《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t h i r t y - s i x


"NO! NO! Stop! Stop! Please!" Lyanna started to scream as she watched Bellamy choke. He tried to hold the rope away from his throat with his hands. Lyanna wondered if tomorrow would be another day ... because if Lyanna had to see Bellamy die she did not want to open her eyes the next day. But suddenly they heard someone yell out under them.

"I'm guessing that's her right now!" Murphy said shooting at the floor, bullets whizzing through.

"No! Murphy, stop it!" Bellamy screamed at him.

"NO! OCTAVIA! DON'T SHOOT! YOU WILL KILL US ALL!" Lyanna shouted at him, if Murphy happened to give any tank with flammable or toxic components, he could blow up the whole ship, but the gun started to to click.

and he's out of ammo

Bellamy tried to get the noose off his head. Murphy noticing this rubbed over, kicking the stool out from under him.

The girl tried to visualize something, anything used to remove the rope that had her hands tied, saw a knife on the table but could not go without Murphy realizing. Lyanna pulled as hard as she could against the ropes, trying to get to Bellamy who was swinging in the air, gasping for breath. Lyanna's legs began to tremble and her throat closed, she did not care if she was having a panic attack, Lyanna screamed louder, and she gave a huge shout right next to Murphy's ear, making him complain

Murphy grabbed her and took her by the chin, forcing her to watch as Bellamy struggled for air, Lyanna tried to get away from Murphy, she wanted to get to Bellamy, but closed her eyes not wanting to see what was happening, wanting everything to be a nightmare, and to wake up in Finn's arms or by Octavia's side.


"I want you to see it," he said, taking her by the chin, "Look at it!"

Lyanna could see, and she would see better if her eyes were not blurred because of the heavy tears.

"Using your hands is a cheat. Mine were bound, remember?" Murphy said as he grabbed Bellamy's hands to stop him from trying to get the rope off him. But Bellamy grabbed Murphy and punched him right in the face.

Lyanna gasped, feeling completely useless, the only thing she did was cry, but she did not have special powers, she did not have a dragon, she was not a queen, she was not a witch; she was nothing and could not protect anyone.

"Raven, you did it!" Lyanna heard a yell; it was Jasper

Jasper and Octavia ran towards the two of them and attempted to help Bellamy, While the girl watched as Murphy looked clearly scared and climbed to the next level, Lyanna clenched her teeth furiously; however the concern for Bellamy appeased any other feeling. Jasper wrapped his arms around Bellamy's legs and relieved the pressure the noose was causing, and Lyanna never felt so relieved in her life, feeling like they were taking a weight off her chest. Octavia reached for one of the seatbelt buckles and pulled on it, releasing Bellamy and dropping him and Jasper to the floor.

"Yeah!" she gasped in relief, falling to her knees beside her brother. "Bell, breathe! "Breathe!" Bellamy let out a hoarse gasp and Octavia visibly sighed in relief. "Good. You're okay. You're okay."

Jasper was on his feet in an instant, going to Lyanna clearly just as worried.


He appeared behind Lyanna and cut the ropes in her arms. Discarding them to one side, Lyanna quickly pulled her hands out with a groan and put her wrists in front of her; They were reddened by the friction he had made in an attempt to free himself, they burned him a lot.


Bellamy rolled over after catching his breath, lifting himself off the floor, somehow Lyanna appreciated that, because otherwise she would have thrown herself on him and not let him go, but she didn't want him to go after Murphy, who was armed and had no doubt about killing Bellamy.

"MURPHY!"Bellamy shouted angrily, going behind Murphy as Lyanna feared.

"Bellamy stop!" Lyanna cried, as Bellamy went for the ladder.

"Murphy, it's over. Give it up," he yelled, climbing up the ladder and attempting to open the hatch, which Murphy had closed from the other side. "Murphy! There's only one way out of this for you now!"

An explosion ripped through the drop-ship and everyone shrieked, Lyanna covered her ears with a groan as Bellamy was finally able to get through the hatch, shoving into the room angrily. "Murphy?!"

The girl stood on the ground as fast as she could, feeling dizzy and nauseous because of what had just happened a few seconds ago, anyway, her legs a little shaky, she went behind Jasper. Once she climbed, she saw the huge hole in the wall that the explosion had left.

Jasper was at Bellamy's side.

"We're going after Monty, Finn, and Clarke. We don't abandon our own." Bellamy stated after a couple of seconds.

"Bellamy, I just. Thank you. Long way from 'whatever the hell you want'." Jasper said, grabbing Bellamys shoulder with gratitude, he nodded and Jasper left, leaving them both alone; without really knowing what to say. Lyanna felt as if she had just been awakened from a nightmare.

The two of them remained silent, Lyanna took a step near Bellamy and the next second, She jumped into his arms quickly, Bellamy immediately wrapped his strong arms around the waist of the girl with strength.

"I'm sorry," Lyanna said with a sob, crying "Oh god, I thought you were going to die, I thought you were going to- to die in front of me."

"shhh ... I'm fine Lya, you're fine" Bellamy said stroking her hair gently.

"No ... you do not understand, I never been more terrified ... I thought...I thought I lost you." Lyanna wiped a tear and blinked, trying not to continue crying. Bellamy gently cleaned a tear that was falling down her cheek, at that moment they were very close to each other, Lyanna was so small and Bellamy was tall so the girl had to raise her head to look into his eyes, the two felt the breath of the other, Bellamy could see his reflection in the beautiful eyes of the girl.

"Lya ..." said Bellamy licking his lips nervous, he had a hand on the cheek of Lyanna, as they were getting closer and closer, their fronts were touching and both had their eyes closed "I will do something ... and I... don't know if you will like it...I...uh..."

Bellamy Blake was rambling, and Lyanna was trembling.

"Can you try?"Lyanna mumbled, standing on tiptoe

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