《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter Thirteen.


Chapter Thirteen.

I tried to think of something for us to do, at least until everyone got home and I could get rid of him. "I don't know, thought I was resting?" I asked him with an eyebrow cocked.

He pursed his lips. "Let's get some proper breakfast, did you even eat anything?"

I shook my head, "c'mon then, let's get something. You're cooking though."

He shook his head but smiled, "fine, get up then."

Half an hour later I had a bacon sandwich in front of me - a burnt bacon sandwich. "Remind me again how you can burn bacon?"

"You distracted me!" He put a hand to his mouth and gasped; I giggled but picked at my sandwich anyway.

"Oh God, Tony," I spat the bacon out and took a swig of my water.

"I would love to hear that in different circumstance," he winked at me while walking to the fridge.

I threw the kitchen roll at him, "perv!"

"That's why you love me," he sang, I blushed; looking away from him. I saw him place something in front of me; I looked down to see a bowl of ice cream.

"Ice cream, seriously?" I laughed but took the spoon from his out stretched hand. I ate the whole bowl before I finally looked up at him; he was sitting on the counter looking around the kitchen. "What do you want to do now?" I asked him, tapping the spoon against the bowl.

"My mum got a new Xbox the other day, since one of the boys broke the last one. Shall I go get it? I can finally teach you to play right," he smiled and lent on his hands, which was on his pulled up knees.


I thought of all the times I had been round the Johnsons and they had tried to teach me to play CoD, it was funny at first then I kept getting annoyed that they were killing me. Even Billy could beat me, which was embarrassing...

"Sure, I don't fancy losing to Billy - again."

He smiled and stood up; I went to stand up as well but knocked my glass of water over. All of it poured onto the floor, right in Tony's path. He let out a strangled deep scream as he fell backwards, onto his back. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I forgot it was there!" I put my hand out to help him up but he pulled me down, on top of him. "Get off, get off!"

He let go off me and I stood up, brushing myself off. As he stood up I could see the glint in his eyes that he gets when he is about to do something, I put my hands up and backed away.

"What are you going to do?" I could see his t-shirt was drenched all down the back; a quick giggle escaped my lips before I had a chance to cover my mouth. "I didn't mean to laugh!"

He smirked, I watched him lean over to get his glass of water. "No, I said I was sorry Tony!" I ran as fast as I could out the kitchen towards the front room.

"No point in running, I'll get you!"

After he said that, I ran even faster. I ducked behind my sofa and waited for him to find me. I never learn, I always hid in the same places. "I know you're behind the sofa, come out and play."

I squealed as I felt cold water poured over my head, "you idiot!"


"Priceless!" He began to run away but I jumped on his back.

"You're not getting away that easily!"

Three hours later, Tony and I were soaked through. We had a water fight, using cups of water to get each other. My sofa was wet, my bedding had water patches on it and the carpets had wet spots. I was laying on the floor with a Xbox controller in my hand, trying to kill Tony.

"Die, die!" I shouted at the screen for the hundredth time. "God, Tony, why won't you die already?!"

"If you want me to go that badly, I'll leave right now," he went to stand up - still playing on the Xbox - but I grabbed his ankle and yanked him back down. I commanded him to sit and I heard a deep chuckle. We carried on like this for a while longer until we heard a sound from the front door.

"They must be home from school." I nodded in agreement but my eyes never left the screen. I could feel his presence next to me; he was lying on the floor next to me, so close he was almost touching me.

"Why is the floor wet?" I heard Trent shout from the hallway. "And the walls? What's going on?"

I heard a few deep laughs then them making their way towards the front room. I managed to shoot Tony, I shot up.

"I got you, I got you! I finally killed you." I shouted at him, pointing my finger at him. He burst out laughing and pulled me down, I fell on top of him.

"I could have sworn this has happened before?" I hit his arm.

"Well, this is something to walk in on." I turned my head and saw Trent, Robbie, James, Zac and Nora standing in the doorway.

"Someone is feeling better," Nora stated with a smirk on her face.

My face flushed as I tried to get up, Tony's grip only tightened on me. "Shouldn't I get something for letting you win?"

"Letting me win? Oh, I demand a rematch!" I rolled off him and hit play again. "You're going down!"

Everyone laughed and settled themselves in for a long night.


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