《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter twenty


Hey guys, it feels like forever since I updated :)

Chapter twenty

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and hopped into the shower with a flow blown smile on my face. Half the night me and Tony spent watching films and talking, it was fun. I decided to put on Tony's top from last night, since he was downstairs making breakfast. I made sure the top was long enough before I began skipping downstairs; the smell of bacon hot in the air. It seemed so cliché that he was making bacon after he slept over a girl’s house...

I stepped into the kitchen unnoticed, I wrapped my arms around his waist and waited for him to turn around. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

"Good morning sunshine!" I sang happily.

He turned his head and raised his eyebrow. "My little ray of sunshine happy?"

"Yup!" I squeezed him before sitting on the counter. "Plans for today?" I asked him while fiddling with the knives and forks.

He tapped his finger against his chin, "I don't know, hang out with my brothers." Even though he winked to show he was joking, I actually felt like hanging out with the Johnsons today.

"Sure," I grinned.

"I was being sarcastic." He told me.

"Oh, I know, never use sarcasm around me, I might take you up on your non-exist offer." His laugh filled the room, I watched as he shook his head still smiling.

"Okay, let’s spend the day with my family. The fun!" I giggled and told him to hurry up with the food.

"My mum told me we have a letter from school," Tony told me once he came back over after getting changed into new clothes. "There's an upcoming trip," he flashed me a smile. "By the way, my mum thought it was weird I came home without a top. I think she might want it back, you know."


My cheeks burned but I didn't acknowledge it, "but I like this top. It suits me, don't you think?" I twirled around so he could look at me, when I faced him again his eyes were full of an emotion I couldn't recognize properly.

"It definitely suits you," was all he said before he picked me up and kissed me.

Half an hour later there was a loud knock at the door, I rolled off the sofa and went to answer it.

After mine and Tony's little kissing session, we decided to watch SpongeBob, let me tell you, that show is amazing!

I didn't bother to look out the keyhole I just threw open the door and sang my hello. "Someone is in a good mood," James said, his eyebrow raised and his arms crossed.

"Of course! It's a beautiful sunny day!" I spun on my heel and I heard the boys follow me inside.

"I wondered where you were last night," James said to an upside down Tony.

I hit his leg. "Feet off the wall, I'm not saying it again." I laughed despite my angry face, telling someone to get their feet off the wall just sounded weird.

"Yeah, I stayed the night." Tony flashed his brothers a grin and I blushed, the thoughts that were obviously running through the boys head wasn't good.

"We didn't do anything," I blurted out.

Tony pouted at me, "way to ruin my fun."

I scowled at him before returning my attention to James. "Why are you here?" I asked him, in a voice that wasn't so rude, I hoped.

"Mum told us to get you to hurry up, we're all going out for something to eat," he pulled his lips to the side, something he done when he was assessing a scene in front of him. "You plan on wearing my brother’s top?" I felt my cheeks set alight; of course, I had to be wearing a top that barely covered my legs in front of most of the Johnson boys.


"I wouldn't mind if she did," Kurtis said with a wink, I flipped him off before walking upstairs to get changed. Perverted boy.

I pulled on my cropped leggings, fishnet tights and my favorite band hoodie - and my trusty Converse, of course. I brushed my hair, getting all knots out before putting my make up on.

"Hurry up, we want food." I heard Robbie whine on the other side of my door.

"You can come in if you want," I told him while applying the last coat of eyeliner. Robbie walked into my room and sat on my bed, I suddenly had an idea; I've always wanted to put make up on a Johnson boy...

"Robbie..." I began, flashing him a hundred watt smile.

"Oh no, I knew I shouldn't have come in..." he stood up and tried to make his way to the door but I got there before him. "Great," he moaned. "What do you want, Mitchie?"

"Can I put a tinsie winsie bit of make up on you?" His eyes widened, as he shook his head no, fast. "Please, you love me!" I grinned as his will slowly faded away. He edged towards the bed and sat down. He grumbled something I didn't understand but he's letting me do his makeup, who cares?

Once I was finished with him he had foundation on, mascara and soft eyeliner on to make his eyes stand out. I tried to put lip gloss on him but he drew the line there."Come on, let’s go downstairs!" I grabbed his hand and begun pulling him towards the door.

"What the hell! I'm not going downstairs looking like this, let me take this off," he whined.

I patted his shoulder. "Sorry, dude, I ran out of makeup wipes." I didn't look at him because I knew he would be able to tell if I was lying.

When got half way down the stairs when I heard the boy’s conversation; they were asking Tony about me. I skipped into the room, none of them noticed me, they carried on talking as thought I wasn't there.

"Do you like her, man?" Trent asked Tony, he nodded.

"Does she like you?" Kurtis asked a smile on his face.

Tony shrugged his shoulder slightly before I interrupted, "If you want to know, you could ask me." I startled the gossiping boys, which was kind of funny considering how big they were...

"Where's Rob, we sent him up to get you." James said, his eyebrows rose just as he finished his sentence. "Dude, what did she do to you?"

Robbie said a few profanities before running into my bathroom and swearing some more.

I couldn't control my laugher, "He said he wanted to wear some make up!" I shouted in between laughs.

Robbie came in a few minutes later and pinned me down, "Take it back, I didn't ask you to put this on me!" His face wasn't as threatening as he probably hoped, since amusement was clear in his eyes.

"Okay, okay!" I gave in once his hands started tickling my sides. "I'll even help you get it off!"

He grinned and helped me stand up, "come on, sunshine, let’s get this off me." But not before the boys all managed to get a picture of him, I laughed, today was going to be good.


Hope you liked it, AJay.

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