《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twentyeight.


I dedicated to short_stuff01 because I think you'll like this chapter & I didn't want you to go on a manhunt for Tony ;) aha.

Chapter twenty-eight.

I fell backwards on the hotel bed, Nora next to me.

"That took ages!" She threw her arms wide, nearly hitting me in the face.

"Watch your arms, girl. I know, I thought we would never finish."

Finish what you ask? Unpacking.

"I'm hungry." As if on cue, her stomach rumbled, a blush rose to her cheeks as she sat up. "Fancy getting something to eat?" I nodded my head. "Ask the boys?" I went to nod my head again but it faltered. Tony. "It can be just us if you want..."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course! Come on, let's get dressed fancy and go out for something to eat. Maybe a little sightseeing as well. Dress nicely!" She called before walking into the bathroom with an armful of clothes. Good job I showered when I got here, she was most likely to take all the hot water.

I pulled open the wardrobe door and looked at my clothes, she said dress nice, but I didn't feel like putting anything fancy on. Who was I going to impress? I took out my black and blue skinny jeans, a black All Time Low t-shirt and my red shirt. I put it all on and left the shirt buttons undone, next I had to decide on shoes. Nora made me pack high heels so I decided on my turquoise ones with a little bow at the front.

Nora came out the bathroom ten minutes later dressed in a red dress with black heels. She frowned once she took my appearance in. "Why are you wearing jeans?"

"You want me in my underwear?" I raised my eyebrow, avoiding her main question. I looked in the mirror, my eyes were surrounded my thick black eyeliner and mascara, my lips were a nude color and my hair was slightly teased.

"You know what I mean, Mitchie. Are you going emo or something?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I don't want a stereotype placed on me, I dress how I feel. Are we going or not?" She bit her lip and nodded her head. There was a knock at the door as she was about to open it.

On the other side of the door stood Zac, Sean and the boy that lived across the road from me. You can't blame me for not knowing his name, once he came round my house I only saw him once after that and that was a long time ago.

"Hey, guys, what you doing here?" Nora asked, leaning against the door frame. The boys looked at her quickly before smiling. I'm not surprised; her dress was a little short.

"I would put shorts on underneath, if I was you," I whispered in her ear as I walked out the door.

"Thanks, I'll be back in a second." She dashed into the bedroom and left me standing with the boys.

"We wanted to see if you wanna come out? Touring and getting something to eat?"

"Funny, that's what we were about to do." I told them, making sure I had my phone and room key on me.


"I bet you weren't going to invite us guys?" Zac said, smiling down at me. My breath caught in my throat, he was really good looking.

"Nope, we weren't." I looked over my shoulder at Nora; she had black tights on now.

"Why not?" Sean asked, looking at me, a hurt expression on his face.

Nora shrugged, "girls night?"

I shook my head; it would have worked if she didn't say it like a question. "Sorry, guys, come on, let’s go get something to eat. Nora's stomach was rumbling a minute ago." She hit me with her purse on the way out.

On the way to the lift Sean pulled me to the side. "Are you mad at me for earlier?" I looked at him, confused. "You know... what I asked Tony?"

It clicked in my head and I smiled. "No, no, of course not! I guess I'm just a little upset that he doesn't like me any more. Guess I'll have to get over him." I tiptoed and flung my arms around his neck, hugging him. "I should thank you, I guess, for getting him to say that he practically doesn't like me any more."

"I don't think-"

I cut him off. "I don't want thinking tonight. I want fun. Come on, let's go."


I hiccupped and tripped over Nora, Sean burst out laughing. "Oh, wow, Mitchie. Can you walk in heels?"

"Yes I can thank you very much!" I took one step and tripped again, dang shoes. "I bet you can't walk any better!"

His eyes glinted in the light. "I bet I can!" I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing, was he being serious?

I hiccupped again as I pulled my shoes off, God, I wish I never drank that fizzy drink - one of them large bottle as a dare from Zac and the boy, I still couldn't remember his name...

"Here you go, try them on!" Sean looked at me closely before taking the shoes.

"What do I get in return for walking in them?"

"No dignity, that's for sure," Zac snorted.

Nora hit him on the head. "At least he's trying to prove he can do something. You wanna walk in high heels?" Zac pouted and shook his head. It clicked in my head then, Nora an-

"Well?" I looked back at Sean to see his eyebrow raised. "A kiss from...” I tapped my finger against my chin. "Zac?"

"What?" Zac spat his McDonalds brought drink out. "I'm not kissing him!"

"But it's his reward," I complained.

"So? Don't drag me into it. You can kiss Nora if you walk in them," Zac said, putting his hand out for Sean to shake.

Sean looked at me then back to Zac. "Kiss Nora? Is that okay with you?"

"Hey! You ask her but you were just going to kiss me?" Zac crossed his arms over his chest. Nora looked at me, in my shoeless glory; she was silently asking me if it was okay to kiss my new best friend. I bit my lip and shrugged, looking away from all of them. I could see two figures in the distance, heading our way but I paid them no attention. "It's settled then." I tuned back into their conversation.


"What does he get?"

"A kiss."

"I know that, smart ass," I narrowed my eyes at Zac.

He held his hands up, squinting at me. "You know, when you narrow your eyes, the makeup makes it look like you don't have eyes at all! And a kiss... from you."

"Shut up, of course I have- What?"

"He gets to kiss you," Nora repeated, watching my reaction.

"You can't back out, we shook on it," Zac said.

"No we ne-" Zac waved his hand in dismissal at Sean.

"Go on, walk in the heels and you get a kiss from her."

So that's what we spent ten minutes laughing at. Sean was walking in my high heels, tripping over but regaining his balance at the last minute.

"I think that's enough torture, claim your prize."

"Prize?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Not prize. Sorry, reward," Zac corrected himself. Sean walked towards me, shoes in one hand, watching my reaction.

He was right in front of me when he handed me my shoes back. "Are you okay with this?" He whispered so low the others couldn't hear.

"Go ahead, it's your reward," I told him as he leant forward, the whole time watching my reaction. His lips met mine and I instantly responded, his kisses were sweet and innocent while Tony's were more passionate and has meaning. He pulled away once we were partly out of breath, his grin was lopsided. "Best friends?" I laughed and shook his hand.

"How could you?" I turned my head to see a very drunk Tony and a struggling James.

"What happened to him?" Nora asked.

"He lost it, we were looking around and he went into a shop and came back out with a bottle of drink, I thought nothing of it because, hey, were in London but then he kept buying more and I couldn't keep up with him. I found him a few minutes ago sitting on the curb, moaning about something but I couldn't hear him properly."

Tony tried to get out of James grip, he let him go and he came stumbling towards me.

"Mitchie..." I put my hands on his chest to stop him from falling over.

"Yes, Tony?" I tried to keep polite but how do you expect me to act when he basically admitted he didn't like me?

"I'm sorry," his words were drawled out but I couldn't dwell on that too much, he was now using me for support.

"For what?" I breathed out, God, this boy is heavy.

"I think we should get back to the hotel, it's getting late and we need to get him in before anyone notices we are gone." James said, checking his watch. And that's how we went back to the hotel, me struggling with Tony, Sean helping every so often since Tony said he only wanted my help. James, Nora, Zac and... "Damon!"

His foot stopped in midair as he looked over his shoulder at me, "yeah?"

I felt my cheeks go red, "I- err, I just, kind of, remembered your name."

He looked partly hurt, "you forgot my name?" I bit my lip and nodded my head. "That's nice," he laughed.

"I'm sorry! It's just I hadn't seen you in ages and I knew it began with a D..."

"Its fine, Zac reminded me of your name before we got to the hotel room," he winked at me before turning back round. I mentally slapped my forehead, why didn't I just ask one of the others. Sean laughed and poked my red cheeks; I slapped his hand away, nearly dropping Tony in the process.

We managed to get into the hotel rooms without any trouble, considering we could see our teachers at the bar, drinking away their troubles most likely. We got in the lift, even though it was a tight squeeze. Tony kept humming to himself until Zac hit him on the head and told him to shut up. We arrived at our floor; Tony tugged me towards his room, since he got his own one.

"Tony... I need to go that way," I pointed towards the other end, where the others were disappearing to, Nora waved once before going in our room with the others.

"Just a minute." He suddenly seemed a bit more sober.

"Fine, five minutes. I'll put you to bed," I told him, letting him drag me towards his door. He looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrow, smirk present. "You're so dirty minded."

He shrugged and unlocked the door. I led him towards his bedroom. "Let's get you into bed, it's getting late."

He waited until he was undressed and under his covers before telling me I could turn around, I was about to turn the light out and leave but his voice stopped me; "Mitchie, I need to tell you something."

He yawned and his voice still sounded like he was drunk, not much better than before.

"What is it, Tony?" I really wanted to get out of here, more time with Tony and the less I could get over him.

"First, why did you kiss Sean?" He asked, beckoning me over with a lazy wag of his finger.

I rolled my eyes but tucked him in. "Because it was his reward for walking in my high heels, we decided to stay best friends."

"Okay, good." He was slowly slipping into dreamland. "Mitchie?"


"What I wanted to say was-" he mumbled something and I leant forward to hear him.

"What did you say?" My ear was so close to his mouth I could feel his breath tickling my hair.

"I love you, Mitchie." I shot up in surprise, what did he just say? He was asleep now so I couldn't even ask him! I backed out the room, turning the light off on the way, before sprinting down the hall towards mine and Nora's room.

I missed the lock so many times before I finally got it in; I threw the door open and slammed it shut behind me, sliding down the door, tears stinging my eyes.

"Mitchie, darling, what's wrong?" Nora's voice was close to me. I could hear footsteps walking towards me.

"He loves me," I whispered.

"Who loves you, Mitchie?" Nora pressed.

"Tony... He said he loved me." I told her before the crying started to hurt my head and I blacked out.


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