《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twentyfive.



Chapter twenty-five.

I threw my cover back and went to step on my floor but something hard met my foot, cracking my eye open I saw my suitcase closed and looking all innocent, as if it was there the whole time - which it was... ignore my early morning babble.

I heard a loud knocking coming from the door downstairs, I avoided my packed suitcases as I made my way to the door, I nearly tripped down the stairs as I realized there was a pair of Converse in the middle. Was I that tired last night after packing that I dropped my shoes on the way up the stairs?

The knocking began to get louder, which was annoying. "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

I opened the door and came face to face with Trent. "Yes?"

"You're not dressed," he raised his eyebrow as he took in my clothes. Tank top, blue shorts and Christmas socks... hey, they're comfy!

"What's your point? I didn't expect to see the eldest Johnson brother at my door." I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for his answer.

"What's the hold up? We've been waiting for you to come back for ages!" I leant round Trent and saw the twins waiting at the end of the path, scowling at us.

"What got up their butt and died?" I mumbled quietly, but Trent heard and he chuckled.

"I wouldn't know what to tell you, Tony was annoyed after he got in and James is just being James. And, my point is; you're coming out with us. Get ready, I'll wait for you once I shoo them two." He flashed me his smile that won his fiancé over.

That reminded me, "Trent?"

"Yeah?" He was turned halfway, body pointing towards the boys and his head towards me.

"Have you set the date for your wedding?"

He grinned widely, "that, dear Mitchie, is why you're coming out. The boys are tux shopping while the girls - two, not including you - are dress shopping, sounds fun, right?"

I nodded my head, "Andy actually invited me to come along?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, "of course she did, and she loved you when she met you." I smiled and waved before jogging up the stairs, taking a short shower and running into my room to find something to wear.

I skipped down the steps, my dress swaying with every movement. I decided on a soft red baby doll dress, about twenty bracelets on each arm and my black converse. I walked into the kitchen and got an apple out of the fruit bowl, I don't know why but I decided to check my calendar. I was excited about today until I saw the date circled. The day my mother died.

I bit my lip as tears threatened to spill over. How could I forget something so important?

"I'm so sorry, mum." I whispered to the too still and quiet house. I walked out the kitchen and towards the front door. Today just got ruined.


"Andy, you look beautiful." I breathed. I was in a shitty mood but being with Phoebe and Andy made me feel a little better. Andy was now in her fifth wedding dress and she looked amazing, she finally decided on this one. The top was a white corset with black patterns over it and the skirt flared out from the waist. It made her tanned skin look perfect and the dress complimented her eyes.


"Thank you, Mitchie. All we have to do now is get you and Phoebe a dress." She winked before going back into the changing room. She decided that Phoebe would be her maid of honor and I would be her bridesmaid, she had her little sister - well, not so little, she is the same age as me - as one as well. I'd never met Emily, Andy's sister, but Trent said she's really nice and can be like me at times.

"As long as the color matches, you can pick your own dress, Mitchie." I looked up as Andy came out in her cropped jeans and black top.

"Really?" I smiled, I had seen a perfect dress that I wanted and now I have a reason to buy it.

She nodded, "Yeah, you know the color scheme is white, black and red, right?"

I nodded my head. "Thanks, Andy; I think I have the perfect dress in mind."

We were on the high street when Andy decided that she and Phoebe were going to buy Phoebe's dress. "You can come with us or go get your dress, if you want?"

"Yeah, it's in one of these shops, I'll meet you outside the restaurant." I waved and walked towards the shop I saw my dress in. I never saw the sign for the shop before so I had to wing it with my guesses, I remembered it had a frilly pink prom dress in the window and I and Nora thought that the Barbie’s at our school would wear it. I was walking for a few minutes before I saw the shop, I entered and I heard music playing in the background. The All American Rejects song Dirty Little Secret was playing, I loved this song. I started to sing along, quietly, as I walked through the racks of clothes.

"Can I help you?" I looked up at the girl, who was leaning against the wall, she looked around my age.

"Yeah, I saw this really nice red and black dress the other day and I'm trying to find it." She raised her eyebrow. "It goes to about mid thigh..." my mind blanked, I was really bad at describing things.

"I think I know which one you're own about, follow me." She took me to the corner of the shop and pointed to the dress I was trying to describe. I clapped my hands together, "that's it!"

"Go get your size and try it on," she smiled at me. I looked at her nametag; Emily.

"Thanks, Emily." I grabbed my size and went into the changing room; I had to admit it looked nice on me. I stepped out and walked towards the big mirror.

"You look stunning." My head snapped towards Emily, she was sitting on the counter next to the changing room.

"Thank you, it's for my friend’s wedding."

"They're getting married pretty young, then."

I laughed and shook my head. "No, no, my friend's got an older brother but I class him as a friend. They are so cute together."

"Aw, what's the lucky couple’s name?" I looked at her closely, she looked really familiar...

"Trent and Andy, they are getting married in a couple of weeks."

"No way, Trent Johnson? You're the famous Mitchie aren't you?" I blushed, 'famous Mitchie'?

"I'm Mitchie but why am I famous?" I raised my eyebrow.

"When Trent and his brothers came round to mine and Andy's they couldn't stop talking about their amazing friend Mitchie, you fitted their description so I assumed it was you." I bit my lip, they were talking about me?


"You're Andy's sister; she was just talking about you... What are you wearing to the wedding?" She pointed to a black dress hanging up.

"They said they would keep it back for me. It's one of the last we are going to get in store."

"Are you coming to lunch with us?" I asked her as I walked towards the changing rooms.

"Nah, I wanted to but I couldn't get off work, tell Andy I said hey and it's her turn to wash up tonight," she winked. "I better get back to work; it was nice finally meeting you, Mitchie. See you soon." She walked towards the back door and gave once last wave before disappearing through it. I walked to the check out and brought the dress; I took my phone out and checked the time. They would probably be at the restaurant now.

Time I got there everyone was outside, waiting. "Took your time, Mitchie," Trent said when I reached them.

I smiled and turned to Andy, "I saw your sister, and she’s really nice."

"Emily? Oh, you brought the dress from where she works?" I nodded. "Can I see?" She clapped her hands, I bit my lip; I didn't want anyone to really see before the wedding.

"Only you can, I'll show you once everyone is inside." Everyone took that as their cue to go, they all piled inside.

"We'll go to the table, hurry, the boys are hungry," Phoebe said before following the boys inside. I took the dress out and showed Andy, she gasped and grinned.

"It's beautiful; you will look amazing in it."

"I hope I don't out do you," I winked at her to show I was joking.

"I forgot to ask, Trent never mentioned about your parents coming to the wedding. I mean, they are more than welcome to if you want..." she trailed off; her eyes squinted as she looked at me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I'd done it again, I forgot about my mother.

"My father is never home and my mum...died when I was little," I looked away. "You can go in, just give me a minute, don't tell them anything, please?" Andy pulled me into a quick hug before she walked in the restaurant. How could I do this to my own mother? Twice I've forgotten about her because I was happy.

I made sure no stray tears were about to make their way down my face before I put on a fake smile and walked in. I took my seat in-between Andy and Phoebe and just listened to everyone's conversation. After a few minutes I looked around the table, all the Johnsons, Zac, and Andy were all talking happily but Andy kept shooting me sad smiles and apologetic looks. I tried to keep my fake smile in place but even I could tell it wasn't working, it was slipping every so often.

"So, Mitchie," I looked up, trying to work out who was talking to me. "Who are you going out with?" My eyes zeroed in on Kurtis. I went to open my mouth to reply but someone spoke over me.

"She probably doesn't even know," I bit my lip at my best friend’s words, why was James being mean? "Who is it Mitchie?"

Tears stung my eyes as everyone stared at him, he was opposite me on the big, circular table. He was staring at me as he said his next words, "Is it my brother? Zac? Me? Robbie?" He paused. "Or is it some other poor boy stuck in your web, how long will they last before you move on?"

That was it, I cracked. The tears I held in for forgetting my mother's death, for my dad leaving me, playing with the boy's hearts, everything. My fork dropped from my hands as I tried to keep some dignity. Seeing everyone's gaze on me, I knew what they felt for me: pity. I was the girl whose mother died and her father didn't want her any more.

"Excuse me," I don't know if they heard my quiet voice but I didn't care. I ran out the restaurant, ignoring their calls for me to come back.

Since I didn't know this part of town very well I was aimlessly walking - or running, depends on how you look at it. I spotted a park ahead, so like the kid I am when I get upset, I decided to go on the swing. I had my head in my hands when I heard movement to the left of me.

"Madam Awesome?" I raised my head to see Sean leaning down to my level.

"Captain Cool," I said, a small smile playing on my lips.

"I would say you never called but seeing you is better," he smiled but it faltered as he took a close look at my face. "What's wrong?" I shook my head. "Come on, tell me." I looked at him; he was smiling a sad smile as he sat on the swing next to me.

"It's a long story," I told him, hoping he would tell me to forget about it.

"I have time," he said, smiling softly.

"It's not a great story."

"Just tell me, Mitchie." I sighed but told him everything. From my dad packing us up and moving us to England to coming back and meeting the brothers again to how the brothers have been acting and everything else that falls in-between. By the time I was done, I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment. After a short silence he breathed out and said: "wow."

I watched him as time dragged on; he finally looked at me - a bit startled that I was already looking at him. "What?" He asked, eyebrows pulling together.

"I'm just waiting," I told him, looking away from his gaze.

"Waiting for what?" His nose scrunched up in an adorable way, he looked like a confused little kid.

"You to get up and tell me I have too much baggage for us to even consider being friends." He snorted before standing up. My heart skipped a beat, he was leaving. I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut; I nearly fell off the swing when I felt a pair of arms encircle me.

"I can already tell you that I would never walk away," I looked at him and we smiled at each other.


I thanked Sean's mum again for letting me stay the night before walking back upstairs and flopping on Sean's bed.

"Who said you're sleeping in my bed?" I pointed my thumbs at myself and he chuckled. "I guess since you're the guest, you should get the bed..." I smiled at him. "Here, I think these should fit you." He chucked an oversize t-shirt at me and a pair of boxers.

"Thanks, Sean."

"No problem, you can have a shower if you want - just don't use all the hot water," he winked and walked out the room. I smiled to myself, Sean was being a great friend and he knew that's all we were going to be. Hell, I even classed him more than a friend for how much he helped me in the space of a few hours. He let me talk in the park and he would give advice on certain points, he brought me something to eat in a little cafe and now he's letting me stay the night because I didn't know how to get or nor did I want to go home.

There was a knock on the door. "Are you decent?"

I chuckled before replying; "no, I'm standing in my underwear waiting for you."

"Oh, I better come in then."

I waited but he didn't open the door. "Sean?"

"Were you joking?"

I burst out laughing. "Of course I was, just come in." I sat up on the bed as he opened the door. His cheeks were pink. "You believed me?"

He nodded his head, "sorry, I'm not use to people - girls - being in my room." I raised my eyebrow, he seemed like he could get girls... not that I was calling him a player.

"Thanks, again, Sean, this means a lot to me." I hugged him before walking into his bathroom and taking a shower. His clothes were a bit too big but they were fine.

"Pizza!" I shoved my clothes to the side as I skipped out; Sean's mum - Paula - was putting the box on the bed.

"You okay, dear?" I nodded my head. I went to say thank you again but she cut me off. "Don't say thank you again, you've said it enough. It's my pleasure having you here; Sean needs a bit of girl influence in his life."

"Mum!" Sean was rushing in the room, trying to cover his mother’s mouth.

I smiled. "Don't worry; I'll give him all the influence he needs. Thank you, again." I rushed out before she could stop me.

She laughed and pulled me into a hug. "I can already tell that I'm going to like you, Mitchie."

"You, too, Paula."

And I could already tell me and Sean was going to be best of friends.


I'm rubbish at describing dresses and Wattpad won't let me put the link since it isn't Photobucket or whatever but here it is; http://media.onsugar.com/files/2010/12/49/1/357/3576731/ef6abe9d78057ee3_red_and_black_prom_dress.jpg#black%20prom%20dress - :) I love this dress, I found it randomly on this website and I thought of Mitchie when I saw it.. If you think you have a better dress then put the link or something but ..yeah :)

I hope you liked the chapter! :D


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