《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》f o r t y


Lyanna went outside the ship, the grounders began to cross the wall, so Miller was insisting that they had to close the doors of the ship, Lyanna shook her head and pushed him out of the ship.

"Do not! Bellamy and Octavia have not arrived yet!

But as soon as she left the ship, she saw fascinated what fell from the sky, it reminded her of what was called fireworks before, at first she thought it was the complete Ark, but later she could see how pieces of the Ark were falling, some already they were on fire.

"Please do not take them with you, please do not take them from me now" Lyanna closed her eyes for a second, thinking in a moment of Valjean and Diago, that death will not take them away from her.

"Bellamy!" Lyanna screamed as soon as she saw the freckled boy who was fighting against a grounder, saw at her feet a rifle and a meter away from this, a dead boy, her mind could not even process the corpse beside her, It would have made her sad, she would surely have started crying, but seeing Bellamy, who was being killed, Lyanna did not have time to think, took the rifle without hesitation and pointed it towards the grounder, giving him two shots, one on each knee making him fall on his knees, Bellamy turned to see who had saved his life.

"Lyanna?" Bellamy asked confused.

Yes, Lyanna was sensitive, and she was sweet and thought that all people had a good side. She did not tolerate seeing people suffer, much less her friends, she did not have a strong character like Clarke and she did not know how to fight like Octavia who was learning, but her father had taught her well, he had taught her how to hold a gun, how to shoot , the points in the anatomy of a person where a shot was lethal, where you could leave him without walking, and hurt him without seriousness. Lyanna thought of all the heroes she had grown up with; the bastard with the blood of a wolf, the khalessi of the blood of the dragon, the faceless she-wolf, the warrior woman, and the wise lion, none of them left their fight, none of them fled a fight, none was a coward, and Lyanna did not want to be a coward, she wanted to be like the khalessi, she even wanted to have the power of the Mad Queen, to have the skills of the faceless she-wolf, to be someone, and not just a little girl. she no longer wanted to remain a nayat.

"Lyanna!" A boy screamed, she did not know if it was Finn or Bellamy but she got behind a can anyway and started firing. Since she had murdered her mother, Lyanna had promised herself a thing; never kill an innocent; these men and women were warriors, of course, they wanted to kill them and they were following orders but Lyanna did not know them, she did not know if they had family or friends, after knowing Neon she realized that the grounders were not so different from them, and he also told her about his commander, so thanks to her perfect aim she hit them on the knee or in the hands with which they held their weapons, she shot three, then one that had a criminal by the neck, with two shots in the knees the grounder was in pain on the ground, Lyanna pursed her lips, did not want to hurt them, but what choice did she have? They did not stop, they did not want to stop murdering her friends. Lyanna immediately recharged but did not have time to shoot when someone grabbed her by the ankle and made her fall on her back, hitting her head and body hard, in pain saw that in front of her was a grounder with a dagger raised in the air, Lyanna widened her eyes in fear and tried to go back, she knew how to shoot a rifle, pistols, a shotgun and even a bow (with bad aim), but she didn't know how to fight, she had never fought against anyone. The man tried to hit her in the head but Lyanna rolled on the floor to the right making the dagger buried in the ground just a few inches from her, then the grounder was going to stab her in the head again but Lyanna rolled to the left, not really knowing what to do, when the grounder's face approached her; Lyanna hit him with her head in the nose, and gave a moan, in the old movies it did not look so painful for the hitter, causing the man to move away a bit with blood coming out of his nose, still the angry grounder raised the dagger again and this time he buried it in Lyanna's thigh, at least he buried it in her healthy thigh and not in the one that had previously passed an arrow, although it was completely healed.


Lyanna's cry of pain caused Bellamy to look up, desperate, saw the grounder who was still burying the dagger and now was turning it on the thigh of the girl, causing Lyanna to writhe in pain.

When Lyanna was only a child and had spent her first night with a man, she had felt so much pain, had suffered so much that night that unfortunately her mind remembered every detail exactly, and had thought of floating herself, cutting her wrists or even shoot herself, she had stolen a gun from a soldier who had only one bullet but did not, something that always kept her sane; hope and the little family she had. Now the only thing she thought about was the pain and the burning sensation in her thigh, the grounder pulled the dagger causing the blood to begin to emanate faster, Lyanna closed her eyes, expecting the worst, but honestly thought; this was much better than most of her life.

But when she opened her eyes the man had fallen at his side, closing his eyes unconscious, Lyanna looked up to see Bellamy who had been behind him and hit him with the rifle.

"Octavia?" The first thing that was going on in her mind was asking about her.

"Safe. Clarke, take her! "Bellamy yelled as he knelt beside the girl.

"No! I will not leave if you stay here! Bell you have to enter the ship too! "She demanded as she approached him.

Bellamy gently took her cheek, saw her with tears in his eyes as Lyanna shook her head like a little girl throwing a tantrum.

"Lyanna the knife may be poisoned, you have to go to the ship now!"

"Lyanna!" Clarke yelled at her. "Come now!"

Lyanna looked around horrified, countless dead guys and grounders, their lifeless bodies scattered on the ground while some still had the strength to fight, the girl quickly tore her amethyst necklace from her neck, took Bellamy's hand and delicately put in his palm, closing it in a fist, telling him to keep it.

Bellamy nodded and Lyanna hugged him tightly. She was in the middle of the battlefield, but neither of them wanted to leave the other, Bellamy did not want to let her go, he wanted to continue holding her in his arms, when they separated they were a short distance away and Lyanna approached the ear of Bellamy for him to listen well.

"Anha zhilak yera" Lyanna murmured to Bellamy "Remember that, please"

And slowly with tears falling down her cheeks she gave Bellamy a kiss on the cheek and Bellamy for a second, for an ephemeral second, among the blood, the bodies, the war cries and the wounds, he felt ... happy, Lyanna was a kind of balm, and a kind of angel among so much killing, at least it was a nice memory in which he would think if he was going to die. Clarke grabbed Lyanna while a grounder raised against Bellamy, but the girl could see how the boy quickly kept the necklace in his pocket, before returning to fight, Clarke put a hand on her waist helping her to enter as she was injured . Lyanna could not look back, because if she did, she was sure she would stay with Bellamy. When she entered the ship the first thing she did was go to see Raven, covering her wound on her thigh and growling to find Raven lying on the ground, Lyanna fell beside the dark girl with a gasp while leaving marks of her blood all over the place and closed her eyes, this time the blood had begun to come out uncontrollably because the grounder had made sure to draw the dagger to bleed.


She thought about everything that had happened a few seconds ago, her chest felt somewhat empty without the necklace, she opened her eyes and saw that her hands were soaked in her blood and her dragon ring was completely red, her cloak was beginning to stain slowly.

"Lya?" Raven muttered weakly. "What happened?

"They stabbed me in the thigh ... it hurts like the seven hells," Lyanna said, laughing unsteady and painfully, letting her eyes close again for a couple of minutes, feeling that she was floating as she heard screams around her, and the floor made a sudden movement under her.


Minutes later Lyanna woke up, her thigh was bandaged but the bandages were completely red, dark in blood, now there were no screams only murmurs and whispers were heard.

"Clarke?" Lyanna asked disoriented, then shouted scared "Clarke!"

"I'm here," Clarke said, appearing at her side, looking terrible and emaciated, her eyes red from crying, Lyanna supposed that she should look the same.

"Bellamy ... where's Bellamy?" When Clarke did not answer, Lyanna grabbed her arm tightly, her eyes filling with tears. "Clarke Where is Bellamy?" But she only saw her with grief and shook her head. Lyanna swallowed, feeling the tears inevitably fall down her cheeks and her eyes itched. "I want Finn, can you tell him to come?"

Clarke did not say anything for a couple of seconds and then saw the ceiling, when she looked up, her eyes were full of tears and she shook her head, Lyanna covered her mouth to stifle her sob, Clarke pulled her towards her, hugging her , Lyanna started crying as silently as she could on Clarke's shoulder, Finn ... he was much more than her best friend, he was a part of her, as was Octavia. The first boy who had approached her without fear and had accepted her even knowing that she had killed her mother and tried to make her smile with a horrible joke.

And Bellamy ... Lyanna hugged Clarke more tightly, hugging her like a little girl, in that moment Lyanna felt death take her by the hand, she thought in all the countless times she was with Bellamy, the worried looks, the shy smiles, the warm hugs, the countless moments in which Bellamy cared for her, and that moment, ... that moment in which Lyanna had felt that her heart was going to explode from her chest.

"Lya ..." said Bellamy licking his lips nervous, he had a hand on the cheek of Lyanna, as they were getting closer and closer, their fronts were touching and both had their eyes closed "I will do something ... and I... don't know if you will like it...I...uh..."

Bellamy Blake was rambling, and Lyanna was trembling.

"Can you try?"Lyanna mumbled, standing on tiptoe

Finn Collins and Bellamy Blake were dead.

She felt that her chest was filling with weight, that it did not let her breathe, she felt trapped, but with her heart beating furiously, her thigh burning with intensity, Lyanna Valjean closed her eyes again, without strength, fainting.


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