《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Surviving the Johnsons. Chapter Five.


Chapter Five.

I pulled myself out the pool and shook my hair out. I still hadn't turned round, I was planning on just yet. Zac pulled himself out the pool, he avoided all eye contact thrown at him. Shaking his head he walked over to me, before he even got to me, my arm was yanked and I was being dragged out the room. He smiled apologetically before the door was shut.

I turned to face the angry brothers.

"What have you been doing?" Tony hissed.

"Where have you been?!" James practically yelled in my face.

"Well, clearly I have been swimming," I pointed to my wet clothes then the door. "And, well, I think that answers the second question as well. I've been in the pool."

"We was worried about you! We couldn-" James started.

"We searched all over this stupid house for you, then we noticed that thing was gone as well, we thought he done something!" Tony finished, shaking my shoulders.

James looked at him before looking at me. "What he said. Why didn't you think to tell us Mitch?"

I shook my head, "we searched for you guys, nearly every room, but we couldn't find you's, so we decided to look in there and it was empty and we sort of ran...and you get the idea." I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, I didn't like the way they were staring at me. "Guys stop, you know I hate being stared at," I said, turning slightly away from them.

I felt someone grab my hand, I thought it was James until I looked from the corner of my eyes to see Tony. "I'm sorry, I know you hate that. I was worried that was all," he smiled before realising James was watching him. "I mean... We was worrying about you," Tony said, dropping my hand and stepping back.


I looked at him before I turned back to open the door. I heard James and Tony talking behind me but I didn't listen enough to catch the words. When I looked around the door I could see Tess, Victoria, Nora, Phoebe and Amber all ganging up on Zac, putting him further and futher away from me and closer to the pool. He was going to drop in any minute now.

"Zac, you know we want to be friends with them, you've probably scared her and the boys off!" Phoebe shouted, poking him in the chest. Josh was watching, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"What did you do to her?!" Nora said, stepping forward.

"I didn't do anything, I swear!" Zac said, holding up his hands. I smiled before walking in, he met my gaze but didn't say anything.

"Girls, chill out, he said he hasn't done anything, so he hasn't done anything." Josh said, patting Zac's back. I narrowed my eyes at him, he was doing this for their attention.

Victoria hit his arm. "Josh why are you taking his side!? It's obvious he done something, otherwise the twins wouldn't have dragged her out the door!"

I bit my lip, keeping the laugh inside. Nora and Amber stepped closer to him, making him take a step closer to the pool.

"Well, I don't believe him, he done something. I know he did," Amber said, poking his chest. He was on the edge of the pool, close to the corner. If he fell in, he would hit his head. I dashed over to the girls, pushing my way to stand in front of him.

"Guys, he didn't do anything, why do you think he did?" They all exchanged a look before turning back to me. I turned round to look at Zac, "what did you do to make them think you did something to me?"


"It was nothing, I didn't do anything! Gosh guys! Even she said so." Zac said.

I squinted at him, "you done something before?"

He sighed and nodded, "it was nothing."

"If you think nothing is sleeping with a girl that just started the school that we become good friends with!" Nora shouted. That wasn't a big deal, she was obviously willing to do it if she went through with it.

"So?" I asked.

"So? So?! He played her and broke her heart. She isn't even at our school anymore!" Phoebe shouted, stepping closer to me. I shrunk back into Zac, I never did like people shouting in my face.

"Phoebe, don't shout at her, okay? I'm sorry about her, I didn't mean to do that. I haven't done anything to Mitchie, she said so herself, will you just believe me!"

"I thought you guys were friends? You won't believe him, even when I've told you." I looked at all of them. I could see Tony and James standing at the back of the room, watching the scene unfold.

"We are friends Mitchie, it's just we don't want to lose new friends because of him." Amber said, looking at me.

Phoebe looked angry...really angry. "Of course we are friends! Will you stop questioning us?!" She shouted in my face, getting closer with each step. I nodded and she glared at me. "Oh look, now she has nothing to say! Maybe you shouldn't have come here tonight. You've probably caused a massive bump in our friendship now!" She pushed me.

She actually pushed me. What was she five?

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. Her eyes showed her anger, she pushed me again. "You took my Zac away from me this evening." She hissed, just loud enough for me to hear but no one else. With one last push, I was falling backwards with Zac. Both of us going in the pool.

I swam up and saw red. Oh my God. I touched my head and every where else. It wasn't me.

I looked around for Zac, Phoebe's eyes were filling with tears. Oh no.

Tony and James were running over. "You cow!" Phoebe jumped in the pool and tried to dunk my head in the water. I tried to scream, I know it was stupid, my mouth filled with water. I felt someone pulling her off me.

Tony was pulling me out the pool, James was holding on to Phoebe while I saw Josh dragging a bleeding Zac out the pool. My eyes widened as I begun to scream. His head had a cut going across, it was bleeding heavily.

"Will one of you girls hold Phoebe?" James shouted at the horror struck girls. Amber and Nora ran over to hold Phoebe, who was shouting a lot of profanities at us. Victoria and Tess ran to help the other girls. I started to hyperventilate, oh gosh, this was my fault. I knocked him into the pool.

I heard James talking on the phone, asking for an ambulance.

I could see dots in my vision. This was my fault, this was my fault, kept going round in my head. Tears were streaking down my face. "Shh, baby, don't cry, he will be fine."

"It's my fault Ton's, all my fault." Was all I said before the dots over took my vision and I couldn't stand it anymore. The blackness took over and I kept seeing Zac's face with the massive cut.

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