《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twentytwo.


Chapter twenty-two

It wasn't until the rain started to fall heavier that I realized I was still sitting outside, leaning against dirty wall thinking about how I was messing with the boy’s heads. I touched my pocket then remembered I left my phone at the Johnsons household; I banged my head against the wall and cried out. Why were things going wrong? Why did James have to do that - I thought he liked Nora? The tears were falling faster; I was going to hurt one of them, either way. I stood up and placed my head against the wall and began hitting it.

"Hey! I'm sure the walls never done anything to you," I didn't turn but I recognized Nora's voice. "Mitchie? Oh my God, Mitchie, why are you outside in this weather?" I didn't answer, I heard a door slam shut then I felt an arm around my shoulders. "Mitchie, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"I'm going to hurt them, Nora, I can't help it-" Tears began to mix with rain and my sobs mixed with the wind.

Nora tugged my arm. "Let’s get you home. Come on, my car is just there." I let her pull me along, put me in the car and drive me home - my second home. As soon as I saw the house my breathing became ragged and my tears were now just pouring out my eyes.

"I was coming over because they said they invited Zac and you were here so I thought I'd keep you company. Let's go inside," she took the keys out and pocketed them. She walked round to my side of the car and helped me out, I was too tired to protest - crying tended to drain me.

Nora knocked on the door. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

I shook my head. "I'll tell you later, thanks for getting me, I think I would have stayed there all night if you hadn't got me."

She hugged me. "No need to thank me, that's what best friends are for." The smile she flashed before the door open made me feel better, I was glad I could count Nora as a best friend.


"Oh my God, it's alright! Nora's got her." I lifted my head to see Trent running a hand through his hair, sighing.

"Where the hell were you?" Robbie said, rounding the corner and looking at me. Nora stood in front of me, in her way of hoping to protect me from the boys.

"Guys, can't you see she's upset, don't yell at her, okay?" Trent held the door open wider for us to walk in, personally, I didn't, I wanted to go home and snuggle in bed but Nora had other ideas for me.

"Mitchie, are you alright?" I didn't look at Tony nor did I acknowledge his question. Nora tugged me into the front room and sat me on the sofa, besides Billy, Lance and Kurtis, every brother was in the room and Zac. I pulled my legs up and put my head on my knees, watching the room, I didn't feel like talking or having fun - I felt like shit.

"Let’s do something," Robbie said, plunking on the floor next to me. He smiled at me before looking at the others. "What do you want to do children?"

Zac scoffed, "Children? You're one year older than us and then Trent's older than you."

Robbie shrugged, "So? Trent will be leaving in a second, watch." Everyone took a sneaky glance at Trent, "three, two, one."

Trent stood up from his seat on the sofa, "I'm out, see you guys later. Don't break anything, I would say Robbie you're in charge but you’re not... Mitchie make sure they don't break anything."

I looked up at him from staring at the floor, "sure."

After Trent left Robbie and Tony got music going, James got an empty bottle since Nora decided we should play spin the bottle. "Come on, one game." I shook my head, again. Robbie was trying to get me to join in but I kept saying no, spin the bottle - in my case - ended in people kissing and I didn't want to kiss any more of the Johnson boys. "Pretty please, for me?" The no I was about to say faltered, Robbie had been nice to me lately. "Ah! I've got you, if you do this for me, you can put make up on me, just one more time."


I bit my lip and looked at him, "promise?"

He grinned and nodded, "as long as I don't have to wear it to school."

I smiled, I wasn't going to make him wear it to school, no, I was going to make him wear it when we go out in London. He picked me up and walked me towards the little circle. "Look who's joining in, guys." Everyone looked up at me in Robbie's arms, their gaze followed as he put me on the floor next to Nora.

I sighed, "Let’s play then."

And that's how we spent the next two hours, playing spin the bottle like the little kids we truely was. We all done stupid dares and now we were onto the part of spin the bottle I wasn't looking forward to, kissing.

I was laying on my back listening to their argument of which brother Nora had to kiss, which was rather amusing. It had landed between James and Zac, now they had to decide which one she was going to kiss - and since Nora liked James, she found it harder to choose because she didn't want to appear too eager. Tears stung the back of my eyes, Nora liked James and I kissed him.

"What do you think, Mitchie?" I looked at Zac, who was smiling at me.

"Nora, kiss whoever you want. Or both, just to make them happy." Both boys looked at each other then Nora, who shrugged.

"Okay, whatever."

The door bell rung and I got up to get it, "it's probably the pizza, I'll pay." I grabbed my purse of the counter and took out thirty; the amount we ordered probably would come to that.

"You're kidding me." I smiled at Josh, who was pursing his lips at me. "You live here, Mitchie?"

"No, this is the boy’s house."

He handed me the pizza, "that's 27." I handed him the money and we stood in silence after that.

"Do you... want to come in?"

"I don't want to be intruding..."

I shrugged, "Whatever, are you still friends with Zac?" I couldn't remember if Zac mentioned not talking to Josh or not.

"Sort of, we haven't spoken in a while."

"Oh, okay. Well, thanks for the pizza..."

He nodded his head, "see you around, Mitchie."

"I never knew that Josh was a pizza delivery person," I said as I entered the room, balancing four boxes of pizza on my arm while putting my change away. I looked up to see Nora kissing James, it felt like I was watching something private so I walked to the other side of the room and put the boxes down.

"The only person that hasn't spun it yet is Robbie," Tony said. I went back to my original place on the floor, lying on my back.

"Oh the joy," Robbie said sarcastically. He didn't like spin the bottle any more than I did. I heard the bottle moving around on the floor, I didn't bother lifting my head.

"Err; guess I have to kiss you, Mitchie." My head shot up, I nearly groaned, I was going to kiss another brother? My head thumped against the floor as I dropped it back down, I closed my eyes, squeezing them tightly together before opening them and seeing Robbie leaning over me. His eyes staring into mine. I felt like no one was looking at us as Robbie lightly pressed his lips to mine before pulling away, he didn't move his head but he whispered in my ear. "Don't worry; just make them think I've kissed you." I smiled at him before whispering 'thank you'.

At least I won't have kissing a third Johnson boy on my mind.


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