《So Into You》Part Three


Orion brought Troy over to the quiet bench away from everyone (hopefully). they sat down and faced each other, Troy bit his lower lip trying his best but to make direct eye contact with his crush

"You wanted to talk to me?" Orion questioned

"Um, yea" Troy said, he could do this, it couldn't be so hard to confess his feelings and maybe ask him out, it's not like this is his first time asking someone to date him, he tries to remember how he manage to ask his ex girlfriend, it was simple, he doesn't even remember if he even asked her and their friends just hooked them up, he just sighed.

"So what is it?" The alien wondered "you don't look so well, did you want me to walk you home" Orion moved his hand over to Troys cheek "you do feel a bit warm"

"Orion, I want to tell you but, I just can't" he exclaimed

"It's okay, you can tell me when you are well again, come, let me take you home" he cooled

"I'm not sick" Troy informed, Orion didn't listen and continued

"Of course you are, it's not good for you to be out here in this weather" Troy looked around, it was overcast but it wasn't freezing or raining, what was Orion doing on about

"Well, it's a bit cold" Troy lied, within seconds Orion brought him into his arm and tightly hugged him, he blushed as he felt he other male stroke his back.

"We should get going" Orion let go and took him by the hand

Emma saw the two boys walking back. Her eyes widen and a smile spread across her face as she jogger toward them

"So" she questioned "how was it?"

"Was what?, we really need to get Troy home" Orion told her, Emma looked at him confused


"What do you mean"

"I'll tell you at school later"

"You should't be attending school if you are sick" Orion commended

"Sick?" Emma exclaimed, "Troy can we talk?"

"You can talk when he gets home" he said pulling Troy to the side, Emma couldn't comment, she saw the look in Troys eyes, did he really lie about being sick to get Orion over to his place?, questions were running through her mind. She looked around and the two boys were gone, they were just here a second ago. She sighed and started to make her on way home.


Troy was glad his parents weren't home to see this, he had Orion basically dragging him not even letting Troy clear everything up (was he really that warm? Was he actually getting a fever?)

Orion opened the front door to his place, Troy had to admit he did help Orion find his way here. As soon as they both stepped in Louie stopped licking himself and walked over to them

"Hey Louie" Troy greeted the cat as he brought him into his arms

"What even is that thing?" Orion asked

"You never seen a cat before?" Troy questioned

"Never" he replied

"This is Louie, come, let's go into my room and I can show you how he's like" Troy smiled, did he really say that?, Orion agreed and they made it up to his bedroom, Troy sighed in relief that he cleaned his room up last night. He puts that cat down onto his bed and singled Orion to sit down, within seconds of sitting down Orion re placed his hand on his cheek

"You're not as warm as when we were at the park, maybe it was just the weather" he said remind him hand

"Maybe it was, we will never know" he half smiled


"You also seem a lot calmer, you sure you're okay?" he questioned "you can tell me, if it was what happened at the ship wreck-"

"No it isn't about that, look I'm fine, here" Troy picks up the cat and places it onto the males lap "cat"

Orion looked into Louie's big green eyes, he meowed as he laid his hand on him "Louie's, definitely a pretty cat"

"He is," Troy smiled, soon Louie got uncomfortable and jumped off the aliens lap and onto the wooden floor around them

"Now back to what we were talking about, when we first met earlier, it looked like you didn't want to even talk to me, your body language, even me as an Andresian I could tell something was off" Orion worried "I know you're not sick, please just tell me what's wrong"

Troy froze, he needed another way to get Orion off topic, he searched around for something before feeling the other males hand on his thigh, he turned to face him as butterflies fluttered in his stomach, shit, he couldn't run or so anything, so does he just tell him?

"That night, I can't get it out of my head, I been having dreams about it and other made up events that could of been if that night ended up different" Troy sighed

"Like what type of dreams, I also been thinking about what happened that night" Orion told him

"We woke up in each other's arms and agreed not to tell the others, they were saying we did a lot more then just sleep together" he chuckled

"Bet it was Jake" both boys laugh "you never said what dreams they were"

"Orion the dreams were about what would of happened if, you know, we got together" he paused

"Like a relationship?" He asked "Troy you know I-"

"Don't know anything about love, but I can teach you" Troy insured "I can teach you everything Orion, look I been trying to tell you, that, that I like you"

"I need to go" Orion stood up, Troy looked at him confused, did he do something?

"Why are you leaving? Wouldn't you like to stay for a bit?" He questioned

"I can't, look I just need to go" he sighed "it's not you, it's me" Orion walked out of Troys room leaving the other male to question.

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