《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twentyfour.


Chapter twenty-four.

I placed my newly bought clothes on the chair, waiting for Phoebe to bring us food back. We had been shopping for just over four hours and so far, I think, my whole London trip would be covered. I watched as couples headed towards the cinema, groups of friends walked towards the food court and teenage boys tried to out run security on their skateboards - which was rather amusing.

"One jacket potato for the young lady." I looked up at Phoebe and smiled.

"Thanks, Phoebe. If I didn't eat now I think I would have collapsed in one of the changing rooms," I winked so she knew I was joking. We ate in silence for the most part; I was too busy eating the flaming hot potato to even make conversation with anyone. "Thanks, again, for bringing me here today."

"It's no problem, you know I like spending time with you. It makes a difference from the boys," she laughed and shook her head. "I missed this while you were in England."

"Me, too." I agreed. We lapsed into a comfortable silence while we finished our drinks off. "Where to next?" I asked as we took our trays to the cleaning bay.

She tapped her finger on her lip, thinking deeply. "We haven't visited Hot Topic, yet. And I know that you like it there." I clapped my hands together and hugged her. After making sure we had all our bags we started making our way towards Hot Topic, I people watched while Phoebe asked questions about England.

"Did you make any friends while you were there?" I nodded my head. "That's good, what were they like?" She asked, and then laughed after she realized she didn't have my attention.

"Sorry. They were nice, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You guess?" She questioned.

"Yeah, they all knew each other for years so I found it hard to fit in properly." I smiled at her before going back to looking in shop window. "I'm glad the boys are going to London as well, I will have someone to-" I was cut off by someone running into my back. My head hit off the floor and I groaned in pain.


"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I could see a black outline of a person through the haze covering my eyes. "Are you alright? I didn't look where I was going and- and, I'm sorry." I saw another head pop into my vision.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Phoebe pulled me to my feet and I slowly regained my sight. "I think you should sit down." I nodded my head and put my hand to the throbbing spot.

"Again, I'm really sorry, I didn't mea-"

"Shh. It's fine. No talking." I rubbed my head a few times before I could see straight. I looked at the person who knocked me over; it was one of the boys on the skateboard earlier. I squinted my eyes at him, he was quite good looking. His coal black hair was falling in his eyes which were an ice blue color - the color of a clear sky -, they had an odd glow to them, but it made him look beautiful.

"I'm Sean," he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Madam Awesome but I also go by Mitchie, I would say it's nice to meet you but... I've had better encounters." He chuckled and smiled, which made his whole face light up.

"My other name is also Captain Cool and, Madam Awesome, I'm-"

"Apologize again and you'll be eating my newly bought scarf." I winked and stood up. "The lady I was with, did you see where she went?" He pointed towards a chemist. I shook my head, "trust her to worry." Sean handed me my bags, "I guess I better get going..."

"Yeah, I better go find her before she rearranges the whole shop to find what she wants," I smiled at him.

He nodded his head and took a piece of paper out his pocket, "call me some time."

I took the slip of paper from him, would I call him? I waved goodbye as he grabbed his skateboard and jogged towards the exit. Sighing, I headed towards the chemist to see Phoebe holding her head with her right hand and mumbling something.


"Hey, Phoebe. What's wrong?"

She looked up at me, eyes narrowed. "Why aren't you sitting down?"

"Because I'm standing," it was out my mouth before I could stop it. "Sorry, sarcasm wasn't necessary."

She smiled, "you sure you're alright?"

"Affirmative." She shook her but took my arm and walked out the chemist.

"Do you feel like going home?" I debated in my head whether going home was good or not...

"Yeah, let's go. I'm feeling tired - it's from shopping for so long not because of my head," I told her before she had a chance to say anything. She pursed her lips before nodding her head. We walked towards the exit but she stopped me and pointed to a bench.

“Sit, I’ll be back in a second.” I was confused but did as I was told. I tapped my foot impatiently for her to come back, it felt like forever before I saw her head through the sea of customers leaving the shopping centre. “Ready to go?” She asked as soon as she was within hearing range.

I was confused but nodded my head, “Sure, let’s go.” We walked towards the parking lot. “Phoebe… We walked here.”

“I know, James is picking us up.”

I scrunched my face up in confusion. “Why?”

“Because he phoned when I was in the chemist to find out how we were getting on and I said what happened, he insisted on giving us a lift home.” She told me, smiling to herself.

“Right… You told him to, didn’t you?”

She smiled sheepishly at me, “maybe, maybe not – oh, look, there he is!” I rolled my eyes but followed her towards the car. She slid into the front as I noticed a worried looking Tony in the back. “Are you okay?”

I shot Phoebe a glare before getting in, “I’m fine, guys, stop worrying. Sean only knocked me over… slightly.”

“'Sean'?” Tony asked, his eyes narrowed.

I patted his arm, “don’t worry, he’s no competition.”

James and Phoebe snorted from the front but didn’t say anything. “Hmm. Okay,” he looked out the window and didn’t say anymore after that. I frowned; I’d rather he was worrying about my health than ignoring me over a boy.

After a silent car journey back to the Johnsons, I decided I wouldn’t go into theirs; Tony obviously was annoyed with me. I climbed out the car and said bye.

“Mitchie, wait.” I smiled before turning round, with a straight face, to look at Tony. “Yes?”

“You dropped-“ he looked at the piece of paper. “'Captain Cool also known as Sean'’s number.” He silently handed it to me before getting out the car and walking into the house, slamming the door behind him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to him, dear.” I looked at Phoebe and gave her a small smile before walking to my front door and going up to my room. Great, I had Tony annoyed at me, James barely speaking to me, no idea what was going on with Zac and a new boy in my life, could things get any worse?


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