《Belle》Chapter 9 (REVISED)


"How are you feeling?" Megan asked, following aside me as I walked down the hallway.

For a week she's been asking me that very question. Texting non stop, calling every hour. I know she's trying to be a good friend by making sure my baby is healthy, but seriously, she's annoying the hell out of me.

"The same as always, Meg." I replied with an attitude, not even feeling sorry about it. I've been getting so annoyed about everything lately.

"I'll take that as moody." She chuckled, but I didn't think it was funny.

We reach my locker and I put in my combination, opening it and putting my textbooks away.

"Bitch." I snapped, totally over her sarcasm.

"Whoa," she throws up her hands in surrender. "No need to use the b word." A smirk formed on her lips, and I can't help but to smile as well. Her smile disappeared and she adjusted her backpack on her shoulders. "Have you told James yet?" I shook my head, suddenly wanting to run away and hide.

I've been avoiding James recently, since I knew that if I was around him, Megan would make me tell him. I just wasn't ready to lose him yet.

"He's going to find out sooner or later, and I think he would take it better if you told him instead of letting him find out from someone else."

"Someone else? Like who? You?" I asked her defensively.

"No, Bella. But pretty soon it's going to be obvious you're pregnant and if he doesn't notice, someone else will." I sighed. I knew she was right, if he finds out the hard way he'll resent me even more. Suddenly her eyes settle on something behind me. "Speak of the baby daddy, and he'll appear."


"What?" I chuckled as I turned around and spotted James walking towards us wth Michelle on his arm.

"And look who he brought. The homewrecker." Megan mumbled in my ear as they stop in front of us.

"Hey guys." James greeted us with a smile.

I forced a smile back to be polite, but Megan just gave him a death glare. His smile faded when he met Megan's gaze, but he quickly covered it with another smile. Megan nudges my arm, pushing me to talk to him.

"Did you hear that?" I said, making a fake ringing sound with my mouth. "Oh, looks like someone is calling me. I've got to go."

I picked up my phone from my pocket and pretended to talk to someone while walking away from the uncomfortable situation. I knew Megan was probably going to lecture me later, but I honestly couldn't bring myself to tell him.

"Oh, looks like someone is calling me. Gotta run." Belle grabbed her phone from her pocket and walked away.

I caught the frustrated look on Megan's face as Belle walked away. Her face soon turned towards me.

Oh no.

"James, can I talk to you for a minute?" Megan asked me in the most fake sweet voice she's ever made.

"Uh, sure. I'll see you in class." I said to Michelle, kissing her on the cheek before walking into an empty classroom with Megan.

"James Lee Thomas." Megan started right as she closed the door. She only calls me by my full name when I'm in trouble. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She lets out a deep sigh before speaking again.

"Don't play dumb, your plan isn't going to work." This time, I sighed. "You can't just forget about your feelings for Bella by going out with another girl."


"What else is there to do? I can't just sit around a hope she'll feel the same way about me. I've been in love with Belle for as long as I can remember and she doesn't feel the same way about me. It's time to move on." I ran my hands over my face.

Megan found out about my feelings for Belle last year. She threatened to destroy my favorite t-shirt if I didn't tell her who my crush was.

"You think now is a good time to 'move on'," She crossed her arms over her chest, giving me a disappointed look. "After you sleep with her?"

Her words made me look back up at her. My heart felt like it dropped down to my butt.

"What are you talking about?" I played dumb.

"That night at the party over the summer. Bella hooked up with a guy that I now know is you."

"How do you know about that?" I inquired urgently.

If word had somehow gotten out Bella would have my head on a plaque.

"That's not important." Megan said uncomfortably, placing her hands on her hips. "You guys need to talk about what happened if you want to hear the truth. There are some things Bella won't tell you without being pushed to do it."

"You don't get it!" I snapped with a tired sigh. "She doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel towards her. You should've seen her face that morning. She was mortified. Do you know what it feels like to wake up next to the love of your life only for her to tell you it was the biggest mistake of her life." I took a deep breath. "I'm tired of chasing after a girl who will never love me back. I give up, Megan. I'm done."

I opened the classroom door just as the bell rings, leaving Megan alone.

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