《Belle》Chapter 5 (REVISED)


Light shone in my eyes and I stirred awake. I reluctantly peeled my eyes open and scanned my room slowly. Stretching my legs, I am greeted by a firm body behind me. It took me a second to realize it's James. Memories of last night came flooding back, and I remembered that he stayed the night to make sure I felt safe. I kept thinking about what would've happened if he didn't come to rescue me. I shuddered, pushing back the thoughts. I tried to sit up, but a firm arm was wrapped around my body and was pushing me down. His body was so close to mine, I can feel the heat radiating off of him. I felt so warm and safe in his arms.

The rapid pounding in my head stirred me awake. Light shone in my face obnoxiously as I tried to peel my eyes open. I groaned, trying to sit up from the bed. I quickly realized I wasn't in my bed. I looked to my right and saw a naked James wrapped up in the covers beside me. That's when I realized I was naked as well. My eyes flew wide and I gasped. I crawled back, trying to put distance between the boy I've called my best friend my entire life and my naked body. A shriek escaped my mouth as I went tumbling over the edge of the bed.The loud thump of my body hitting the hardwood floor must've woke him up, because the next sound I heard was a deep chuckle.

"You okay down there?" He asked, chuckling under his breath, staring down at me from the bed. His dark brown hair was messy, but he honestly rocked the look. My cheeks heated and up and I grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it on. The smell of his cologne fills my nose, making me calm down a little. I stood up with weak legs.

"Oh my god, oh my god." I began to freak, looking around the room and the pile of our clothes.

I scurried around to try and pick up our clothes from off the floor before someone decided to walk in.

"Calm down, Belle." James said, running a hand through his messy hair, but he only makes it more messy looking.


"Calm down? CALM DOWN?" I picked up his clothes and threw it at him before grabbing my dress and heels. "We...last night..." My mind started to piece together what happened and I wished the ground would swallow me whole.

"Belle?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"Oh my god, oh my-" I looked at him sternly, trying to think of what to do next. "We can never speak of this again."

His face fell and he blinked at me. "Belle-"

"James, promise me we'll never talk about this. Oh my god, I just made the biggest mistake of my life. I knew going to that party was a bad idea." I began to hyperventilate. James slides his jeans on and walks around to the bed with me, pulling me into a hug. I pressed my face against his bare chest as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Don't worry, Belle. I promise I'll never talk about it again. Let's just forget it ever happened, okay?" He whispered in my ear before kissing my head.

He rubbed my back gently, soothing my racing heart. I almost didn't notice the crack in his voice.

"What time is it?" A groggy James mumbled, snapping me from my thoughts. He tightened his grip around me and pulled me towards his body, our faces inches apart.

"It's nine thirty." I giggled as he rubbed his eye with his free hand. His arm around me sent electricity through my body.

"Ugh, why so early?" James mumbles with a deep voice.

"It's not early, lazy ass. Now let me get up so I can make breakfast." He instantly retracts his arm from me, staring at me with a goofy grin.

"Are you going to make your world famous chocolate chip pancakes?" He asked hopefully, sitting up on the bed as I stood up.

"You know it." I chuckled, brushing through my slightly knotted hair.

"Yes!" He threw his arms up in the air, cheering.

I head down the stairs, James following quickly behind me. The living room was quiet, the only noise was the wind blowing outside. I figured my mom was still out having fun with her friends since she isn't here and Abby slept over at her friend's house.


I opened the cabinet and grabbed the box of chocolate chip pancakes and pancake mix. James took a seat at the island in the kitchen and watched me.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, I want to see the master at work." He rested his head in his hands and stared at me intently and I let out a chuckle. I grabbed a pan from the cabinet and put it on the stove as I turned it on.

"James?" I ask, breaking the silence. I turned to face him as I poured the pancake batter onto the pan.

"Yes, Belle?" He asked with a playful smile and raised eyebrows.

I can't believe I'm going to ask this."Do you ever want to have kids?"

He leaned back slightly, obviously taken aback from my question.

"Yeah, I do. You know, after I get married and stuff. Why?" I shrugged, not knowing exactly why I asked. What was I expecting him to say? That he wanted to be a teen father? Who would?

"I just wanted to know." I shook my head, flipping the pancakes.

"What about you?" He asked, making me turn my head in his direction.

"What about me?"

"Do you want to have kids?" He leaned against the island, staring at me questioningly. Yes, I always wanted to have children. Just never so soon.

"Yeah, I do." I don't add any of the after college or when I'm married crap.

I put the pancakes on a plate and set it on the island before grabbing two more plates and setting them down. I grabbed the syrup and forks before sitting down next to James, putting four pancakes on my plate.

"You'll never be able to eat that much." He chuckled as I stuffed my face with the now syrup covered pancakes.

He takes a bite of his own, groaning playfully.

"God, your pancakes are delicious." I giggled, my cheeks heating up slightly.

I put the two empty plates in the sink along with the forks. James was now sitting on the couch, flipping through TV channels when I jumped up next to him.

"What's up, buttercup?" He said, flashing me his goofy smile. Butterflies erupt through my body, which confuses the hell out of me. These hormones are driving me crazy.

"Ooo, a peanut butter cup sounds so good right now." The thought of eating those delicious candies made my mouth water.

"You just ate four pancakes. How much can you eat?" He chuckled jokingly, and I just blushed.

He was about to say something before the sound of the front door opening cut him off. We turned our attention to the right. My mom walked in, well, more like stumbling in. Her brown hair was a mess and she wore sunglasses. She was wearing a tight red dress she wore last night, a coffee cup in her hand.

"Honey, I'm ho-" She cut herself off when she noticed James sitting next to me on the couch. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked as if she saw a mouse in the kitchen. "Were you two-" My eyes grew wide and my cheeks flushed.

"Of course not, mom! James is my best friend, we've been over this." She does this everytime.

"Right, get out of my house before I kick you out. Literally." She mumbled before climbing up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door shut.

"Your mother is lovely, as always." James said sarcastically, standing up from the couch and heading towards the front door. I followed him close behind, guilt and embarrassment washing over me.

"I'm sorry about her, don't believe what she says." I said as we reached the door. He opened it and took a step into the warm August air.

"It's fine, I'm used to it. I better get home though, I didn't tell my mom I was sleeping over."

"Tell Pam I said hi." Pam is his mother, who may I say, adores me. She's like my second mom and I'm like her second daughter.

"Of course." He smiled before bringing me into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around me.

I felt my heart flutter as his scent filled my nose. He pulled away, and I instantly missed his warmth. He flashed me a dorky smile before walking off the porch and down my driveway. I need to tell him soon, but I need to find the right time.

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