《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h i r t y - n i n e


Bellamy joined the criminals to give them orders and position themselves, leaving Clarke, Finn, Raven and Lyanna on the ship. Finn and Clarke pulled one of the panels off the floor and walked between the wires, trying to find the source of power to prepare the emergency plan.

Raven sat down carefully along with Lyanna's help, fiddling with some cables when suddenly Clarke's voice echoed through the bottom

"Finn, do you see it over there?"

"No!"Finn shouted while Lyanna looked at Raven worried.

"Raven, we can't find the ignition system," Clarke called. "Raven?"

"Hey, hey *belle oiseau" Lyanna put her hands on her shoulders and then stroked her cheek, she realized she was about to cry. "What is it?"

"I can't feel my legs," she answered shakily.

"Okay, hold on, we're coming," Clarke shouted, appearing through the hole in the floor and crawling towards Raven, knelt by her side, with Lya on the other side of the injured "Okay, let me see."

Lyanna carefully helped Raven slowly lean forward, so Clarke could better see the wound on her back, Raven growled and gasped in pain, Lyanna made her take her hand and told her to squeeze it, that she did not care , that squeezed her hand with all the strength she wanted. Clarke lifted her shirt slightly to reveal a huge purple spot at the beginning of Raven's spine, Lyanna widening her eyes and with Clarke shared a worried look, Lyanna inadvertently let out a sigh.

"That bad, huh?' she said in an almost joking tone.

Clarke and Lyanna helped her sit down again, making her lean to rest her back, Clarke saw Raven worried.

"Raven... the bullet's in your spine. You're bleeding internally."

"Can you do something else?" Lyanna asked hopefully

"We better do this fast then, huh?" Raven interrupted Lyanna, pretending not to care about her, saw Clarke "Get back down there."

Clarke stood up from the floor, but Finn made her not take another step.

"What if we could slow the bleeding?

"Would that help?"Lyanna asked who did not know anything about biology or medicine, she felt like an idiot without helping Raven.

"Well, of course it would help," Clarke replied. "Can you tell me how to do that?"

"The stuff the Grounder's had... coagulant,"Finn explained, then saw Lyanna. "You said that Lincoln and Neon had some, too."

"Yeah, it's in the box with the antidote, but I–"Lyanna began.

"I'm betting that there's more of it in his cave," Finn said. "If I can get there–"

"Wait a second. No," Raven interrupted.

Finn sighed.

"I can make it."


"Clarke," Raven pleaded. "Tell him he's being an idiot."

"Raven..." Finn whispered.

"What?" Raven snapped. "I'm not gonna let you die to save me."

"Fine," Finn breathed. "If you won't let me save you, how about we save everyone else? You're the only one who can fire the rockets. If you die, we all die. I'll be right back."

Lyanna saw Raven, then Clarke, and seeing the distressed and worried faces of both, she put on the hood of her cloak.

"He's like my brother, I will not let anything happen to him" and with determination she left the ship, listening to the cries of Clarke and Raven that she should stay and not to leave.

"Finn, wait ... Hey, wait!

Finn turned around to see who was yelling at him and his face changed immediately.

"Lya, you know I have to do this, please do not make it harder ..."

"I know, that's why I'm going with you"

"No way, Lya, it's very dangerous." Finn replied shaking his head.

"Look, I know that I am Lya, the girl who does not kill a fly and who still believes in the stories that my father and uncle Diago told me before I slept, but I'm not a coward" I don't want to be a coward "I want to help, besides, Lincoln will not hurt me and Neon much less ... they...they can not hurt me anymore, and besides, you know I'll go anyway. "

"Do not get off my side"

"Never" said Lyanna.

The two began to go into the tunnels that were the only way to get in and out of the camp, walking quickly through the people running and others trotting towards their posts, but Lyanna frowned when someone stopped her by the wrist, it was Bellamy.

"Hey, hey where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I'm with Finn" Lyanna answered "Raven is not improving, and if she ... if she does not survive none of us will."

"Not while I'm here," Bellamy replied.

"Bell, listen to me" Lyanna said impatiently "I'll be back, I'm not going straight to my death, not with Finn by my side, and I will not let Raven die so keep everyone alive, okay?"

Bellamy did not like it, did not like the idea of Lyanna in danger, but really when they were not in danger? He knew that Lyanna would go anyway, she was shy, nervous and sensitive but in the weeks that Bellamy had spent with her, he had known her little by little, until he knew her completely, Lyanna was brave, and had such a strong heart. big, kind and gentle ... Bellamy could not describe Lyanna with such ordinary words.


"Be careful little red"

"You too, please," Lyanna replied, squeezing his shoulder fondly.

"Lyanna!" Finn yelled at the entrance to the tunnel. "Let's go. We have to go!"

"Go" Bellamy nodded.


"That's not good," Lyanna said, afraid of the sound of war drums filling the dark forest, causing her to bite her lip.

"Let's go Lya, we have to hurry up." Finn called, taking her hand and making her run faster.

As they reached the Lincoln's cave, where Lyanna and Octavia had previously been captured, the two practically threw themselves towards the entrance and began searching frantically around the cave, searching for the coagulant for Raven.

"Very well ... um ... Neon ... Neon told me that to stop a hemorrhage it's orange." Lyanna said while looking just as desperate. They were not having much luck, and Lyanna almost jumped when Finn randomly threw things around the place, but what made Lyanna defensive was when Finn's lantern fell, and she saw that a leaf of a dagger was against the neck of his best friend.

"Lincoln!" Lyanna yelled in a gasp.

"Lincoln!" Finn shouted in relief, Lincoln pulled his dagger from his neck. "You're alive. You made it."

"I told you to leave," Lincoln snapped angrily, still seeing Finn angrily when Lyanna gave him a quick hug and he gave it back, then saw the girl "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be safe"

"I can't abandon my friends"

"Why are you still here?" Lincoln asked. "I told you to–"

"We tried," Finn gasped breathlessly.

"The scouts were already there," Lyanna interrupted.

"I'm out of ammo, do you copy?" someone yelled through the radio.

"What was that?" Lincoln asked.

Finn pulled the radio from his belt and showed it to Lincoln, holding it in his hand, so that then a lot of muffled voices could be heard through the device, increasingly inconsistent, most unintelligible. Finn took the radio back while Lincoln saw them both

"Why are you not there?"

"Raven was shot" Finn and Lyanna chorused.

"We need medicine to slow the bleeding," Finn continued.

"You came to save one life?" Lincoln asked accusingly.

"If she dies...we all die," Lyanna responded quickly, then saw him with hope. "Do you have the medicine or not?"

Lincoln shook his head disappointedly. "I have it."

Lincoln fumbled through his belongings until he threw a pouch at Finn.

"No! Stand your ground. If they take the gate, we're all dead."

"I'm going with you," Lincoln muttered. "Let's go."

Lyanna nodded, going after him but stopped walking when she saw Finn who was looking at some pages of Lincoln's notebook.


Kneeling down he took a page from a drawing of a man with skin marked with symbols, he looked like a living dead, the man looked like a white walkers or one of the first men, then she thought of the short story that Finn and Clarke had explained about their disappearance and how they had encountered the reapers that were much worse.

"Finn, Lyanna, let's move!" Lincoln snapped, returning to the cave.

"How far did the Reapers chase you?" Finn asked.

"They'd still be chasing me if I didn't lose them," Lincoln replied bluntly. "Why?"

"I have a really bad idea," Finn breathed.

"Are we probably going to die?"


"I know you Finn Collins, and any idea you find terrible is because you'll probably get us killed" she sighed and looked at him hopefully, they had no more ideas and the time was over, things were not going well at the camp "What's on your mind?"


Finn's idea turned out just like Lyanna was thinking about something terribly deadly, a pretty suicidal idea. They had found the reapers a few miles away and Lyanna had attracted their attention, causing a large group of reaperes to follow them as they ran as fast as they could through the trees.

Once they were close, Finn took her hand again so that neither of them would lose the other through the dark night, as they could not go through the doors they had to go through the tunnels, both tired by the race, they tried to catch their breath.

"You like Bellamy, right?

"What?" Lyanna gasped, almost letting go of his hand.

"I... I heard you ... with ... with Raven, not only you like him...you... you love him" Finn said trying to breathe.

Lyanna was silent.

"This is a terrible idea"the girl changed the subject.

"I... I don't want you so close to Bellamy." Finn shook his head. "And at least it worked, "said thinking of his idea of the reapers.

When they entered the camp, Lyanna and Finn met Clarke who embraced Lyanna first with strength and relief, then to Finn, she saw them confused.

"What did you do?"

"We kicked the hornet's nest," Finn replied.

"You brought the Reapers?" Clarke asked quietly.

"Uh ... they came of their own will?" Lyanna replied, then frowned "How's Raven?

"She's not good," Clarke replied. "And the rockets aren't ready yet. Jasper's working on them now."

"Wait, Jasper?" Finn asked confused. "What's plan B?"

"Jasper was the plan B" said Clarke.

"Where's Bellamy? And Octavia? "Lyanna asked worriedly.

"On the front. No! "Clarke took her arm when Lyanna was already turning to look for them. "You have to stay here. I promised Bellamy, Lya.

"Hell, Bellamy" Lyanna cursed but nodded, tired.

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