《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter eight.


Chapter eight.

I rolled over and hit my alarm clock with a lot more force than I intended, it was monday morning.

Sighing, I rolled myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom, showered and washed my hair quickly. I pulled on a mid thigh length purple dress with black tights and boots, I brushed my hair into a side plait and applied my mascara and eyeliner, something I was getting into doing more and more.

I walked downstairs and heard voices, as always, but today it only sounded like Robbie, Tess and Nora was downstairs.

"Hey guys, where's the other boys?" I asked Robbie, since I doubted Tess or Nora would know.

"They said they had to get to school early or something, I don't know. Did you know Nora is going to becoming our school?" Robbie told me, smiling at Nora.

Nora hugged me when I fully entered the room, "I'm totally going to love going your school, I mean, I get to spend the day with you, Tess, Robbie and the other boys."

"I can't wait," I told her, I couldn't be whole hearted when I'm possibly the reason my best friend and his twin brother isn't talking to me.

"Are you alright?" Nora asked me while Robbie and Tess were in a deep conversation. I nodded. "Is this about the boys?" I nodded my head again. "Don't worry, it'll blow over. They're boys, what do you expect?" I laughed and hugged her, me and her will become good friends.

"Want to ride with me? I think them two should go by themselves, they might finally go out," Nora said, winking.

"Sure, if not, we are so setting them up."

We pulled into the parking lot with Robbie and Tess behind us, I could see Tony and James on the bench outside the school. "I think they're arguing," Nora said, climbing out the car.


I went to disagree but I saw James fist conect with Tony's jaw, before I could move Robbie was running towards his brothers and the forming group.

"C'mon," Tess said, tugging my arm. I quickly got my arm free and ran towards the boys, I pushed my way through the group.

"How can you do this?" James shouted at his twin. Tony's eyes had fire in them, he wanted to punch James back but he was restraining himself.

"I can do it perfectly well, it's not my fault you didn't bother-" before he finished James lunged at him.

"No!" I dodged Robbie's arm and ran to the boys, throwing myself between them. I just missed James punch and Tony's kick.

"Stop it! Will you idiots stop it!" I screamed at them, I could hear chants coming from the crowd. "Will you two stupid boys, stop this fighting right now!" I shouted at them at the top of my lungs, they finally stop moving and looked at me. James had a forming black eye and a bust lip, Tony had a bruise on his jaw and a cut on his forehead. Both the boys blinked a few times then looked at me,

"Mitchie, I'm sorry." James began, I stopped him from speaking.

"Have you guys lost your mind?! Fighting first thing on a monday morning...at school!" Tony went to talk but I covered his mouth. "You idiots, what were you even fighting over?" Neither of them answered me. "Fine, I see how it is, don't tell me. Bye." I looked at them one more time before marching into the school building.

I could hear them calling after me but I ignored them, I only stopped when I heard Nora behind me. "Are you alright? I saw you nearly get kicked and punched in there!" She hugged me and I squeezed her back, tears forming in my eyes. "I would have helped but Robbie was holding me and Tess back, saying that you was the only one to stop them." I sighed and nodded.


"What happened? We all got on, we all could be in the same room without it being a disaster. Why was they even arguing?" I sobbed into Nora's shoulder.

"Forget them. Have fun, you deserve it. You just broke up a fight that was going to get a whole lot worse. Zac's coming for lunch today, to see what this school is like. That's something to look forwards to." I nodded my head and we walked towards the office, so she could sign in. Turns out; we had nearly all the same classes together.


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