《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter Twelve.


Chapter Twelve.

I forced my eyes open once my alarm clock went off for the fourth time, I rolled out of bed and my feet hit the floor. Everything that happened last night came rushing back, I put a hand to my head, trying to shake off the head rush. The boys, them staying till late, someone walking me to bed and they said...they loved me? My eyes widened, I was fully awake now.

"Okay, are you decent because I don't fancy walking in on you changing," I heard Nora say from the other side of my bedroom door. I laughed and told her to come in, even though I was smiling, I knew it didn't reach my eyes. "What's wrong?" Her bright and cheery smile evaporated from her face. I sighed and sat down on my bed; she followed and plonked down next to me. I wanted to tell her but then she would start asking questions and the boys who stayed later last night.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about things." I told her, her face changed to understanding.

"You're thinking about the boys? I thought Tony and James started talking to you again?" I nodded my head and looked away, she was technically right... "Well, stop worrying. They are waiting downstairs; along with Robbie, Zac and Damon. We are waiting for you to hurry your little butt up," she nudged me before getting up and walking out my room; leaving me to my thoughts and closet of clothes.

Twenty minutes later I was showered, dressed in a floaty purple dress with black tights and converse and ready for school. I took a deep breath to calm myself and walked down the stairs, I could hear their mumbled conversation from here.

I turned the corner and saw Tony and James lying on the sofa with their heads hanging off the edge, Nora sitting on the one seater with her legs crossed, Robbie sprawled out on the floor and, lastly, Zac and Damon on the two seater, stretched out.


"Guys, seriously? Do you treat your furniture like this at home?" I asked them as I leant against the doorframe. They all nodded, none of them made a move to get up. "Okay, I'll see you guys at school then," I shouted to them as I walked towards the front door. I heard movement then six people appear, all squashed trying to get through the doorway. I smiled, shaking my head, while walking out the door, "you know, you lot have to stop using my place as a meeting point. Can't you all just knock for me and wait at the boy's house?" I asked them as I sat down, watching them trying to get themselves out of the little huddle they were in.

"Are you just saying you want to get rid of us?" Nora asked, as she squeezed through the gap. "That's why it's good being a skinny girl."

The boys grunted and slowly managed to get through.

"No, Nora, I'm not trying to get rid of you but why do you lot get here so early anyway? I mean, I'm never ready and all you do is take up space in my front room for half an hour," I smiled at them so what I said didn't appear as mean.

"Hmm, well, I suppose we could get there a few minutes later. You lot, tomorrow we will get to her the time we normally leave," Nora instructed them, there was mumbled agreement and then it was silent.


I lay on my bed, thinking about the day. It had been uneventful, class to class, and then lunch with Zac, Nora and the guys, more classes then home. It just felt like a routine now, everything I do seemed like it was on a schedule. I rolled over and closed my eyes; I didn't feel like going over to the Johnsons for dinner, I didn't feel like dinner all together.


I woke up to a loud thumping sound; I looked around my room and realized I fell asleep early last night. I groaned and walked downstairs, the noise was coming from the front door. I pulled it open, Nora and the boys were standing there, waiting impatiently for me.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I asked them with a sleepy yawn.

Nora raised her eyebrow. "You're kidding me. You tell us not to come round normal time but here we are at the time we normally leave and you're not even dressed!"

I blinked a few times and looked at the clock, "Oh my God! Give me five minutes," I left the door open and ran up the stairs; two at a time. I had a one minute shower, pulled a brush through my hair and put on a pair of jean shorts, tank top and converse.

"Hurry up! I don't want to be late," Nora shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm comi-" I was cut off mid-sentence as I tripped and went flying down the stairs. I let out a strangled scream as I hit the bottom.

Nora lent over me. "Oh my gosh, I said to hurry up, not fall down the stairs!"

I tried to sit up but there was a pounding in the back of my head. "You've got to be kidding me," I muttered to myself.

"Need some help up?" Zac asked from the doorway, the boys besides him trying not to laugh. I grunted and suddenly I was being picked up, I let out a whoosh of air.

I looked up at Tony. "Pick me up, not carry me."

"You might not be able to walk," he winked, and then louder he said to everyone else; "Do you think it's a good idea for her to go to school if she has a pounding in her head and can't even sit up?"

James eyes looked concerned, "you have a point, maybe you should stay here or with Phoebe. I think she's home today." Zac seconded James and Tony while Damon stood there awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes, "I'll be fine, just give me a minute. Tony put me down."

He stood me on my feet but as soon as my feet touched the floor, I fell sideways. Why did I have to tread on my shoelaces?

"It's settled, you're staying here. C'mon, I'll put you to bed," Tony smiled his dazzingling smile. He carried me bridal style up to my room, the whole time my head pounding away.

"I'm going to stay with you," Tony told me, sitting down on the bed with me.

I looked at him closely, "no, go to school. I'll be fine. Besides, you have to take them lot to school."

"No, I'm staying with you." We carried on arguing for a few more minutes before he stood up. My argument was he needed to take them to school and get his education while his was my health was more important - darn sweet boy.

"Bye Tony," I called after him as he quietly shut the door. I crossed my arms and laid back on my bed, the front door shut a few minutes later.

"See, they can get there by themselves, they are big people." I nearly screamed as Tony's voice entered my room.

"God, Tony! I thought you had gone!" I all but shouted at him.

"Sorry, I thought you knew I was coming back," he smiled sweetly and sat on my bed. "We have the day to ourselves, what do you want to do?"


Hope you enjoyed :)

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