《So Into You》Part Six


"Tell me what you actually said to Troy" Gia exclaimed, Orion looked at her confused till he relied

"Look I didn't think he'll be all depressed about what I said, it's just, I'm confused" he told her, Gia just rolled her eyes

"Last night after his science partner left Troy called and told me everything, and I mean everything to me, how he was feeling, and I'm going to talk to you about that dick move you pulled on him!" She yelled "and you know how secretive Troy can be"

"Okay okay, I'll tell you what happened in my words, it's not that I dislike Troy in that way, I mean, the guys hot as hell, it's not him, it's me" Orion told her

"You could of just told him you weren't ready for a relationship" Gia said "Troy was just as nerve-"

"Next time I see him, I'll make things right" he confirmed "I need to tell Troy how I feel about him, after that night we spent wrapped around each other, I was so shocked after he confessed, after he told me he was dreaming about me"

"Why don't you surprised him?" Gia suggested "when you see him tell him how you feel and kiss him, you know if you really like him"

"Maybe just a hug?, I never kissed anyone before on the lips" he admitted

"Troys last relationship was a while back, I'm sure the last thing he would be worrying about is the way you kiss" she smirked "you could also invite him over your place for the night, didn't you just move into Emma's house?"

"Mr Goodall and Emma would most likely kill me if they find us together in my room" he said

Gia just looked at him "when I say invite him to stay the night I do not mean try to have sex with him, I mean you two spend the night together, sleeping"


"Wouldn't he like it more if I stayed over his place?, he cares a lot about Louie and I don't want to keep him away from him" Orion sighed

"Louie?" She questioned "oh his dam cat, he's so obsessed with it"

"Well, it is a cute cat" Orion smiled

"Say that to him and he'll marry you right then" she laughed

"But he's not 18 yet so we can't get married" he told her, she just face palmed

"Forget what I said, just, when you see him, don't mess up"

"I won't Gia, I have to go now, my shift starts soon" Orion thanks her for everything and walks off.


After he finished his shift Orion walked back to Emma's and now his place. He was confused, why didn't Emma tell him? She did have class with him the other day after the whole 'rejection'? Was that really a rejection?, well, he did walk out on him and didn't look back at Troys reaction.

he saw Emma chilling on the of the arm chairs in the man living room with her laptop in her lap, she appears to be typing something, he guessed it was something for school. Emma glanced up from her screen and her him. She smiled

"Oh how was your shift?"

"Same as usual, afternoon rush and cleaning up some kids mess" he told her

"Did Gia talk to you today?" She questioned

He nodded "yea, you props know what about, why didn't you talk to me about it?"

"I didn't think Troy would of wanted me to talk to you about it, I was going to ask you how it went but when you arrived home you didn't look okay and you did lock yourself in your room for the rest of the night, dad was a bit worried"


"I just had a lot of things to think about, Troy mostly, I felt so stupid I dragged him home thinking he was sick but it was just his feelings for, me, Gia told me a way I could make it up to him" Orion sighed

Emma closed her laptop and say up, she walked over to the alien and hugged him "it'll be fine Orion, next time you see him do what Gia suggested, I'm sure he'll love it"

"But she told me to kiss him, I'm not sure I can" he admitted

"Of course you can, just place your hands on his cheek and being his face up to yours and plant your lips on his, simple" she smiled "Troy is a bit shorter then you so you might want to lean in a bit so you don't end up hurting him"

"Thank you for the tips Emma, I'm going to leave you to finish your work, I'll be in my room if you need me" he left Emma and walked back into his room, she smiled and made her way back to the chair and re opened her laptop.

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