《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter eighteen.


Chapter eighteen.

I pulled out my tenth top of the night and chucked it into the 'no' pile that was slowly growing on one side of my bed.

"If you told me the occasion I could help out more," Nora said, throwing a crumpled skirt that hit her on the head to the side.

I looked over my shoulder at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you and it's a date."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, Nora had nearly tackled me to the floor. "With who?!"

I held back the sarcastic comment that popped to mind. "Tony."

She gasped then squeezed me. "Really? Oh, where's he taking you? Bet he has something good planned, you have to phone me with the details as soon as you get back - if you get back," she winked at me and I hit her on the arm with a gladiator sandal I had in my hand.

"No dirty remarks, it's just going to be us two going out doing..." I didn't finish because I didn't know what we were actually doing tonight. Tony didn't seem that romantic when it came to girls, he normally doesn't need to impress - which makes me wonder why he is going for me, he has to get all flustered and embarrassed to ask me out on a date when before he only had to tell the girl to get in his car and go back to his bedroom.

I blinked a few times when I realized Nora was clicking her fingers in front of my face. "Whoa, sorry. I spaced for a second."

She looked at me like it was obvious, it probably was. "I said, someone is at the door, want me to get it?" I nodded my head as she exited my room. I wonder who would be here now?

I carried on going through my pile of clothes until I heard my bedroom door open. "Tess is here."

I looked up at my red-headed friend who had a giant shopping bag on her arm. "What's in the bag?" I stood up and dusted off my dust-free knees.

"Oh, a little birdie told me about your date tonight so I thought this would look perfect on you," she flashed me a pearly white smile.

It was only at that moment I realized I had barely hung around with Tess, only the odd conversation in class or at the lunch table.

"Really? And who's the little birdie?" I raised my eyebrow and took the bag she had in her out stretched hand. Inside was a beautiful red dress, it looked like it would go to mid thigh and show off my shoulders and neck. I smiled and took it out, underneath was a black leather jacket and ankle boots. The dress was sexy and the jacket and boots would make it look more dangerous sexy. I thanked Tess and walked into the bathroom to try it on, "so, about the little birdie?"


I heard Nora's giggle on the other side of the door. "She's gone red!"

I quickly pulled on the outfit so I could go out and look at my red-headed, red faced friend. "Aww, she looks so adorable when she blushes," I cooed when I opened the door.

Nora stopped laughing and Tess looked at me, a bright smile on her face. "I knew I was right, you looking amazing, Mitchie." I turned around to face my mirror, I gasped as I realized the dress made me actually look good. I bit my lip as my faced turned pink; the two girls behind me grabbed my arms and forced me into a chair.

"Hair and make-up time," they both said. I stifled the groan that begged to escape my lips, I didn't want to be made over by these two, they seemed too different for their individual looks to work out.

Twenty minutes later my hair was straightened down my back and my make-up was smoky, the black and grey eye shadow made my eyes pop. My lips were stained a light pink color and my cheeks were a little rosy from the blusher Tess decided to use.

"Thank you, girls." I smiled at them through the mirror; both of them were stood behind me; grinning widely. I laughed but stopped short when I heard the doorbell ring, I froze and only started moving when Nora dragged me down the stairs with Tess in front to open the door.

"Good evening, fine sir. How are you?" Tess greeted, a British accent playing in her voice, I smiled; it reminded me of being in England.

"Now, stay here and when I say I'll call you down, come down the last few steps so he can get a good look at you." I obeyed Nora only because the smile on her face made her look so cute that I wanted to please her.

"I am fine, fair lady. How is thee?" I nearly giggled at Tony's voice; he was talking posh to Tess who was standing there a little star-struck. If I wasn't watching them I wouldn't have noticed Nora had to nudge Tess and whisper something under her breath. "Why are thou at young Mitchie's door?" Nora said, carrying on with the charade.

"I was hoping to take the young mistress out to dinner, if that is allowed," I stepped closer to the wall to see Tony. His smile was that dazzlingly I nearly forgot I was supposed to stay on the stairs and go running down to him. "I will call thee down, one second," I heard Nora shuffling then she appeared at the foot of the stairs. "Mitchie, there is a fine young gentleman at the door for you, will you accept his offer of a date?" I nearly laughed as she pretended to call me down from my room.


"I shall accept thee date, it's the least I could do for the fine young man." I smirked as I walked the rest of the way down the stairs and looked at Tony. His eyes went wide; his smile dropped from his face and was replaced with a hanging open mouth.

"You'll catch flies if you're not careful," Tess whispered to Tony; who quickly straightened up and snapped his mouth shut.

He looked at Tess before gesturing outside. "He's waiting for you."

Them four words sent her running out the door towards a waiting Robbie. I raised an eyebrow at Nora, who was watching the scene as well.

"She has a date with him tonight, they've been going out for a little while now," Nora grumbled. I was shocked, Tony was nodding.

"Did anyone actually know about that?" Both of them shook their heads, I pulled my lips to the side, how could they not tell us?

"Are you ready to go?" Tony asked me, I nearly jumped at how close he was.

I nodded my head then looked at Nora. "Don't mind me, I'm going next door," she said. I watched her quickly exit my house and walk across the lawn to the Johnsons residents.

"At least I don't have to worry she will be alone tonight," I said, mostly to myself.

I felt an arm snake around my waist. "Now, are we going to go on our little date or are we going to stand in your doorway all night? Personally, I don't mind staying here but if you want to find out what I had planned..." He trailed off, looking into the distance. I followed his gaze and spotted a motorbike sitting in my driveway. I grinned and pulled him out the door, making sure I locked it behind me.

"I prefer if we went out." He laughed at my excited face; he chucked me a helmet and got on. I was glad I put shorts on under this dress.

He revved the engine. "I forgot to say." I looked up at him as I fiddled with the helmet. "You look amazing," he pecked my lips and pulled his helmet on. My cheeks burned as I put mine on, too. I would have to thank Tess again for this outfit.

Twenty minutes later Tony was parking the bike and we was climbing off, he told me to shut my eyes around about half way through the ride, I obeyed since he said it would ruin the surprise.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked for the hundredth time. I felt the helmet being lifted off my head but he told me I couldn't open them yet.

"Mind if I carry you?" I raised my eyebrow but nodded. "Good, because I was going to anyway." I could imagine him smirking at that moment. He carried me bridal-style for a while before I felt like we were sinking - somehow.

"Err, Tony, are we sinking by any chance?"

He snorted but quickly covered it with a cough. "No, we're not sinking, Mitchie. Hold on one second then you can open your eyes,"

"One." I whispered under my breath, he must have heard because he laughed. He placed me down and I felt like I was, again, sinking.

"Open your eyes," he breathed into my ear. I shivered but opened my eyes anyway. Before me was a sunset, I gasped as I realized all the pinks, oranges and yellows molding together, making the sun look beautiful on the horizon. "I thought this would be good for starters." He rested his head on my shoulder and his arms were around my waist.

My eyes wandered away from the sea and sunset to the little picnic just a short distance away from us. "I got Robbie to come and start a fire for us before he went out, he happily agreed to." He was grinning his boyish smile that I had begun to love. I walked over and sat down on the log carved into a seat, there was a picnic basket with plates on top and a multi-colored beach towel laid out for both of us to lie on. I bit my lip as he passed me some food.

"You know, I wouldn't have pinned you as the romantic type," I told him honestly.

"Honestly, Mitchie, I didn't think I would be on a date with a beautiful girl," he looked away, towards the sea. He didn't think he would be on a date with a beautiful girl? Has he seen himself? He could probably get one of the hottest models in the world with his looks. He must of saw my scowl because he quickly sat next to me and put an arm around me, "I would have thought that was a compliment?"

I sighed, "Tony, it is a compliment but you can have any beautiful girl you want, you've certainly got the looks for it so why did you choose me to take out on a date?"

A quick snort escaped his lips before he shook his head, "Mitchie, a girl can be called hot by a boy but being beautiful to one is far more special. Being called beautiful by a guy is a rare and special comment, trust me. The girls I saw were 'hot'" he made quotations around the word hot, "but they didn't hold any beauty like you do."

My eyes watered slightly, "so, you think I'm beautiful?"

"The most beautiful girl in the world." He whispered as he kissed my lips.


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