《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twentythree.


Chapter twenty-three.

I pulled the cover further over my head as someone knocked on my bedroom door, "go away!" Whichever brother it was, they were seriously going to get hurt. I grumbled and rolled over to see the clock; it was just gone nine. Seriously? I was going to murder whoever was at the door.

"Can I come in, sweetie?" My eyes shot open, why was Phoebe at my door?

"Err, yeah, sure." I sat up straight and watched as my next door neighbor walked in my bedroom. "Not to sound rude but why are you here at nine on a weekend morning?"

She smiled before taking a seat at my desk chair. "We, dear, are going shopping. You want to look lovely for London, don't you? And since you seem to hang around with my boys rather than girls, I thought I could take you and, besides, we haven't hung out a lot since you got back."

I smiled widely, Phoebe and I always use to hang around together, talking, shopping or going for lunch but we haven't done much of that lately due to the fact that I hang around with the boys rather than their mother. Which, now that I think about it, is weird - but in a good way. I loved Phoebe for being my mother figure for the past years. "Let me just get dressed and we can go," I told her as I threw the cover back and walked towards my bathroom.

"Do you think I could take Tony's top back or do you fancy keeping it?" I was glad my back was to her otherwise she would have seen the blush that covered my face. I was rooted to the spot and began stuttering. How do I tell her that I actually wanted to keep her son's top? "I was just joking, dear, it's a shame I couldn't see your face." My shoulders relaxed but I turned to scowl at her laughing face. "Oh, darling, I'm sure it suits you better than it does him," she winked and stood up. "I'll be going back, knock when you’re done." She flashed me her smile, the smile that clearly won Rick's heart all them years ago.


"Oh," she stopped at the door. "I think you should wear his top, just to show off how good it looks on you." If my cheeks weren't red before, they sure were now. I nodded my head as she laughed again. I heard her walk down stairs and out the door, shutting it softly behind her - well, softly compared to how the boys shut it.

I took her advice and wore Tony's top, black leggings and long Converse - purple, my favorite ones. I curled my hair slightly, letting it fall down my back and my freshly cut 'emo' fringe was balanced on my forehead, I smiled at my appearance and quickly put a bit of eyeliner and mascara on before skipping down the steps and out the door. I made my way over to the Johnsons household and waited outside for someone to open the door - which made me think; why was I waiting? They always barge into my house. I opened the door and walked in, calling Phoebe's name, I would be surprised if she heard me over the loud music coming from the garden. I didn't go outside to know that all the boys were probably out there; I peeked my head round the corner and saw everyone but Phoebe was out there. I pursed my lips, now what? I didn't exactly want to go upstairs and walk into her bedroom to see if she's there.

After a few moments of self debate I walked through the kitchen to the back door, of course, Phoebe was outside, she was on the swing chair - out of view from people. I stepped outside and smiled at Lance, who was sitting by the door with his iPod.

"Hey, Mitchie. Finally learning to just walk in our house?"

I laughed and nodded. "You know it, buddy. You all do it to me, now it's my turn." He smiled and pointed to Phoebe, who was reading a magazine. "She's been waiting for you. Nice top by the way, suits you. Rather big on you though."


I winked, "it's not mine." I carried on walking, making sure to take the route that was right in front of a day-dreaming Tony.

Heading towards Phoebe I heard Robbie say something, "I swear that's your top, Tony?" My back was to them so I smiled; Phoebe looked up and smiled at me.

"I knew you would take my advice, come on, let's get going before it gets packed."

"Hey, wait, Mitchie." I turned to look at Tony, he was smirking. "I see my top, am I ever going to get it back?"

I shook my head, "never leave anything at mine, or I'll claim it."

"You stayed round Mitchie's house, Tony?" I hadn't noticed Rick sit down next to Robbie. His eyebrow was raised as he looked between us.

"Yeah, I thought you knew." Tony said, his smirk slowly dropping.

"I knew nothing. I hope you two were safe."

The Johnson boys burst out laughing, all but Tony. Even Phoebe snickered. My cheeks burned, "oh my God, Rick! We didn't do anything."

"Now, now. I was young once as well, no need to be embarrassed." My eyes widened, oh God, please, someone stop him from finishing his speech."I understand the urges you two might have due to your age an-"

I cut him off by running to Phoebe, "dear God, woman, get me out of here." That caused everyone to laugh again, she patted my shoulder.

"Come on, let's go. Rick stop embarrassing the poor girl. If her and Tony done anything I doubt they would tell an old man like you," she winked at him as me and Tony dropped our heads. I quickly ran out the garden that was embarrassing, how could they do that?

I was standing in the kitchen for a few minutes before I heard the door open, I didn't turn but I said: "finally, I thought you didn't want to get there after it got packed."

I heard a deep laugh, "I didn't know we were going shopping."

My shoulders tensed as I turned to see Tony. "Not funny, Johnson, that was embarrassing out there!" He stepped forward so I stepped back, "nu-uh, no contact. Rick might think we are up to things in here."

His lips quivered as he tried not to laugh, he shook his head and quickly wrapped me in a hug before I had a chance to escape. "I'm sorry about my dad; you know what he's like. But me and my brothers all know nothing happened," he rested his head on mine. "Just ignore him and any remarks from my brothers."

I sighed and finally put my arms around him, "fine. Any more remarks and I'm going home."

He nodded his head, "wouldn't expect you to stay. I'll take all the hits for you."

"Thank you," I breathed.

"Now, about my top?"

I raised my head and smiled. "It's mine."

"Really? Now, when did I agree to this?" I went onto my tip toes so I was level with him.

"Since I could do this," I pressed my lips to his.

"Oh God, my eyes!" I pulled away from Tony to see Lance standing there, hands over his eyes. He tried to run out the kitchen but he walked straight into the door. I burst out laughing and helped him up.

"We'll keep it PG for you." I winked as he scowled, rubbing his head.

"Aw, can't it be PG-13?" Tony whined, I shot him a smiled before looking at Lance.

"Are you okay, sweetie?"

"I guess," he grumbled. "Keep it decent and it won't happen again." I giggled before hugging him.

I guess I would rather spend the day with the boys, joking about than going to buy new clothes.


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