《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Survivng the Johnsons. Chapter sixteen.


Chapter sixteen

Josh tugged on my side. "Are you alright?"

I stared at him before shaking my head quickly, "No, Josh, I'm not alright."

With that I stormed off, towards home - I nearly scoffed, home? That wasn't home. I heard shouting coming from the house next door, surely he didn't tell them straight away? I carried on walking up the gravel walk towards my front door, once I was inside I heard a phone ringing; this confused me, who would be ringing here?

"Hello?" I said once I found the phone under the kitchen table, the last time it must have been used was before my dad and his second family left.

"Hello, Mitchie?" I nearly groaned at my dad's voice, what did he want?

"Yes, dad?" I replied sweetly, unless something has gone wrong, he has no reason to call here.

"Oh, darling, how have you been? The Johnsons been looking after you?"

"Better than you," I mumbled under breathe but quickly spoke to make sure he didn't hear that; "I'm fine, dad and yes, they have been looking after me. Do you know when you're coming home?"

"That's good and I'm sorry, darling, I don't know yet. Daisy and the kids send their love, must dash, I'll talk to you soon?" I nodded my head as a silent tear made its way down my cheek.

"Sure dad. By the way, can I use the 'in case of emergency' card? I need to pay for something."

"Okay, pumpkin, use whatever amount you need, love you." I heard the phone click.

"Bye dad," I said to the dead line, no matter how much I resented my dad for leaving me to be with his second family, he was still my father and I loved him. I was still - deep down - his little girl who wanted to be loved by her father.


I was sitting in front of the TV, ice-cream on my lap, watching a film when there was a knock at the front door. I wiped away a few stray tears and went to the door; I could see the outline of three people.

"Hey," I said unenthusiastically. Tony, James and Robbie stood with their arms crossed over their chests; this wasn't going to be good.

"Can we talk?" I nodded at James request and opened the door wider for them to come in. As two of the boys made their way into the living room, Tony grabbed my arm, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head but walked away, I didn't want anyone to know that I cried over my father. They would understand but I put too much of a front saying I didn't care or miss him. I sat crossed leg on the one seater; I didn't feel like sitting near any of the boys at the moment, I just felt like breaking down in tears. Things had finally started catching up with me, my father and second family leaving, Tony kissing me, Zac saying he liked me, not spending time with James, Lance being mad at me after only just talking to me again. I hadn't realized I was crying until I was in James arms and he was telling me things were going to be okay.

"What's wrong, Mitch?" I shook my head; I didn't want to say it. I could see the boys looking at each other, I took a deep breath.

"Why did you guys come over, anyway?" I asked, trying to force the tears to stop.

"Do you know why Lance is so upset?" That one question had me crying even more, "Mitchie?"

I shook my head, I couldn't tell them, Lance has to do that on his own. "I-I can't say. I'm s-sorry."


James nodded his head, "its okay. When he's ready, I'm sure he'll tell us." I leant against him, sniffling every few seconds.

"I better get going," Robbie stood up, "I have homework to get done. Bye, Mitchie, hope you're okay."

He waved before walking out the door, giving the twins a meaningful look that I didn't quite understand. Tony sat down on the other side of me; he took my hand while James squeezed my shoulders.

"What's wrong?" I sniffed; I might as well tell them.

"My dad phoned." Them little three words caused a group hug, it made me smile but then choke, they were strong. "Guys, hate to break this off but I can't breathe." They both smiled at me before letting go.

"What did he say?" I ran through the conversation I had with my dad and told them how it made me feel, once they asked.

"So, he doesn't know when they will be back?" His fists were clenched slightly but they smoothed out once I touched them, I hated when he got angry at my dad for not caring.

"No, he doesn't know. He will probably stay longer even though if he told me a date, I think he just forgets about me sometimes."

Neither boys said anything after, they just sat there, letting me crying and every so often they would squeeze me as if to assure they are still there for me.

I woke up leaning against Tony; he was also asleep next to me. I sighed and snuggled closer to his side, "you know, I could have sworn this has happened already."

I looked up at Tony, his eyes were still closed but he was smiling, I nudged his side and his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." I smiled and put my head on his chest.

"What happened to James?"

"Mum called him home, needed help with something. He was reluctant but went; he didn't want to get in trouble." I nodded and stayed quiet, it was peaceful. Tony shifted next to me, he moved so we were facing each other.

"Do you miss him?" I nodded my head and sighed. "I'm sure he will soon realize what a mistake he's made, he'll be back soon," his smile was so cute I couldn't help but smile back. "Listen, Mitchie, about the day you came back..." I blushed as I remembered but nodded for him to continue. "I wasn't lying when I said I missed you and, well, I don't really know how to say this but... do you want to, maybe, go out with me? Not be boyfriend and girlfriend, well, not yet anyway." His boyish grin made him look so hot that I couldn't refuse. I mean, what do I say? If I say yes, what about Zac? If I say no, I could miss out on the chance to get to know the other Johnson twin even more...

"I mean, you don't have to say yes, you can say no if you want," his cheeks turned pink. I made him blush! "Because, you might not... like me like that, but it's okay whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes and leant forward and kissed him softly on the lips, "I'll take that as a..."

I breathed out, "yes."


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