied to me." Kyle said, putting his phone back in his pocket. "You told me the father of your baby was some dick who left. Some guy at a party." His voice was rising and my heart picked up it's pace.

"Kyle-" I felt tears forming in my eyes and I had to choke out the word.

"You told me I didn't know him. How could you do that to me? I wouldn't have liked you any less if you told me the truth. Now I feel like something has been going on between you two."

"Kyle, I swear, I only like you-"

"Then why did you lie? What was the point in lying? I should've known you were just toying with my feelings. You're just a no good whore like everyone was telling me. I tried to get to know you, because I don't like judging people. But now I know the true Bella Carpenter and she is just a cheat slut!" He was screaming now and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Then another, and then another until I was full on crying.

"Kyle, please-"

"Just shut up, Bella." He yells, making me shut my mouth. "There is nothing you can say to make me forgive you." He said before turning around and walking away. It wasn't until now that I realised the whole hallway was watching us. They all had disgusted looks on their faces and whispers started to fly around. Overwhelmed with emotions, I turn and run as fast as a eighteen week pregnant girl can down the hallway. I close the bathroom door and slide down the wall, tears streaming down my face like a river. Uncontrollable sobs left my mouth as I just layed on the dirty bathroom floor. Knocking on the door makes me jump.

"Bella? Are you in there?' Megan's muffled voice asked through the door.

"N-No." I stutter through sobs, laying my head in my hands. Suddenly, the door opens and Megan takes a few steps in before closing and locking the door behind her.

"Awe, poor Bella." She cooed, sitting beside me on the floor and wrapping her arm around me. I continued to sob in my hands as she rubbed my back and laid her head on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay."

"No it won't" I manage to say between sobs. "This will never be okay. The entire school thinks I'm a lying, cheating, pregnant whore. My boyfriend hates me. My best friend and I are having a baby at sixteen. My life is turning into complete shit all because of one stupid mistake I made while drunk."

"Bella, don't say that-"

"But it's true!" I turn to look at her, my face hot and sticky with tears. "In the matter of one night I managed to ruin my entire life. I hate myself for what I did. And you know what, I hate James too. I hate James for ordering me that drink. I hate James for asking me to dance. I hate James for leading me into that bedroom and I hate James for getting me pregnant." I cry out, my body now shaking as more tears flow down my cheeks. Megan remained silent, just rubbing my back as I cried all my pain out.



And so is chapter 27, which I hope you all enjoyed.


-Who do you want to be with Bella? James or Kyle?

-What's your opinion on this chapter?

-Who's your favorite character?

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