《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter Eleven.


Chapter eleven.

I pulled my hair into a high ponytail, pulled on a pair of cropped shorts and a tank top, and skipped down the stairs. It felt weird not having anyone around lately, it felt empty. The brothers would normally come over or I would be having dinner round theirs if I felt like it but tonight I was going to spend with Zac.

Just thinking of his name made me think of the kiss, when I thought of that it made me think; why me? Out of all the girls, why me? With his looks he could probably get a quite a few girls.

I pulled popcorn out the cupboard and put it in the microwave, watching it slowly go round. I began to hum to myself, a pointless advert tune. I heard a noise from the front door; I instantly grabbed something off the side and crept towards the hallway. The door was rattling; I heard a groan then someone fall over. I straightened up and looked out the keyhole. Sure enough, three boys and one girl were on my door step trying to unlock my door...with the wrong key. I giggled quietly to myself as I pulled the door open and Nora fell in, she screamed as she hit the floor, dragging me and one of the boys behind her, with her.

I groaned as Nora used me to get herself up. "Thanks, Nora. I love being used to help people up that pushed me over," I told her sarcastically. I looked at the boy next to me, "hey Robbie, how's it going?"

Nora laughed and held her hand out for us, Robbie raised his eyebrow and pulled her back down. I giggled and stood up, brushing off imaginary dust. I looked at the doorway, Tony and James was standing there, looking like they wished they could be anywhere but here. I nudged the door more open with my foot, letting them know they could come in if they wanted to; they both stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

"You know, Mitchie, if you thought we were breaking in - by the way, guys, you gave me the wrong key! - was you planning on attacking us with that?" She pointed to the item I had grabbed off the side, it felt slightly heavy in my hand, then I squeezed it. Liquid started to pour down; I looked down and saw a puddle forming on the floor, the item in my hand was a water bottle.

I scrunched up my nose, "well, I was in the middle of making-"

"Do I smell popcorn?" Robbie said, pushing past me towards the kitchen.

"Make yourself at home Robbie, I don't mind!" I shouted after him, I heard a laugh and the microwave door open. "Why are you here, anyway?"

"If you want us to leave, we'll be glad to," James said. I looked at him and blinked a few times, getting over the harshness in his voice. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, no words forming. My best friend in the whole world was just rude.

"Ignore him; we are here to have some fun!" Nora said, glaring at James. He returned her look just as hard; I was confused at why they were here and why he was being like this.


"Well," I licked my lips, "lets watch a film, we might have popcorn but I don't bet that Robbie hasn't eaten it." I walked towards the kitchen to see Robbie sitting at the counter with the popcorn, eating it slowly.

"Robbie, don't eat it all. Go sit in the front room with them lot and put a film on." He didn't move but then I pointed towards the door and he reluctantly got up. He muttered something but I couldn't be bothered to listen, I put more popcorn in the microwave and waited for it to finish.

"Will you just be nice, at least talk to her! James, stop being so harsh to her, it's not my fault you didn't tell her," I heard Nora say as I neared the front room. Standing as still and quiet as I could, I waited for one of them to talk.

"Alright, I'll be nice. Why did you even drag us over here?" James asked his voice noticeably kinder.

"Because, you two went off after school and even I noticed that it upset her to see her best friends walking away with no explanation. Besides, you two didn't even tell her about the fight," Nora replied. The door bell rung, scaring me since I was trying to be as quiet as possible, making me nearly drop the popcorn.

I ran towards the door. "I'll get it!" I shouted, pretending to becoming from the kitchen. I swung the door open and looked at a gorgeous guy, I raised my eyebrow; wondering why he was here.

"Hey, I'm Damon. Just moved in across the road," he jerked his thumb in the direction of the once empty house. "The people, who helped my parents move in, told me that your house and the one next door had people my age, so my mum forced me to come over and introduce myself. She's probably looking out the window right now," he smiled a Hollywood, pearly white smile. He had black hair falling his eyes, his eyes were just beautiful; glacier blue with brown flecks. He was probably six foot and had the right amount of muscles; overall, he would definitely fit in at my school.

"Nice to meet you, Damon. Welcome to our boring little neighborhood. I'm Mitchie and yeah, they were right, next door has seven boys. How old are you?" I said, leaning against the door.

"I'm fifteen, going on sixteen," he told me, mimicking my position.

I smiled. "Do you want to come in? Three boys from next door and my friend, Nora, are over watching a film. You can stay for a while," I lent round him and waved to a brunette woman picking a box off the floor as she smiled and walked inside.

"Please tell me you didn't just wave to my mother," he said, grinning slightly.

"Brunette hair, very pretty?" I asked him, acting stupid.

"I'll let her know you think she's pretty," he winked and I moved so he could come in. "This is a nice place, looks oddly familiar," he joked, I laughed quietly as I quickly diverted to the kitchen.

"I've just got to get some popcorn for my friends, and then we'll go in," I smiled at him and he nodded.


"Guys, this is Damon. He has just moved in across the street, make him feel welcome," I told them as we settled into the front room. "Damon, this is Nora, James, Tony and Robbie." I pointed each of them out as I put the DVD in the machine. There was murmured 'hey's' and 'how's it going?'

There was a soft knock at the door. "Seriously, do we have another new neighbor or friends that plan on tackling you to the floor?" I said sarcastically as I rose from my comfy spot on the floor. Nora laughed and I heard Robbie snort. Mature. "Don't worry guys, I'll go get it!" I said as I exited the room, shaking my head. I looked through the keyhole and saw white-blonde hair, Zac.

"Hey," I breathed as I opened the door, he smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Okay, don't hate on me but we have five extra guests."

He narrowed his eyes. "Who are the extra guests?"

"Nora, Tony, James, Robbie and this new kid from across the road, Damon." I rushed out so fast that I didn't know if he actually heard the names.

He eyes lit up, "Damon?" I nodded and he pulled me along with him to the front room.

"Wait, I didn't shut the front door!" I called as he pulled me. "Seriously, I don't want someone to break in."

"Damon! I knew it was you as soon as I heard the name," Zac said as Damon stood up and hugged him - the man hug thing. Zac finally let go of my wrist, I sighed and walked back to close the front door. Seems like it's my new favorite place. I heard laughter and chatter as I neared the door, the boys weren't talking to me but they could talk to Zac without any problem? I sat on the chair at the dining table and listened to them talk about sports, school, the DVD that I thought was being neglected and random other things. I rested my head on the table, sighing, why did things seem so ... complicated?

"Why are you out here?" I heard a deep voice that I had grown up with, say.

"It seems to be going fine in there without me," I told them, he snorted and sat down next to me.

"Mitch, what's up?" Tony said, I raised my head and looked at him.

"You guys aren't talking to me, which is what's up. It's weird not having you guys talking to me, you're like my best friends - brothers I've never had." His face dropped when I said brothers but I tried to take no notice.

"Mitchie, we are talking to you. We were just kind of annoyed that you didn't bother telling us about you and Zac."

"I would have if there was something to tell," I told him with a raised eyebrow. "Tony, he kissed me, that's it. We aren't dating or anything..." I trailed off as I saw his face visibly relax.

"I'm sorry, for me and James. We shouldn't have done that," he propped his elbow on the table, watching me. I wanted to ask him about the fight but I had only just got him back and James as well.

I hugged him. "C'mon, let's go watch the film."

Five hours, two films, six bowls of popcorn and three tubs of ice-cream later, Robbie was taking Nora home, Damon was saying goodbye to everyone and James, Tony and Zac were now sitting on the sofa watching a football match.

"Tony, James, don't you have your own TV and Zac, why are you still here?" I told them, rubbing my eyes sleepily. None of them took their eyes off the TV. I sighed. "Just lock the door on the way out, night."

I trudged upstairs slowly, taking each step carefully. I changed into a mid thigh length top with a pair of boxers underneath. My head hit the pillow and I feel asleep instantly.

I rolled over and looked at the clock, it was just gone one. I could hear shouting downstairs, I sighed. I climbed out of my warm bed to go kick the boys out; they had stayed an hour after I fell asleep.

"Guys, get out my house," I told them as threatening as I could when I neared the front door.

Tony was lying across the three seater while Zac was on the floor with his feet on the armchair, and James was sitting on the armrest with his feet on the seat, seriously? This wasn't even their house!

"In a minute, the games almost over," Tony said, looking up from the screen, his eyes widened once he looked me over. Zac cheered as the ball went flying into the net, he raised his eyes to meet my expectant ones. He looked me up and down as he rolled onto his stomach. "Someone is looking rather nice, and do you normally sleep in that stuff?" He asked me with a wink.

I looked down at my clothes; I felt like one of the sluts from school, this is what it must be like to wear this sort of thing everyday - out in public. I blushed as I stormed out the room. "I'm sorry, I was just messing around."

The noise from the TV turned off, and I heard footsteps walking quickly out the room. "Night guys, I'm going to bed - again."

"Night," they said together, the front door clicking silently shut behind them. I yawned as I climbed the stairs, "I'll tuck you in." I didn't recognize the voice, due to my sleepy state. I just nodded and climbed into my once warm slumber.

"Good night, Mitchie," they said, kissing my forehead.

"Good night," I mumbled while closing my eyes. I was asleep but I could still hear the things around me, "I love you, Mitchie."

I love you, Mitchie? Who was it? I tried to pry my eyes open but I kept falling deeper and deeper into sleep, I wanted to see who it was! I heard soft footsteps then my bedroom door shut before the darkness fully took over.


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James, Tony, Zac, Robbie, Damon or any other person in this story? ;D

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