《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter fourteen.


Chapter fourteen.

I pried my eyes open when I felt something tug around my waist. "Well, this is a nice sight to wake up to." I looked at the bed-headed boy next to me.

"Tony? Am I missing something, because when I was awake last, you, James and Zac wasn't going to sleep on my floor?" I looked down at his arms wrapped around my waist; I blushed and quickly looked away.

He chuckled and let go, I instantly felt the loneliness without him touching me.

"We we're all playing CoD, you was getting tired; Trent went home and Robbie took Nora home. We carried on playing because we couldn't be bothered to unplug the Xbox, eventually you fell asleep and we got too tired to move. Hence, why we were asleep on your floor." He grinned down at me. "It was a good sleep if I do say so myself."

"Wake up the sleeping beauty's on the floor, we have to get ready." I pushed myself off Tony and walked towards my closet. I took out my leggings, a tank top, a long, off the shoulder top with Pac Man on the front and a pair of my favorite boxing boots. I walked into my bathroom, took all of yesterday's clothes off and stepped into the warm shower. I closed my eyes and thought of yesterday, me and Tony had fun, yeah, it might have been childish fun, but fun all the same.

Thinking of Tony made me think of his brother James, me and him haven't spoken much since I've gotten back, I must remember to ask him to go out and do something. I didn't feel like going to school today, but I knew I had to. I thought of the three boys in the other room, James, Tony and Zac...

Zac, that kiss, what did it even mean? I barely got to speak to him about it since everyone turned up at my house the other day.

There was a sudden bang at my door. "Hurry up will you! You wanted to get there on time, you've been in that bathroom for half an hour." I narrowed my eyes at the sound of James voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, keep your hair on," I mumbled and stepped out the shower. I looked around the bathroom for my clothes... I didn't grab underwear. Maybe they weren't in my room anymore; I tiptoed over and listened closely.

"So, what did you two most of the day?" I heard James ask, his voice sounding rather harsh.

"We ended up having a water fight, it was kind of funny," Tony replied, his voice had hints of confusion. Probably from his brothers harsh voice.

"It sounds fun," I heard Zac say, laughing quietly. "God, she takes her time," I could imagine him tapping an imaginary watch.

"She will be another ten minutes probably." I narrowed my eyes at the door, stupid James thinking I would take that long after they so rudely knocked on my bathroom door while I'm having a shower.

I was about to walk away, might as well brush my teeth while I'm in here, when I heard James start to speak, "so, Zac, you still like her?"

I sucked in a sharp breath and waited for his reply. Say he said he did, did I like him back? Did I like Tony? Do I even like anyone? Everything was confusing since I got back, I sighed.

"I think I do, it's hard to tell, sometimes she seems like she loves your company then the next she doesn't." I heard him sigh. "Yeah, no matter what she does, the answer always comes back the same, I like her."


There was a slap sound, my eyes widened, I forgot about only having a towel around me as I threw open the door. I saw James just pulling away from Zac, my cheeks flamed once I realized they only done the guy hug thing.

"Well. Someone clearly isn't ready," Tony smirked. My cheeks heated up even more, if possible. Why did I have to be so stupid and think one of them hit him?!

"I, err, forgot my, erm, yeah. Excuse me," I dashed to my dresser, pulled out my black underwear, I was very aware that all three boys were looking at me. "Guys," I snapped, "stop staring me."

Zac held his hands up, "sorry, but it's hard not to look." They laughed, and bumped fists.

I avoided looking at them as I walked into the bathroom, stupid perverted boys. I pulled on my underwear, clothes and shoes. I took a few deep breaths before going out the bathroom, and straight down to the kitchen. I took a cereal bar out the cupboard, a muffin off the counter and a bottle of water out the fridge.

"Don't we get breakfast?" I turned to look at the three standing figures in the doorway, oddly, they had new clothes on.

"One, no, you don't. Two, you changed, so why did you come back over here?" I picked pieces off my muffin and put it in my mouth, watching the boys. I sighed and handed each of them a muffin, chocolate chip for James, cherry for Tony and blueberry for Zac. It's so sad that I know what they would prefer to eat.

"We are taking you to school," James said with a duh look.

"Okay, that explains you two, but why did you come back here? How did you even get new clothes?"

"Lucky for me, these two are nearly my size," he grinned but then it faltered, "Didn't you want me to come back?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "of course I didn't mean it like that. Just... Come on, let's go." I walked out the kitchen towards their car, I waited patiently for them to walk along but it seemed like they were dragging their feet.

"It's rather unfair that Tony got the whole day with you," Zac said, pouting.

I giggled and poked his lip, "if the wind changes your face will get stuck like that."

He instantly smiled; I rolled my eyes but smiled back, "that's it. Keep smiling."

"I have to second Zac, Tony got the day with you and the most I've had is a ten minute conversation," James put an arm around my shoulder, I smiled up at him.

"I was going to wait till later to ask you, want to hang out sometime? Since I've gotten back we've barely spoken."

He nodded and slid into the car, I sat with Zac in the back, Tony up front driving. We listened in silence to the music coming from the radio; Teenage Dream by Katy Perry blasted through the speakers. I started to mouth the words, Zac humming along, James tapping his hands against his leg and Tony drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. I couldn't help it, I giggled at this. All three boys looked at me like I was mad - but hey, I am mad, aren't I?

"Sorry, it just looks weird the way we're all going along with the song. Sure we shouldn't just sing along as well?" As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Zac's humming got louder, James started to sing softly and Tony's taps became harder.


James turned around and looked at me, "sing." I blinked at him command, I knew he knew I could sing but I suddenly felt self conscious of this. I shook my head.

"You can sing?" Zac asked me, watching me with curiosity.

Before I could respond, James did, "she can, but she doesn't like to admit it." He looked at me, "come on, I'll sing along with you."

"But we all know you can sing, James," Tony said, grinning like an idiot.

"Yes, that's why it would help her," James said with a wink.

I huffed, "fine, can't we at least wait for a song for two people to come on?" As soon as I finished my sentence the person on the Radio announced that Airplanes by B.O.B and Hayley Williams was going to play.

"Here's our song," James said, fully turning around to look at me. I smiled, remembering when I first heard this was the first time James learned I could sing. "Ready, baby?" James asked with full blown grin.

We sung all the way to the end of the song, Tony and Zac clapped loudly once we were done. I blinked a few times, realizing I got carried away; we were in the school parking lot. No one seemed to have noticed us just sitting in the car singing along.

"Can we pretend airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now," I kept singing to myself quietly.

James smiled at me, cupping a hand around his ear, "sorry I can't hear you."

We were nearing the school building but I didn't want to sing any louder. I mumbled the words again; he told me he couldn't hear me, again.

It went on like this for a few minutes before I huffed, "you know I can sing stop telling me you can't hear me!"

"You're scared to sing out loud, well, I would be if you had to compete with me," he told me, his attitude full off cockiness.

"You know I could beat you," I poked his chest.

The two words that came out of his lips made me determined to beat him, "prove it."

Everyone in the school knew he could sing, so I wasn't surprised when people gathered around us once he started. Once he finished, people applauded, he raised his eyebrow when he noticed I wasn't singing. I gritted my teeth, what did it matter if they found out I could sing?

"Can we pretend airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, I could really use a wish right now," the words were faint, even for my own ears. I could hear a few whispers from people in crowd, probably wondering why I was going to sing against him, anyway.

"Nu-uh, no repeating songs, mine was different. Now yours," he smirked, thinking he could beat me.

I narrowed my head and thought of a song, might as well have fun with it. The song Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus popped to mind, for me it's a bit too sexual, but I can have fun with teasing him...

I began the first part of the song, his eyes widened slightly, if I wasn't watching for a reaction, I wouldn't have noticed. One thing that none of them learned about me since I got back, is that while I was away, I took more singing and dance classes - if I wanted, I could dance, Street, pop, ballet, lap and ballroom. For this moment, it's coming in handy. As I progressed through the song, I stepped closer to him, making him unnoticeably step back.

"I wanna fly, I wanna drive, I wanna go, I wanna be a part of something I don't know. And if you try to hold me back I might be explode. Baby by now you should know, I can't saved, I can't be tamed, I can't be blamed, I can't can't, I can't can't be tamed." I finished the song, standing in front of James. I smirked at him before picking up my bag and walking towards the school building, listening to the claps that broke through the crowd.

Once I reached the top of the steps, I turned back to look at James small figure. "Don't mess with me Johnsons. You will always lose!" I shouted across to him. I saw Zac and Tony laughing, patting James on the back comfortingly.

The rest of the morning past quickly, people commented on my singing, a few boys commented on my song choice, of course, I ignored them. I was sitting on the grass outside, my headphones in, listening to Framing Hanley.

"It was luck, you preformed a sexual song," James said, sitting down with a pout on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "stop complaining, I told you not to challenge me."

"What you listening to?" He asked, clearly changing the topic.

"Framing Hanley, Lollipop." I told him, unplugging my headphones, letting it play out loud.

"Someone is a bit sexual today, don't you think? Can't Be Tamed and Lollipop, have you seen their music video?" I laughed at his shocked face.

"I've grown up since you last saw me, you know." He looked confused, "while I was in England, I learnt different things, how to change my voice to match a song, how to dance to a song properly. Oh, you would love the dance to this song," I laughed and laid back, I could still feel him looking at me. "If you want to see me dance so badly, all you have to do is ask," I told him, a smirk clearly showing itself. I had my eyes shut but I knew him well enough to know he was shifting around, debating what to say next. I opened my left eye to look at him, "give me a song and I'll show you how I dance, now."

"This one," he replied almost instantly, his cheeks red. I pressed replay and stood up, I took off my Pac Man top, leaving me in my purple tank top.

"I won't sing along?" I asked more than stated.

He shook his head, "sing along, only if you want to."

I began to sing along, I swayed my hips from side to side, my arms twisting in the air, and I smiled through the song. I put my right hand out for him to take, he took it and stood up, I trailed my hand along his chest until I got to his back, I put my hands on his shoulders and carried on moving my hips. To anyone else they would think I was grinding on him when I moved back to the front of him, but I wasn't touching him, I was simply swaying my hips. I wasn't trying to be sexual; it was the way they taught me to dance for the time I was in the dance school. The song ended and I lowered my head as my hips swayed to the side for the last time.

"Well," he cleared his throat, "they, err, taught you" he kept stuttering through his sentence, I tried not to laugh at his cuteness, "they taught you well."

I heard Tony and Zac's voice from behind us, I turned to see them standing there, watching us. "Well, I would ask what's going on, but it's rather obvious," Tony stated, his lips set in a thin line.

"Yup, he wanted to see the dancing I learned in England." My cheeks turned pink. "Did you see me dancing?"

They both nodded, trying not to look at me. "Oh...Okay. Well, I better get some food." I waved as I ran towards the building, nearly knocking over Nora and Tess on the way. Even though I met Tess first, I felt more at ease with Nora. "Can I talk to you?" I asked Nora once they steadied me and began walking with me to the lunch queue. She nodded and gestured for me to lead the way to the bathrooms. Tess looked annoyed but smiled anyway. She hasn't been around much; did she expect me to tell her everything?

"I think I just lap danced for my best friend," I blurted out. Her face scrunched up in confusion, and then I realized this probably wasn't a good idea. Considering whom she liked... "James wanted to see me dance, because I learnt different types in England. Well, Lollipop by Framing Hanley was on and I only learned to dance, sort of, half lap dance to it. And now I think I just realized I grinded on him while Zac and Tony saw but I didn't know they were there!" I rushed it all out, my cheeks going redder and redder.

She still looked confused then she laughed, "Oh wow, Mitchie. I didn't think you would have it in you to do that." She bent over, still laughing.

"It's not funny," I grumbled.

"I'm sorry, but Mitchie, you didn't realize what you were doing. If you had done it before you left you would have realized what it was but because you haven't really been in contact with boys since you left you wouldn't know that American dancing has changed..." She trailed off, looking at me. "You do realize what lap dancing and grinding actually is?" Her question caught me off guard.

My cheeks must have been full on red, sure, I learnt to lap dance but I didn't actually know what it was at the time, it was a type of dance so I learnt it. I sighed and shook my head.

"You don't actually know?" I shook my head again. "Lap dancing is basically sexual dancing and grinding is what most people do at parties, girls do it to boys. I'm sure they would understand you done it mainly because you didn't know what it was." I sighed and hugged her.

"Thank you," I breathed out.

"Its fine," she laughed again. "They must have been so shocked to see their little Mitchie doing that sort of dancing and oh, yeah! You didn't tell me you could sing!" She slapped my arm, "that was an odd song for you to sing as well."

"He kept saying I couldn't do it, so I thought I might as well have had fun with it," I smiled shyly at her, she laughed and took my arm.

"Let's eat, I'm starving."

We walked out the bathroom and looked around for Tess. Sitting at the table in the far corner was Tess, Robbie, Tony, James and Zac. I sighed and carried on walking, might as well let this slid. It was for fun, just plain old fun.

I wonder if they think of me differently. What if I am different? I nearly gasped. I wasn't their little Mitchie anymore, I have actually grown up. I never thought I would change from that sweet, all too innocent little girl they all grew up with but I guess people have to change some time in their life...


Well... Hope you liked it !

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