《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h i r t y - s e v e n


"It's Clarke and Finn! Open the gate!" someone yelled,

On hearing Finn's name, Lyanna returned to reality, her mind focused on Finn and only on Finn: he was alive, her friend, her brother was alive. She opened her eyes and she saw herself so close to Bellamy that she jumped, scared.

"Finnie!" Lyanna shrieked and got down as fast as she could from the dropship, Bellamy took a second to process that he had almost kissed Lyanna, almost, they were close...so close...and then Finn and Clarke had arrived.

"Couldn't they arrive a minute later?" he asked angrily as he descended after Lyanna.

When Lyanna left the dropship and saw Finn, she ran to the boy and jumped into his arms, she hugged him with relief as he sighed, Finn hugged her and squeezed her a little.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked as he saw a bruise on her cheek.

Lyanna nodded and kissed him on the cheek, then turned and gave Clarke a big hug, the girl smiled at Lyanna's hug.

"I'm glad you're fine" Lyanna whispered.

"Thank god! Where's Monty?" Jasper questioned

"I...I don't know"

"Clarke, we need to leave now." Finn turned and looked at the delinquents, "All of us do. There's an army of grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen, coming for us right now. We need to pack what we can and run."

"Like hell we do. We knew this was coming." Bellamy stated sternly.

"Bell we're not prepared yet." Octavia said to her brother.

"And they're not here yet, we still have time to get ready. Besides where would we go? Where would we be safer than behind these walls?"

"There's an ocean to the east. People there will help us." Finn spoke up

Octavia looked at Finn, "You saw Lincoln."

Finn nodded.

"You expect us to trust a grounder? This is our home now." Bellamy started, "We built this from nothing with our bare hands! Our dead are buried behind that wall in this ground! Our ground! The grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we came from the sky, we don't belong here. But they're yet to realize one very important fact: We are on the ground now, and that means we are grounders!"

"Yeah!" Someone shouted, "Grounders with guns!"


"Damn right! I say let 'em come!" Bellamy yelled with them.

"Bellamy is right." Clarke cuted in after the crowd stopped cheering. Lyanna saw her confused "If we leave, we may never find a place as safe as this. And God knows, in this world, we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow. But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die tonight. So pack your things. Just take what you can carry, now." Everyone quickly walked away to get their things.

"Raven!" Someone shouted and all turned to see Raven stumbling from behind the dropship, they runned over towards her and Bellamy and Finn were the first to get to her.

"Get her in the dropship." Clarke said and Finn lifted her up and walked in. Before Clarke can go in after them Bellamy grabbed her arm.

"Leaving here is a mistake." He warned.

"The decision has been made." She told him sternly

"Crowds make bad decisions. Just ask Murphy. Leaders do what they think is right." Bellamy explained to her.

"I am." She said and turned away and walked into the dropship, with Lyanna who was hurrying her.

Raven was lying on her back screaming in pain from the blazing orange blade that was pressed to her skin. Clarke pulled the knife away and the blood left on her skin. Lyanna grimaced and clenched her jaw, she hated seeing people in pain, especially her friends, and blood, especially blood.

"That should stop the external bleeding." Clarke sighed, setting the knife down.

"I don't understand. How did Murphy get a gun?" Finn questioned Bellamy; still clutching Ravens hand. Bellamy looked to Lyanna and then back to Finn,

"Long story." Raven interrupted him "We got lucky, if Murphy hit the fuel tank instead of me we would all be dead."

"Wait. There's rocket fuel down there?" Clarke asked the girl and Raven nodded. "Enough to build a bomb?"

"Enough to build a hundred bombs." Raven sighed and continued, "If we had any gun powder left."

"Let's get back to the reapers." Bellamy changed the subject, "Maybe they'll help us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

Finn and Clarke shared a look and looked back to the group.

"Not this enemy. We saw them, trust me, it's not an option." Clarke said, Lyanna wondered how bad they could be.


"We don't have time for this. Can she walk or not?" Finn pointed his question towards Clarke and she shaked her head.

"No, we have to carry her."

"The hell you will, I'm good to go."

She started to sit up and Clarke and Lyanna immediately stopped her from struggling to sit up.

"Hey, listen to me. That bullet is still inside you, if by some miracle there's no internal bleeding it might hold until we get somewhere safe. But you are not walking there. Is that clear?" Clarke demanded her.

"I'll get the stretcher." Finn said hurriedly and started to walk away until Bellamy spoke up.

"Can't run away fast enough, huh? Real brave." Bellamy said glaring lightly at Finn. Finn walked back over;

"Dying in a fight you can't win isn't brave Bellamy, it's stupid."

"Spoken like every coward who's ever run from a fight." Bellamy said getting in Finn's face.

"Boys, that's enough." Lyanna said putting herself in the middle of the two but they didn't stop the harsh glare.

"It's time to go." Clarke told them.

"If they follow, it's a hundred and twenty mile walk to the ocean."

"Look we're wasting time, if he want's to stay he can stay." Finn argues and storm out.

"Finn. Enough." Lyanna spoke to him in a voice she never used, a decisive voice, a neutral voice, then the girl headed toward Bellamy "We can't do this without you Bellamy,"

"What do you want me to say Lya?" .

"I want you to say you're with us, those kids out there listen to you."

"They're lining up to go, they listen to Clarke more." He interrupted her.

"Clarke gave them an easy choice. But five minutes ago they were willing to fight and die for you...I was. You inspire them." Lyanna took Bellamy's hands, "And i'm afraid we're going to need that again before this day is through." When Lyanna finished Clarke nodded in agreement and she turned around and walked out the dropship. Bellamy went after her and Lyanna stayed and turned to look at Raven.

"I'm sorry"Lyanna's voice came out of nowhere. a little broken "I'm really sorry Raven"

Raven saw her confused, not understanding her, it weighed that she had to apologize for sleeping with Bellamy

"Why?" Raven asked.

Lyanna sighed and knelt in front of Raven.

"This didn't have to happen to you Raven. You had to come here, meet Finn, and enjoy the two together Earth ... you did not have to be sad and with a broken heart for Finn ... if only I had lent a little more attention ... if only I had worried a little more ... "Lyanna shook her head" Finn hears me, if I had told him that you were expecting him up there, he would have listened to me ... Raven you deserve much more than this .... many here deserve more than this, we deserve freedom on earth, a new opportunity .... and now we have a war in our hands."

Raven saw Lyanna, unable to believe it, and let out a small laugh.

"Sorry for sleeping with Bellamy, I know you like him and before you deny it ... do not forget when you said he had nice freckles," she said with a smile.

Lyanna also giggled and gave her a slightly sad smile.

"Yeah, he does have cute freckles"

"Do you love him?" Raven asked curiously.

Lyanna opened her mouth but was silent.

"I don't know what being in love is... but I...I really think I Iove Bellamy."

"Lya" the girl jumped scared when she heard a voice behind her, gave a sigh when she saw it was Finn, but the boy frowned, looked a little angry, brought the strecher to Raven, Lyanna nodded and left the ship with a sigh, praying that Finn had not heard her.

Lyanna head out of the dropship and she saw how everybody was heading out already. Bellamy was standing by the fire. She smiled a little bit and went to him.

"You did good, Bellamy." Lyanna place her hand on his shoulder with kidness.

"Eighteen dead." He said, but Lyanna saw him with a frown, responding quickly

"Eighty-two alive. You did good." He nodded and grabbed a bucket near him and dumped it onto the flames. They quickly sizzle out and the smoke rised.

"About what I was going to do ..."

Lyanna gave him a small smile and took his hand, playing with his fingers, nervous.

"I think.... we could talk about it when we get there, don't you...don't you think?"

Bellamy smiled;

"I would like that"

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