《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving The Johnsons. Chapter nine.


Chapter nine

I tapped my pen against the desk impatiently, watching the seconds hand tick by slowly.

A hand appeared in my vision and stopped me from tapping the pen. "For the love of God, Mitchie will you stop tapping that stupid pen," Nora said, rubbing her forehead. I grinned sheepishly at her and dropped the pen on the table. "Don't worry, even if he got here early he would wait," Nora told me.

It felt like she was always assuring me that he would come. I sighed and nodded, "sorry Nora. It's something to take my mind off the twins."

She smiled in understanding.

"Do you still like him?" I asked her. Her cheeks went pink and she smiled to herself.

"Guess I do, how about you? Still like Tony and Zac?"

I shrugged my shoulders and she didn't question further. The bell rung and I shot out my seat, making sure to grab my bag and Nora's hand. "Calm down! He will be here; can we stop at my locker?" Nora said as we dodge between people.

"Fine, but quick." She gave me an exasperated look as she opened her locker. "Sorry, Nora, I'm just eager to see him and avoid the twins at the same time," I told her honestly.

She patted my arm and took out her hoodie. "Go to your locker, put your books in and meet my by the front in a few minutes."

I nodded and walked down the hall to my locker, I placed my books in and got the ones I would need, out. I took my hoodie out and pulled it on while looking around. I saw James and Tony walking down the hall together, heading straight for me. I slammed my locker shut and nearly ran to the doors I was meeting Nora at. She wasn't there so I pushed through the doors and looked around; I peeked over my shoulder and saw Tony and James getting closer.


I didn't want to talk to them.

My eyes scanned the grounds, searching for the fiery red head or the tall, muscled, white-blonde haired boy. I saw Zac leaning against a tree near the cafeteria hall. I was standing at the bottom of the steps when I finally noticed him, I heard the double doors opening and I saw Tony and James standing there - searching for me.

I did what most people do when they want to avoid someone.

I ran.

Tony caught on to what I was doing when I was halfway to Zac, he pulled James with him and soon they were both after me.

"Zac," I called, his head snapped towards me just as I jumped into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. At first he went still, and then his arms went around my waist, supporting me.

"Hello to you to, where's Nora?" He asked after he chuckled.

I buried my head in the crook of his neck and breathed out, "I don't know. She should be here soon. Sorry for jumping on you like that."

He shivered slightly, "its okay. Why the run and jump, anyway?"

I lifted my head and saw Tony and James standing mid way between us and the school, looking around. I quickly buried my head again, "I... I don't know."

"You do know, but if you don't want to tell me its okay." He lifted my chin up, his eyes shining. I

nodded. "The twins had a fight, I broke it up and told them I wasn't talking to them, and now they are trying to find me. I don't want to talk to them."

"Oh. I wondered why they were looking around; I'm surprised they haven't noticed us. Hey, look over there. Nora looks so confused," he chuckled and began to move.


"Wait, whoa. Where are you going?" I asked him, we were getting closer to the twins and they would surely noticed Zac, and then realize it's me in his arms.

"We are going to Nora, she can't see us and I don't want to shout her name across the grounds. Why?" He stopped walking and looked at me; I stared at him and flicked my gaze to the boys behind us. It must have clicked in his head because his grip tightened and his eyes hardened. "Okay, head down. If I don't look at them, they might not recognize me." He said in a hushed voice. I squeezed my eyes shut and snuggled closer to him; I must say he is rather comfortable.

"Hey, Zac!" I tightened my muscles, I'm wrapped around someone's waist, and they must have recognized me. "Have you seen...?" Tony began, I didn't move. I knew they noticed me.

"Hey, guys. Have I seen who?" I peeked at Zac and saw he hadn't turned around; he was just looking over his shoulder.

"Mitchie. We need to talk to her," James said, his voice thick with guilt.

I sighed. "Keep moving Zac, I don't want to talk to them."

Zac nodded discreetly, "sorry, I have to go meet Nora. I'll talk to you guys later."

I thanked him as we started walking again, as we neared Nora; Zac put his finger to his lip when Nora was going to call our names. "Still avoiding them, huh?" I nodded and untangled myself from Zac. I felt cold and empty without his touch; I looked at him and saw he must have felt the same.

"C'mon, let's go get some lunch," I said, linking arms with them both. I looked over my shoulder and saw the twins staring directly at me. I shook my head once and turned around. Leading Nora and Zac to the cafeteria.

I was going to give them the silent treatment for a while.


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