《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Chapter twentyseven.


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Chapter twentyseven.

I dragged my suitcase down the stairs while Tony and Sean laughed at my weakness. They were going to feel my so called weakness in a minute, somewhere not so pleasent. "If you two don't come and take this suitcase it will be shoved somewhere..." I left the empty threat in the air but they walked up the remaining steps and took my luggage.

"James, get your butt in here now, I'm not doing everything!" I looked around Tony to see Mrs Johnson standing on the front porch, arms crossed, staring down the street. "Tony, Sean, can you take these bags for me?" They both nodded and picked up the extra bags on the way.

"Who's bags are those?" I asked them.

"Mine," Nora sang as she stepped through the doorway. I was confused where she came from but I hugged her.

"Hey, Nora..." I bit my lip.

"Tony let me in, you was upstairs getting stuff together, you ready to go?" Nora asked, skipping after Tony and Sean as they put the luggage in the car.

"I guess I am. Hey, Phoebe! Can you look after my keys?"

She nodded her head as she dragged James from inside the house. "Sure thing, darling. James, get your butt in the car right now and go, I've paid for this trip and I expect you to go."

"Fine, I'll go, gosh!"

She suddenly stopped and smiled at him, "there you go, was that so hard? Now, go get your stuff and put it in the car, you have to be leaving soon." He grumbled something and walked back inside.

Nora started humming to herself as she clicked her seatbelt in place. Me, Nora, Tony and Sean were riding in one car and the Johnsons and James were in the other car.


"Wait, don't we have to pick Zac up?" I asked Tony as I leant across the headrest to look in the front of the car.

He snapped his fingers. "Darn, I knew we forgot to do something... Imagine him standing outside his house, his luggage all around him and wouldn't it be just great if it started to raining." Nora snickered besides me and Sean hid his smile.

"How would you like it if I made you walk to the airport?" I said to him, straight faced. He looked at me over his shoulder and saw I was joking. "Just go, Tony, we are already late as it is."


"I should sit next to her!"

"No, I should!" I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Nora and Tony were both arguing who should sit next to me... and get the window seat.

I shook my head, "I think, I should sit next to the window and you two sit next to me."

"What about me?" I looked at Sean, he was pouting but amusment was in his eyes. Nora huffed and sat next to James in the middle.

"Take my seat, me and her are sharing a room for the rest of the trip."

"Oh, girl action?" Zac leant around James to raise his eyebrows.

"First, ew. Second, no. And third, why would you even think that?" Nora said, glaring at him.

"You should rephrase your sentances," he winked at us before sitting back and closing his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him before looking at Sean.

"Bring your iPod?"

"You know it," he took his iPod out of his carry on bag and put it between us. I looked around the plane at the students. Zac and Sean had convinced their teachers to let them come on our flight. Every other person on this plane was students from school that was allowed to come on the trip. Sean handed me a headphone after we took off. We sat like that for the rest of the flight. Me and Sean listening to music while talking to Tony, Nora, James and Zac. We snacked on the Jelly Beans Zac brang and threw them at random students when the adults weren't looking.



"Finally!" Nora threw her arms out and nearly hit James in the face, who swatted her arm away.

"Watch it, woman," he crossed his arms.

"What crawled up your butt and died?" She scowled at him.

"Nothing," he snapped. They went on to bicker for the rest of the ride to the hotel.

"When are they going to stop?" Sean asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and put my head on his shoulder.

"They could go on forever," I said, a little quieter. "It's obvious they like each other."

"Yeah, I have to agree with you. And it's obvious Tony still likes you..."

"He probably doesn't after everything." I told him, looking out the window.

"Let's ask him shall we?" I tried to cover his mouth but he managed to get the words out. "Hey, Tony, do you still like Mitchie?"

I watched as Tony turned to face us from his seat on the bus. My breath was stuck was in my throat, oh God, I don't want to hear it.

"Well?" Zac urged. Even Nora and James stopped bickering to listen. Tony locked eyes with me before looking at the others.

He was going to say no, I just know it.

"Maybe." He turned back round and it felt like my heart stopped beating.

Maybe always means no.


Thanks for reading, :) ~ AJay.

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