《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h i r t y - e i g t h


It was not long since they had started marching in the direction of the new place, so they were still a bit close to the camp, Finn and someone else was bringing Raven on a stretcher, Lyanna was next to Clarke looking around, the tall trees, her mind went to Neon, would she see him again? How would he be? However the group stopped following slowly, Octavia was at the beginning of the group, in front, so she should have given the signal, and Lyanna could not help but worry. They stayed a few seconds in silence until they heard a couple of screams and the girl tensed, at least they were close to the ship, Jasper shouted;


Lyanna's eyes widened and she felt her breathing shake, they all started to run back like a stampede, the girl almost fell down with so many pushes but Clarke took her hand and together they ran back to the camp, while Lyanna looked back looking for Octavia or Bellamy. Once they all entered the camp they quickly closed the doors.

"Where are they? Why are not they attacking?"

"Because that's exactly what they want us to do" Lyanna said, Neon had also told her about how the grounders organized, how they thought, how they attacked, in case they attacked the camp and she had to flee, she had promised that she was going to run away but Lyanna did not want to be a coward

"What are you talking about?" He said looking at Lyanna, she saw Clarke and Finn looking at her just as confused.

"Neon and Lincoln said that the scouts would be the first to arrive" Lyanna tried to speak loudly between so much chaos "... Ah, merde"

"If it's just scouts we can fight our way out." Octavia said to Lyanna, "That's what Lincoln would do."

"We're done doing what that grounder would do. We tried it and now Drew is dead." He pointed to Drew whose body was laying on the ground with his face covered by a jacket, "You wanna be next?"

"That grounder saved our lives. I agree with Octavia, for all we know there's one scout out there." Finn interrupted him.


"A scout with insanely good aim." Jasper spoke to them.

"Clarke, Lya. We can still do this." Octavia said to the two girls and Lyanna opened her mouth somewhat surprised, she was not a leader like Clarke, she was not at all good at making decisions you only had to see her past, however; Neon had taught her everything she needed to escape an attack, but also when it was necessary to fight, and when a fight was necessary or simply a whim, she was not a leader, but she knew how the terrestrials thought. Lyanna shared a look with Clarke

"What's it going to be girls? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?" Bellamy asked them both. Once Clarke had told Lyanna that she had learned French so the girl saw Clarke and told her, thinking Clarke thought the same thing;

"Se battre" she said to Clarke and she nodded.

"We stay."Clarke stated.

"Clarke, if we're still here when Tristan gets here.." Finn stopped talking and shook his head.

"Lincoln said scouts, more than one. He said, "get home before the scouts arrive. And Neon told the same to Lya" Finn, they're already here."

"Looks like you got your fight." Lyanna told Bellamy and he nodded, turning around to see the crowd, the criminal group.

"Okay, this is what we have been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed." Bellamy ordered as everyone began to walk quickly and go to their posts. Octavia began to walk away: drawing a sword that Lyanna had told her to give it a name, Octavia had answered that if they were alive; she would name it. Bellamy went after her, while Lyanna went to the ship, entering with Clarke and Finn, talking to Raven and soon Bellamy joined them.

"We've got 25 rifles with 20 rounds each, give or take. Roughly 500 rounds of ammo. While you two were gone, we made some improvements. Thanks to Raven, the gully is mined." Bellamy spoke while everyone listened.


"Partially mined. Thanks to Murphy."

"Still, it's the main route in. If the grounders use it, we'll know. She also built grenades." Bellamy said holding a silver one.

"It's not many." Clarke sighed.

"Again, thank you, Murphy." Raven growled.

"It's something."Lyanna shrugged with a sight

"We'll make them count. If the grounders make it through the front gate, guns and grenades should force them back."

"And then?" Clarke asked. Nobody said anything until Raven decided to talk

"Then we close the door and pray."

"And pray what? That the ship keeps them out? Because it won't." Clarke interrupted her.

"Then lets not let them get through the gate." Bellamy told her and raised the walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"All foxholes, listen up. Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan."

"That's always your plan. Just like the bomb at the bridge." Finn glared at Bellamy.

"Damn right." Bellamy said "You got a better idea?"

"It cant be that simple." Clarke shook his head, seeing the map they had made "You said there's fuel in those rockets, right? Enough to build 100 bombs."

"I also said we got no gunpowder left." Raven huffed.

Lyanna closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose, remembering anything that could help until her mind stopped one night when she was 14 and was with her father and Diago, who had wrapped her in a couple of blankets.

"THE GREAT SEPT EXPLOITED?" Lyanna asked without believing it, then asked rhetorically. "Whats Next? The destruction of the wall?

Diago and Valjean looked for a couple of seconds and then laughed.

"Stop laughing!" Lyanna said, her blue eyes wide with surprise. It was her right? It was the Mad Queen!

Diago nodded and gave Lyanna more tea.

"The destruction of The Great Sept, in order to take revenge on his recent enemies, The lioness queen also known as the Mad Queen caused the great septum of Baelor to be destroyed by fire Valyrio, after the trial of Sir Loras Tyrell.

"Wait, wait, wait ... how could she destroy it? How the Great Sept of Baelor could explode? I don't understand."

"By the wildfire" said Valjean reassuring his daughter

"Wildfire?" Lyanna asked without understanding.

"Wildfire was a flammable liquid which was created and controlled by the Alchemists' Guild, an ancient society of learned men using arcane knowledge and now based in the city of King's Landing, exploded with tremendous force and the resulting fire burns so hot that water can not extinguish it."

"When the dragons of the khalessi were born, the Pyromanters began to have greater success making the best Valyrian fire, faster, more powerful and began to dare with more dangerous spells that had stopped working"Diago added

"Oh ... like when the dwarf attacked the blood of the deer claiming the throne? what he used was Wildfire"

The two men nodded, proud.

"Wildfire" Lyanna muttered to herself, understanding how little by little everything was beginning to fit in her mind "That's it; Wildfire!

"Lyanna, it's not time for your stories," Finn said wearily and with a sigh, but Clarke frowned and saw Lyanna, knowing that something important was going through her mind, and they did not have many options so everything was accepted.

"Lyanna said it. What is wildfire? How can you help us? "Clarke asked.

"Before, it was a flammable and volatile liquid that can burn for a long time, burning everything in its path until it is completely consumed, impossible to extinguish and can burn on the water. But it does not exist anymore so ... we got no gunpowder left but I'm not talking about making a bomb, I want to blast off, like wildfire"

"Draw them in close. Fire the rockets. " Raven nodded her head at the plan with a little smile" Damn, Lya. You want a ring of fire.

"Barbecue grounders, I like it." Bellamy nodded in approval.

"Will it work?" Finn asks Raven.

"The wiring's a mess down there, but yeah. You give me enough time, I'll cook them real good."

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