《N A Y A T | the 100 ||bellamy blake》t w e n t y f i v e


Jasper went to celebrate with other boys and Lyanna walked away a little with her glass in hand, she went to sit on a log and saw the full moon.

"Comment pouvez-vous vivre sans votre amour, Lune ? " Lyanna asked seeing to the sky "

She certainly looked like a crazy girl or a drunk with a glass of moonshine and talking to nothing but Lyanna did not care, she liked talking to the moon, the sun or the stars.

"Comment pouvez-vous rester si brillant si vous êtes si triste? Dites-moi votre secret, s'il vous plaît, Lune''

Also she liked to practice her French. Lyanna saw the Moon again and sighed, took a little more of Jasper's improvised vine, she thought of the tales of Diago and her father; The seven gods, Nymeria, the god of death, the mad queen ...

"I miss you a lot" she said, looking at what was supposed to be the Ark "one day, when you come down here, we'll go and see Les Champs Elisées as it appeared in that book. You will end the story of the Moon and the Sun, if they will ever be together ..."

"Lya?" A worried voice asked behind her back, it was Finn "Are you talking to the moon again?"

"And the stars" Lyanna said calmly.

"For the story of your old man?"

Lyanna nodded, and ran to give Finn a hug, he received her with a smile, Lyanna had only gone to look at him whenshe was sleeping and was happy to see her again, but he still had to clear up a few things with her.

"I set up a meeting with the grounders, and I need you to come with me." Finn explained lowly, glancing over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure no one had heard him "Do you think I didn't see you sneak away? " Finn took her wrist which had the bracelet that Neon had given her "I know you Lya and I have never seen you with this, the grounder gave it to you right? Octavia was lying, you never want to be alone."

Lyanna tried not to see Finn and nodded.

"Clarke also comes, they tell us to bring our leader."

"Then why do I go too?"

"Lincoln said they're interested in you, they say you're..."

"I'm what! Spill it out, Finnie"


Lyanna frowned, confused, Neon had put an interest in her because she looked like her sister and had become friends, but why the others?

"Okay, if that is for peace, I'll go"


Lyanna walked behind Clarke through the dark as she followed after Finn. She wanted peace, Lyanna had always wanted peace, and though she was too frightened to get entangled with the grounders, and thought she should be like Nymeria, she had to fight for her people. Following Clarke, she watched as the girl absentmindedly dropped a couple of peanuts, Lyanna made as if she did not see her and when Clarke followed, Lyanna took one, her friend was leaving a trail.

"I'd love it, if you were right about this but did you ever consider it might be a trap?"Clarke asked finn rationally.

"Yup."Finn nodded. "But since its unity day, I decided to have hope instead."

"That's something I never thought would come out of your mouth" Lyanna murmured.

"Seriously Finn,your putting a lot faith in guy who stuck a knife in you."Clarke cleared her throat after they shared a quiet moment.

"His name is Lincoln" Lyanna interrupted and then she wanted to slap herself.


"You know him?"Clarke said a little angry.

"And your sounding more and more like Bellamy."Finn said trying to defend his best friend.

"I'm just trying to keep us alive."Clarke argued.

"So am I."Finn nodded before turning on his heel to lead the way.Clarke pursed her lips before following after him.


Daylight shined upon the three as they ran through the forest, getting closer and closer to the bridge Finn had talked about .And when they broke through the bushes, Lyanna met with Octavia who turned back to look at them.

"Octavia?" only for Octavia to bring her friend into a small hug. "You're okay?"

"Don't worry" Octavia murmured pulling away from the hug.

"So that's who you set this up."Clarke glanced between the three. Clarke turned to Octavia with narrowed eyes. "You helped him escape, didn't you?"

"I trust him Clarke." Octavia stated strongly. "Neon is coming too"she added to her friend.

"Neon? Wait, who the hell is Neon?"Clarke asked

"He...He's my friend, and like Octavia said, I trust him too."

"There's a lot of that going around."Clarke uttered as she glanced to Finn.

Finn avoided her eyes as footsteps sounded from the other side of the bridge,Lyanna's eyes darted in that direction.

"Someone's coming."Finn alerted.

Lincoln came running across the bridge and octavia left Lyanna's side The grounder wrapped his arms around Octavia as they met half way.

Once they released one another, the grounders eyes shot up to look Lyanna.

"Lyanna" he greeted her "Talissa. You have Talissa's bracelet" Lincoln pointed at her wrist, in which she had the leather and glass bracelet

"Neon gave it to me, by the way when he's coming?" Lyanna sighed but looked up to hear someone trotting towards them, in front of her was Neon with his orange hair and painted face, Lyanna just went to him and when they found Lyanna jumped into his arms, giving him a hug. He hugged her back and when he released her, he took her cheeks as if she were a little girl, making sure she was fine.

"I'm fine."

Neon and Lincoln's eyes shoot between Clarke and Finn. Clarke took a few wary steps back, only for Finn to grab her hand.

"What is that?"Clarke uttered under her breath at the sound of harsh pounding against the floor. Horses broke through the trees on the other side of the bridge,with riders on their backs. "Oh my god."Clarke whispered with a smile.

"hrazefes" Lyanna breathed, glancing over to Clarke who saw her with a confusing look.

"Grounder language?"she asked

Lyanna shook her head

"Ancient Dothraki"

A woman rested on the middle horse,her eyes dark and narrowed already.

"Hey ,we said no weapons."Finn pulled Clarke with him as they rushed up to the girls and the grounders side. The grounder turned to look at the guards on horses ,to see that they indeed had weapons unsheathed. "I was told there wouldn't be."

"Its too late now."Clarke muttered.

Finn nodded before making a move to pull clarke with him.But the grounder stopped him,holding him back. "They go alone."

Lyanna looked to clarke nervously and then to Neon.

"We'll be fine."Lyanna tried to assure,her voice light and delicate.

"Lya -"

"Hey, its time to do better."Clarke nodded to Finn, and he nodded back after a moment,before releasing Clarke's hand,for Lyanna to grab the blonde's hand in assurance.

The woman grounder unmounted from her horse when she saw the two girls making their way to the middle of the bridge.She wore a stony expression and looked as if she had a permanent glare.


Meanwhile, Bellamy, Raven and Jasper watched from the woods below. And Bellamy kept his eyes on Lyanna the whole time,occasionally glancing to make sure his sister was fine too, a few seconds ago Bellamy was seriously thinking of shooting the grounder who had hugged Lyanna and had taken her face in worrie

Lyanna and Clarke stopped in front of the grounder,and she glanced over the two girls in front of her with judging eyes.

"Neon was right, You really look like Talissa"the grounder said to Lyanna then her attention was in the two girls

"You're Clarke and Lyanna?"The woman asked with a strong voice.

The two girl nodded.

"I'm Anya." The woman introduced.

Clarke held out her hand between them, and Lyanna bit the inside of her cheek while watching Clarke .Anya glanced down at Clarke's hand and merely looked back up to meet their eyes, Lyanna quickly lowered Clarke's hand in the air.

"I think we got off to a rough start, but we want to find a way to live together, in peace." Lyanna said and felt uncomfortable to feel the look of Anya on her, she was examining her.

Anya only seemed to narrow her eyes at the two even further.

"I understand."She said."You started a war that you don't know how to end."

"W-what?"Lyanna asked nervously. "We didn't start anythin-"

"You attacked us for no reason."Clarke defended.

"No reason?"Anya raised her voice as she tilted her head at them. "The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground."

"The flares?" Clarke asked with wide eyes."No. That was a signal meant for our families.We didn't know they woul-"

"You are invaders." Anya sneered "Your ship landed in our territory."

Clarke glanced to Lyanna for help

"We didn't know anyone was here."Lyanna argued as calm as she could "We thought the ground was uninhabited."

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him." Anya snapped "These are all acts of war."

"I see your point."Clarke nodded.

"That's why we need to put an end to all of this."Lyanna said

"Lincoln said there were more of you coming down here, warriors." Anya pointed out

"The guard,yes."Clarke nodded in agreement. "But also farmers,doctors, engineers. We can help each other but not if we're at war."

"Can you promise that these new arrivals wont attack us, that they'll respect the terms we agree on?" Anya questioned,as she glanced between the two with narrowed eyes.

"I promise we will do everything we can to convince them to honor the terms we set."

"Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya shook her head in disbelief and anger.

"If you fire the first shot,those people coming down won't bother negotiating." Clarke voiced roughly.

"I don't want that, and you can't tell me that you do either."Lyanna said softly, trying to reason.

Anya seemed to have some sort of gratitude for Lyanna,but not so much for Clarke. You could just see it in her eyes.

"Our technology, they will wipe you out." Clarke stated.

"They wouldn't be the first to try." Anya replied to the blonde.

"But you are interested in us. Actually...you are interested in me. This is a meeting of leaders, what am I doing here?"Lyanna asked with curiosity.

"Lift your shirt, girl, "Anya said, Lyanna frowned, making what she asked for, revealing her pale stomach, the woman approached and pointed to Lyanna's stomach, where the girl had a birthmark that actually looked like a scar, her mothere always told her that her birthmark waws the most ugliest thing she had ever seen. So Lyanna didn't like to show it.

"You have the mark. Chilnes, Nomon kom..."but Anya did not manage to finish what she wanted to say, when some cries interrupted her.

"CLARKE! LYANNA!"Jasper's voice shouted as he exited the trees. "RUN!"

Gunshots rang out as Jasper fired at the trees .Weapons were thrown from the trees as Jasper continued firing. Arrows and spears were being thrown at the girls. Lyannas wan't even sure how to react before Anya drawed a knife from her sleeve. She bringed it up in the air to strike down on Clarke. A bullet was shot and the knife was thrown out of her hands.

"Girls get down!" Finn sais running towards the two. He grabbed Clarke's hand and quickly dragge her out of harms way.

Lyanna felt like someone was pushing her down, it was Neon, he was protecting her, he was covering her with his body.

"Go away, Lya, go before they hurt you!" Neon whispered in her ear, Lyanna nodded, her breath jerking as she wiggled her wrists as fast as she could, turned, stopped and ran behind of Finn and Octavia, Lyanna gave a groan however when she felt something on her cheek as she ran she touched her cheek and felt the warm, sticky blood on her fingers.


Once they reached camp everyone was out of breath from the long run back to camp.

"You got something to say?" Bellamy questioned Finn who was glaring at Clarke.

"Yeah. I told you no guns!"

"I told you that we couldn't trust the grounders. I was right." Clark shoted back.

"Why didn't you tell me what you were up to?" Raven asked

"I tried, but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn complained to Raven.

"You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you, Finn." Bellamy snapped.

"You don't know that! Jasper fired the first shot."

"You ruined everything." Octavia stated before leaving back into the camp.

"I saved you! You're welcome." Jasper followed after her.

Finn ignored them and continued. "Well, if we weren't at war already. We sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the grounders, Clarke. You just had to trust me and you..."he said now seing Lyanna" since when did you know?

"What do you mean? Lyanna did not know anything " Clarke defended her

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lyanna lied.

"Lyanna, I know you, don't play dumb, since when did you know they were following us?"

Lyanna bit her lip and looked down.

"As soon as we left the camp, Clarke was leaving nuts, she was leaving a trail".

Finn looked at hurt a little hurt before storming out.

"Like I said Best Unity Day ever" Bellamy murmured

Lyanna sighed and cursed.

"By the seven hells-"

She looked up, squinting her eyes slightly as a large light came plummeting through the sky. She glanced at Bellamy and Clarke who were watching the sky too, and slowly walked over beside her.

"The exodus ship?" Bellamy asked at Clarke "Your mom is early." Clarke grinned and Lyanna smiled, she knew her father or Diago were not there, but she was happy for Clarke, her smile slowly faltered. "Isn't it going too fast to land?" She frowned and Clarke shook her head and swallowed in fear.

"No parachute?" She choked out . She knew what was happening, Lyanna saw the ship crash and then a powerful light almost blind. Clarke fell to her knees in tears as she watched a mushroom cloud of smoke burst into the air,

Lyanna knelt down


And with just a touch on Clarke's shoulder, Clarke burst into tears on her shoulder, Lyanna immediately hugged her friend and stroked her hair gently. Lyanna could not know what Clarke's pain was at that moment, Lyanna had killed her mother, but after plunging the razor into her mother's heart and seeing her dead, she knelt in front of her and cried, wept for her dead mother, in spite of everything that woman had done to her, Lyanna had begun to cry like a baby.

"Mommy mama please don't die"

Maybe the pain Clarke felt was the one that Lyanna felt when she had lost her grandmother, Lyanna, while she kissed Clarke's hair, she saw Bellamy who was as surprised as she was.

"ajjin mori thirat kijinosi shieraki"Lyanna murmured against Clarke's hair.


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