《Surviving the Johnsons. [✓]》Survivng the Johnsons, Chapter three


Enjoy !


Chapter Three.

Sitting at a lunch table with Tony and James, I thought over the day. They both took me to the office to get my stuff, I had both of them for my first three lessons of the day. I made friends with a little red head girl, whos hair was obviously dyed red. At first I thought she was shy and kept to herself, but once I got talking to her after second lesson I realised that she is quite rich, outgoing and very loud.

"How are you enjoying school so far?" I heard a girls voice say. I turned to see Tess; the red head, sitting down next to me.

I smiled at her, "I'm kind of really enjoying it, thanks."

"That's good, so, how do you guys know eachother?" She pointed her fork at me then the twins.

"Are you already dating one of them?" She whispered, I think she thought it was so only I could hear but I saw James smile and Tony smirk. I blushed, of course.

I heard Tony say something under his breath and James said 'no'

"No, no, I've known them all my life. Kind of annoying," I winked at them and nudged there feet under the table.

"So, you know all of the Johnson brothers?" Her eyes wide, green eyes sparkling. I nodded and smiled. Wonder which one she likes? Robbie put his tray on the table and dropped into the seat next to me.

"Hey Robbie, how's it going?" I asked him as he glared at his brothers.

"Oh, it's going just great, thanks for asking." He said, well, spat.

"What's wrong?" Tess asked him, leaning round me.

He pointed at his younger brothers. "Those dorks got me in trouble with the head of PE."

They put on their best inoccent faces, "we didn't do anything," they said in unison. I hid my smile with my hand.

"Yes you did, if you didn't steal my backpack I wouldn't have thrown that textbook and hit him!"

I laughed, "you threw a textbook at them?"

"No, I threw a textbook and hit the head of PE because they decided to stand behind him." He narrowed his eyes.

"Aww, poor Robbie." I hugged him, at first he didn't do anything but then I felt his hand go around my back. "I'm sure he wont remember it by tomorrow..." I said, smiling at him.


"That's probably called amnesia, Mitchie," James said laughing. I heard someone cough and I let go off Robbie, I turned to look at a blonde girl in short clothes. I noticed how Tess was looking at Robbie before looking at the blonde behind her. So, Tess likes Robbie, I smiled, I can set them up.

"Yes?" Tess said to the girl.

She narrowed her eyes at Tess before looking me up and down then looking at the boys.

"Me and the girls were wondering why you was sitting here and not with us?" She said in her best cute voice. I raised my eyebrow and a laugh escaped my lips before I could cover my mouth.

"Can I help you, new girl?" She sneered at me.

I looked at the boys, "you know, I think she would get along with Daisy."

All three of them laughed, "yeah, I think she would."

"Who do you think you are?" She put her hands on the table, staring at me.

"Well, I do believe I am Mitchie, who are you blondey?"

"I am Kristie, head cheerleader, popular girl of the school. No one talks to me the way you just did," Kristie said, slamming her hand down on the table.

"Well, Kristie, considering I just did, I think someone just did talk to you like it." I picked up my tray and walked towards the clearing station with Tess and the boys behind me.

Tess smiled and hugged me, "no one talks to her like that!"

"Well, maybe it's about time someone did." I said, squeezing her back. James patted my shoulder, smiling, Robbie laughed and Tony winked at me.

"About time someone spoke to her like that," Tony whispered in my ear on the way to class, putting an arm around my waist.

The rest of the day passed quickly, getting glares from the blonde bimbo's friends, joking around with the boys and Tess and planning how to set Tess and Robbie up.

The rest of the week went past in the same manner. Get up, meet the boys, get a lift to school, go to class, joke around with the brothers and talk with Tess, eat lunch, bitch with Kristie and the minions, go home, eat dinner with the Johnson boys since their mum and dad was out of town for the week, go to bed and then repeat it all the next day.


Wenesday morning; I climbed out of bed and showered quickly. I hadn't spoken to Tony about our kiss and I doubted we ever would. I pulled on my short shorts and spaghetti strap top, with black converse. Walking downstairs I knew I would come face to face with five of the Johnson brothers and Tess, just like every morning.

"Okay, Mitchie. I'm having a party this weekend, you have to come!" Tess said as soon as I was in the room. You're probably wondering how they get in my house, Tony and James has a spare key to get in, in the morning to wake me up. Considering I'm up before either of them.

"Of course I'll come. Is it a whole school thing?"

"Nope," she said popping the 'p'. "It's going to be me, you, Robbie, Tony, James and one of my friends Vanessa." Small party, I thought.

"Sounds fun." We walked outside and got into James car, just like every morning.


What shall I wear? I heard my phone vibrate on the side, I picked it up and answered. "Yellow?"

"Yellow to you, too, can I come over?" Tony asked.

"So now you decide to ask if you can come over? Thought you normally barge in," I said, only half joking.

"Yeah, but... yeah. So me, James and Robbie will be over in a minute, okay?"

"Sure, see you soon." I shut my phone and walked into the bathroom holding my underwear close to me.

I showered and quickly got into my clean underwear, crap. I forgot my clothes. I heard the front door shut, oh no, there here.

"Mitchie?" James called up the stairs. No, no, no. There walking up the stairs! I sighed, I'm sure its nothing they haven't seen before. My cheeks turning bright red.

"Guys, can you maybe... wait downstairs?" I asked, I heard them walk towards the door. I groaned.

"Why?" Tony asked.

"Well, if I say you won't go." I knew they wouldn't

"You forgot your clothes didn't you?" James said, laughing.

"Maybe," my cheeks going deeper red.

"Okay, we'll move, hurry up." I heard them move. I opened the door slowly and stepped out. I heard a click. Oh they wouldn't.

I turned to see a smirking James and Robbie with a surprised looking Tony.

"Guys! You said you moved!" I was in my black lacey underwear, the bra had a little pink bow on the front and the knickers ... were a thong.

"Sorry, sorry!" James said, running towards me. I ran into my room and towards my closet.

"Go away James," I was actually annoyed at him, my bestest friend in the whole world.

"It's me," Tony said stepping into the room. I looked at him, my eyes were watering.

"Why did he do that? I expected that from you, not him!" Tony smiled and walked over to me, shutting the door behind him.

"Good to know you expect that from me," he wrapped his arms around my waist, I leant back into him.

"Sorry, you know what I mean." He nodded and rested his head on mine. I turned round and hugged him. I heard a knock at the door, Tony squeezed me before walking over and opening it.

"Is she in there?" I heard James ask.

"Yes, and she's fine, bro," Tony said before shutting the door again. I smiled at him then sighed. Tony stood there, eyeing me.

I looked down and noticed I was still in my underwear. I turned round and pulled out my short black dress. "Tony stop looking at me," I looked at him over my shoulder to see him smiling and covering his eyes. Once I had my dress on I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck. He bent down and kissed me, I smiled before responding.

We walked down the stairs and out the door once I got my black heeled boots on. As soon as we got in the car, James started the engine and we was off to Tess's house.

This should be a good night.

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