《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》MODERN AU


If Bellamy Blake would have to say who his best friend would be, he would certainly answer; Lyanna Valjean.

Lyanna and Bellamy's little sister; Octavia, since they were little, they were best friends, which implied that she also knew Bellamy, at first they were not friends, only acquaintances.

When they saw each other, a simple "hello" of courtesy was said, until one day Lyanna with tears in her eyes had stayed with Bellamy alone since Octavia had not yet arrived, so that day they had talked a lot more than a "hello". In addition to his sister, Lyanna was the only person for whom Bellamy cared deeply about, she was his best friend, when Bellamy left a girl with a broken heart; Lyanna fixed it, when some girl did not stop following Bellamy, Lyanna fixed it, Lyanna was the only person who could bring to light the sweet side of Bellamy. While Lyanna was in her last year of school, Bellamy was already going to college, although he was also planning to join the military, something that Lyanna and Octavia had absolutely forbidden him. You could say that Lyanna was the best person Bellamy could see, they both knew what to do when the other was sad or angry. Bellamy could not cry when his mother died, there was Octavia and he was her older brother, in him Octavia had to lean, he had to be the strong one, however when Lyanna was alone with him, Bellamy cried in his lap like a little boy while Lyanna stroked his hair. She could easily calm Bellamy when he was angry, and he could comfort her when she was crying.

Right now they were both sitting in the same sofa, Lyanna in the middle of Bellamy and Octavia who were drinking beer that Jasper had brought as usual, however Lyanna widened her eyes when everyone started drinking tequila and other types of drinks that Lyanna had never tried so all her friends were more than drunk, except for her and Finn, not that Finn did not like to drink, but today he was the designated driver.


Everyone laughed at the anecdote Clarke told, something that she was sure Clarke would not tell if she was sober. Lyanna river beside them taking a little more of her glass with water, saw Octavia who stood up from the sofa and immediately unbalanced. Lyanna immediately stood up behind her, putting a hand on her waist.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom? You feel good? Do you feel like...."

"I just want to go to the bathroom, Lya" Octavia said dragging the words "Besides, this is my house..."

"Anyway, I'm going with you, come on, come on." Lyanna gently placed a hand on her waist and guided her to the nearest bathroom in the Blake house.

"Lincoln ..."

"What about Lincoln?" Lyanna asked, Octavia who was half conscious, as soon as she could wash her hands.

"It's so nice ..." Octavia continued "And what's between you and Neon?"

"Neon?" Lyanna surprised herself. "Good heavens, you're wasted"


She heard the door close and when they returned to the living room, Bellamy was at the door saying goodbye to a Jasper on the verge of being unconscious.

"Did they all leave?" Lyanna asked, still holding Octavia.

"Finn decided it was enough when Raven vomited in the flowers" Bellamy dragged the words like his sister, Lyanna sighed and with the other hand led Bellamy to the sofa slowly and pointed him.

"You stay here until I put your sister to bed, okay?"

Bellamy nodded and gave a military salute, Lyanna saw him as stern as she could and then let Octavia lean on her as she turned around and put her to bed. She went to the room; She took off her shoes and clothes, took her pajamas and began to dress her.

"Ah ... Lyanna I love you soooooo much" murmured Octavia while Lyanna began to wrap her up.


"I know, I love you too O ', but tomorrow a horrible headache awaits you." Lyanna kissed her on the forehead. "I'm going to stay in the night, if you feel bad, you scream, okay?"

But Octavia had already fallen asleep.

"Now comes the hard part," Lyanna murmured as she left the room turning off the light.

When she arrived in the living room, all she could hear was the background music they had played before, Bellamy was in the sofa, seeing the roof.

"Hey" Lyanna saw that he was awake. "It's time to go to bed."

"No," he answered, extending the O "It's too early."

"Bell, you have to go to bed, tomorrow you'll thank me" Lyanna said with a sweet smile, stroking his hair. Bellamy took her hand and saw her as ... Lyanna could not describe it.

"Your hair is so beautiful" he said, grabbing a strand of hair. "And it smells good, smells like Lyanna."

"Smells like Lyanna?" She asked with a smile and raised eyebrows.

"Yeah ..." Bellamy nodded. "It smells like roses and blood"

"I do not think my conditioner has blood," she said laughing, then shook her head. "Come on, Bell, you have to go to bed. Please."

He sighed and nodded, Lyanna who was much shorter than him, helped him to stand, it was much more difficult, considering that Bellamy was much heavier than Octavia, the good thing was that his room was closer, Lyanna turned on the light of the room and made Bellamy sit on the bed.

"Do you want water or a coffee?" Lyanna asked.

Bellamy shook her head.

"Anyway, your coffee taste horrible," he said, Lyanna stuck out her tongue like a little girl, helped him to lie down and went to a couple of blankets that were in the closet, put Bellamy in and then put the blankets on him, Lyanna sat next to him.

"O 'fell asleep immediately, you should follow her example. And thanks for praising my white hair."

"It's not white," Bellamy corrected her as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "It's platinum blond, it's not white but it's not blond like Clarke's"

"Well, no one had explained my hair in such detail" Lyanna smiled "Let's see what else can you say? I have to talk with a drunk Bellamy"

"Well ..." Bellamy thought "Sometimes when you are nervous you start to eat a lock of your hair, when you are desperate you start to scratch your arms, you play with your grandmother's necklace when you want to go unnoticed, you like tea with five tablespoons of sugar, your eyelashes touch your eyebrows when you get angry and ..."


"And your eyes do not have a color, sometimes they are blue, then green or gray."

Lyanna enlarged her mouth in an O, did not expect so many details, details of which she did not realize, small details that Bellamy did realize. The girl lay down next to Bellamy and turned around to see him.

"I know things too," Lyanna said, watching him. "You don't like tea, only coffee and without sugar, your index finger of the left hand is longer than that of the right hand, a line is formed between your eyebrows every time you think, you have a small scar that covers your hair ... See? I can do that too."

Lyanna smiled when she saw Bellamy begin to close his eyes and saw the clock on the bedside table.

"Pére it's going to kill me"

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