《So Into You》Part One


Troy could feel his arms tightly wrapped around his body, it was a sunny day and him and Orion found themselves wrapped around each other as they laid in the soft grass at park. He moved his hand to cup the aliens cheek as he chuckled

"I didn't relies how cute you really are" Orion purred "bet I'll make everyone jealous when they know you're taken by me"

"Aw, I'm so glad I can call you my boyfriend" Troy smiled as he leaned in, as for pair kissed the sky went black.

And Troy woke up.

He shot up from his bed and looked around his room, it was still nighttime, too dark to see the time so guessed it was around 2:00am Troy laid back down and wrapped the blankets back around his body.

"Why am I'm having these dreams about Orion lately?" He questioned, he had to admit he liked it was something different from those dreams he has about that big power ranger war that seems to be the only thing he's been dreaming about lately other then Orion, but, why Orion?

Troy doesn't remember having any close friendship or even stronger feelings towards him, well, he does think he's a bit cute, baby cute, the way he smiles, the way Orion's face light duo every time they show him something new, the way, shit, Troy covered his face with his blankets, he's not going to admit he was into the alien.


"Hey Troy!" Jake greeted him as he walked down the school hall. It was Monday morning and he felt dead "are you okay? You seem tired"

"I just didn't get enough sleep last night" Troy told him as he unlocked his locker

"Let me guess, it's either your cat or those dreams you have" Jake guessed, he just turned and looked to him

"My cat has been a angel lately thank you very much" he replied placing his books into the locker

"Okay okay I didn't mean to personally attack you over your cat, so it's the dreams, isn't it?"

Troy knew he couldn't lie, but he also knew he couldn't tell Jake anything without him telling everyone, he took a deep breath and told him "i just been having dreams, about, someone.."


"Like wet dreams?" Jake raised an eye brow, Troy rolled his eyes "okay who are you having dreams about and why can't you get to sleep cause of them?"

"Cause I don't want to be having dreams about them, how would you feel as a heterosexual guy having dreams about a romantic date with a fellow guy! he exclaimed "Jake?"

"I think your heterosexuality just flew out the window Troy, who is it anyway?" Jake laughed

"I don't want anyone to know, especially them" he told him "I don't want to be seem as-"

"You don't want to been seen as what?, Gay? Bi?, you know there's nothing wrong with that" he informed "you can trust me, tell me who it is"

"The last time, you said you wouldn't tell anyway about a crush was when Noah had that thing for Emma" Troy crossed his arms

"Yea but they ended up dating, they still are dating" he confirmed "so it wasn't bad to tell people"

"I shit you not if you tell Orion that I-" Troy stopped and realises what he has said, Jakes eyes widen as Troys cheeks blushed a soft pink colour

"You like Orion?" Jake cracked up "I gotta tell Gia this"

"You said you wouldn't tell anyway!' He yelled!

"Okay I won't" Jake cooled "you can trust me dude, oh look Gia and Emma are here"

"What were you taking about?" Emma questioned un looping arms with Gia

"Troy has a crush" Jake said,

"Aw who is it?" Emma questioned wondering over to Troy

"Jake I told you not to tell anyone!" He exclaimed l

"You only said for me not them tell them who it is, not that you have one" he confirmed

"Why won't you tell us? Are they really that bad?" Gia sighed

"I bet it's that girl Troys paired up with for science" Emma teased

"Gala?, no!" Troy stared "it's not her, it's no one, forget about what I said"

"Is it one of us?" Gia asked "a teammate"

"I'm going to leave now" Troy took his stuff and walked away from the three teenagers. They looked at each other confused


"It's Orion" Jake told them "don't let him know I told you"

Gia face palmed and Emma wondered "wait, isn't Troy straight?, he told me his last relationship was at his last school was with a female, what did Orion do to magically turn Troys point of view?

"They did spend that one night together some weeks ago, they were at Orion's ship wreck. It was pouring down rain so they both stayed there till morning, Troy never went into details if something happen that night" Jake pointed out "maybe they slept together and Troy woke up with totally new feelings?"

"You don't think anything else went on?" Gia wondered

Jake laughed "Troy and Orion? If I know what you are referring too for a fact I know they didn't touch each other"

"Troy is that type of guy to ask permission to hold your hand, it might be just a phase" Emma commented

"Phase or no phase we will support him and Orion" Jake said, they all agreed


School finished and Troy raced home, he managed to stay away from the others by spending his lunch breaks working on that science project (Gala, the girl with the glasses and long blond hair Emma thought he had a crush on didn't even show up at the library at lunch break to help him) knowing if he didn't work on it it'll be submitted not finished.

The cat was licking himself quietly on his teenage owners bed as Troy bursted open the bedroom door. The cat jumped and ran off the bed before stopping where Troy was

"Hope you had a better day then me Louie" he chuckled picking up the brown cat and placed it on his lap, Louie's purred as he stroked his back "why can I talk to you better then anything of my friends?"

The cat looked up at him and meowed, he half smiled, Troy knew he over reacted about this whole crush thing, he knew Jake was going to tell them who it is, if he talks to his mum about it he'll get the talk about how at his age she thought she was into girls till her met the one, who was his dad.

At around 5:00pm Troy got a call from Emma, by this time he was already laying down in bed with his cat fast asleep by his side when she called. He picked up and put her on speaker

"Hey Em, what's up?" He answered

"Jake told me, well I mean both me and Gia that you have a thing for Orion" she said, Troy froze, he knew not to trust Jake

"He must be lying, why would I have a crush on Orion?, we don't really hang much and stuff" he lied

"What happen that night you and Orion spend together on his ship, if I don't get it out of you Orion will tell us, we already have him on call"

"We?" he raised an eyebrow

"Just tell me, you always told me you will talk to me if you ever needed to talk, Troy if it's about us seeing you any different, trust me we won't"

"You promised?" Troy knew he could trust Emma, he's told her just about everything and she never turned her back to him

"we talked, a lot, before it started to rain, it was that moment seeing him like that, smiling made me fall, after hearing about Orion's past and getting to know him more as a person" he told her "we did fall asleep in each other's arms, that's it, it's so weird I just brushed the feelings off as the mood, but laying in my bed right now, I want Orion to be with me" Troy wrapped his arms around his cat as it let out a deep meow

Emma giggled "so just tell him how you feel, maybe he feels the same"

"Like he knows anything about love on earth" he groaned

"You're not even giving your crush a chance" she said

"I'll tell him when we meet up next" he informed

"Tomorrow then, I have to go now" she hangs up and leaves him in silents

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