《A Glitch In The Matrix》46: Rex Joins the Rebels


Rex approached the heavy duty gun that was attached to the walker. Ezra was sitting in the seat, messing around with the movement. It was jerky, but he was still trying to figure out how it worked. Rex smiled, and walked over to him.

"Uh, sorry. Um, I'm in your seat", Ezra said when he noticed the captain. Rex didn't say anything and instead just crouched down beside the chair.

"The traverse controls are over here on the left", he pointed out, beginning to teach the young Jedi how to use the gun. "and the elevation's on the right."

"Really?" Ezra asked, realizing that the clone was teaching him how to use it. Rex nodded and stood as the kid's movements with the gun became smoother. Ezra tried to make small talk as he messed with the gun.

"So, um, what was it like to fight in the clone war?"

"I don't think the fighting ever got to Lothal", Rex said. "I tell ya, war was never dull. The general I fought with was one of the greatest of the Jedi. I trusted him with my life more times than I could count." He sighed. "And I tried my best to keep that trust."

"Alright, with any luck, we can get out of here soon", Sabine called from the Phantom. Rex turned to look at her.

Ezra argued. "We can't just leave Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor here."

"Well, the Empire is here because of us", Rex said. "We'll deal with the consequences."

Zeb spoke from behind Rex. "Wait, listen."

Rex listened carefully, and he could faintly hear the sound of clanking. Wolffe pointed off in the distance, and when Rex turned, he could barely make out the image of something. He grabbed his binocs and looked through them, seeing three walkers heading straight for them.

Gregor took the binocs and climbed down a level, looking through them to try and get a better image of what they looked like. Wolffe spoke up once he reached Gregor

"How many legs they got?" he asked as Rex approached the two of them

"It looks like four", Gregor answered.

"Four?" Wolffe exclaimed. "How are they not falling over?"

Rex took the binocs from Gregor, and looked through them, noting that they indeed only had four legs. Rex started noting the things that were different, a smile on his face

"Huh. Reinforced armor plating, heavy cannons, and antipersonnel blasters. Mmm."

"I'm glad you guys are so excited", Ezra said, his voice rising as he spoke. Rex started toward the ladder to join the Jedi on the same level. "But those giant death machines are on their way to blow us to bits!"

"Wolffe, set vector two-niner-zero", Rex said. Wolffe saluted him, from the lower level, and Rex ran past the Jedi.

"Wait, you're just going to turn and run?" Kanan asked. "Just like that?"

Rex paused at the gun that Ezra was messing with earlier. "Well, if you've got a better idea, sir, now's the time." He hopped into the seat, and got ready for the battle.

"I thought you clones loved to fight", Kanan argued.

Rex rolled his eyes. "I do love a battle, but on my terms. Gregor, drop the joopa! We gotta get moving."

"Oh!" Gregor whined through the comm. "Bye bye, Big Bongo."

Once Rex heard the sound of the joopa hitting the ground, he spoke to Wolffe. "Wolffe, turn one-eight-zero."

"Copy that", the clone responded. As they approached the storm, Rex overheard Sabine tell Kanan that the Phantom was ready to fly. The Jedi called for Zeb as he ran past Rex's post, but the clone captain cut in.


"Too late. The walkers are already on top of us."

"He's right, Kanan", Ezra cut in. "They'll shoot us down."

"How will going into that storm be any better?" Kanan snapped as Rex looked at him.

"Well, the storm will scramble the scanners", Sabine said. "We'll all be blind."

"But a Jedi won't", Rex said as he returned his gaze to the storm they were approaching before looking back at Kanan. He saw the look of surprise on the Jedi's face as Kanan looked down. Rex shifted out of his seat, and waited for the Jedi to give an order.

"Alright, everybody inside", Kanan yelled. Rex smiled and stood.

"Sir, yes, sir", he said as he followed the Ghost crew. They made it inside just as they entered the storm. After walking in the storm for a while, Ezra spoke up.

"We're not going to be able to hide in this storm forever."

"Those things are practically impervious to blasters, but they have one weak point in their armor. The neck", Sabine said. Rex crossed his arms as he listened to them figure out a plan.

"One well placed shot from the main gun should destroy it", Gregor said, slamming a fist onto his other hand.

Rex uncrossed his arms, and rubbed the back of his head. "That's all we might get, one shot." The clone captain walked over to Zeb, who was tapping on the computer screen.

"I don't know how we're supposed to shoot at something we can't see", the lasat grumbled. "I don't even know where the enemy is."

"You don't always have to see something to know where it is", Kanan thought aloud. "If you're willing to trust me, I can get us that shot."

"I always trust my general", Rex said fervently. A small amount of surprise made it's way to Kanan's face, before he closed his eyes, reaching out with his hand and the force. As Rex watched, he was reminded of when Evie did that the last time he saw her. She was helping him reach the ship that got him and Ahsoka to safety.

"Prepare to stop... now!" Kanan said. Rex felt the walker shift to stop, and he continued to watch Kanan. They were all silent as the walkers outside thudded past them.

"Commander Wolffe, circle left, double time", Kanan ordered. Rex felt the walker move again and wobbled a bit when Kanan order a full stop again. The Jedi put his hand down, and looked at the group.

"If what I'm sensing is right, we're surrounded", he said. Rex frowned, unsure of how they were going to get out of this one.

"What?" Ezra exclaimed. As Rex thought about it some more, he realized what Kanan had done.

"You put us right in the middle of 'em to get us a shot", he said forcefully. "It's crazy, but it's probably our best chance."

"Once we fire, we'll reveal our location", Sabine pointed out. "If we miss, it's all over."

"I'll take the shot", Gregor claimed. Rex was proud when Kanan quickly shut him down.

"No, Ezra should take the shot."

"Uh, why don't you do it?" Ezra asked nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Kanan looked at his apprentice, but it was Rex who spoke. He approached the young Jedi as he spoke.

"Kanan's right. We need one Jedi up there manning the cannon, and another Jedi down here to lead us out of this mess. You are the only ones who can see in this storm." Rex placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder, and watched as the blue haired kid's eyes widened in nervous understanding. Rex waited until the kid nodded before he gave his next order.


"Sabine, spot him", he said. As Ezra walked away, Rex grabbed his old helmet. "Hey, kid!" When Ezra turned, he tossed him the helmet, smiling. "You might need that. And hang on tight."

Rex waited patiently for Kanan to give Ezra the next orders. From now on, it was out of his hands. He had full faith in the Jedi who were with however, just as he had placed trust in General Skywalker, Commander Tano, and Evie. Rex's eyes fell downward as he remembered Evie. He cracked a sad smile as he imagined her telling him that he should be going with them, to live on in her memory. Gregor and Wolffe would be okay by themselves.

He sighed and pulled himself out of his thoughts just as Kanan spoke to Ezra. "Ezra, there's a walker somewhere around point five."

Rex didn't hear Ezra's response, but he imagined it was something snarky. He heard the two conversing, but didn't listen too carefully until Kanan yelled to Wolffe.

"There's your opening! Go for it!"

Rex wobbled as the walker started moving forward again, and he smiled as he heard the blaster fire from behind them, but none of the bolts hitting them. They slowly made their way out of the storm. When Rex saw the clear blue skies, his smile widened. He rushed out of the cabin, and to the main cannon. He got there just as Ezra jumped back across.

"Great shot, kid!" he cried. "Now get yourself moving. This is your only chance."

"What? We can't leave now", Ezra argued. Kanan was having none of it, and Rex couldn't blame him.

"We have to get the information they gave us back to the rebellion", he retributed. Ezra glared at him as the other two of the crew hurried into the Phantom. The blue haired Jedi almost followed them, but paused to continued arguing with Kanan.

"The other part of that mission was to bring Rex back with us. We can't just abandon them. And you know she would want to see him!"

Rex noticed the emphasis Ezra put on she, and knew he wasn't talking about Ahsoka. He refused to focus on that part of it though, and instead cut into the argument.

"You're not abandoning anyone. We're covering your escape", he explained as he walked over to Ezra. "Now, move!"

The young Jedi closed his eyes, and handed Rex back his helmet as Kanan walked past him. Rex turned away from him and hurried over to the cannon, ready to use it against the other two walkers. He paused for a moment, before turning back to Ezra.

"We're soldiers, Ezra!" he called. "This is what we were born to do!"

He turned back to gun, and waited for the Phantom to lift off so he could turn and see if the walkers had made it out of the storm yet. He smiled when he saw the Phantom rising into the atmosphere, and turned to see if the walkers were there. He saw them just barely coming out of the storm, and he grinned.

"Wolffe, bring us around!" he cried. The clone did just that, and Rex got ready on the gun. He pulled on his helmet as he called to his two brothers. "Boys, this might be it! At least we'll go down fighting like a clone should."

"I'm with you all the way, Captain!" Gregor called. Rex could just imagine the large grin on his face. Wolffe just howled, and started moving them forward. As they walked forward, Rex started firing the cannon, hoping to hit the neck. He missed every time, and the enemy walkers started firing back. Rex grunted each time the bolts hit.

Rex glanced down at Wolffe as the walker started to collapse. "Come on, Wolffe, it's just a scratch. Keep moving forward, soldier. Onward!"

Wolffe got the walker moving again, and Rex kept firing. He kept missing, while the enemy walkers kept hitting. Rex chuckled when he heard Wolffe come up with a plan.

"I'm going for the legs, all four of them!" he cried, and rammed the walker against the enemies. Rex grinned at the sound of Wolffe laughing as they pushed the walkers legs out from underneath it slowly. The other walker kept firing at them, and plume of smoke was rising from their own.

"We've been outflanked!" Rex cried, and turned the gun to shoot at the other walker. He noticed that Wolffe had started to lift up the other walker, but it was too heavy and they collapsed back down. Rex started shooting at the walker that Wolffe tried to push over, but the cannon only fired a few times when a warning popped up on his screen.

"Gregor!" he cried as he pulled off his helmet. "I've lost power to the main cannon!"

"I know, I know, I'm working on it, Captain", Gregor responded frantically. "I'm working on it."

Rex climbed out of the gunman's seat, and climbed on top of the gun, drawing the attention of the walker. "Come out and fight, you cowards!"

He closed his eyes, fully prepared to die, but nothing came. He heard the sounds of blaster fire, but nothing hit him. He opened his eyes, and stared in surprise at the sight of the Phantom and the two Jedi and Lasat that dropped out of it onto the walker. He grinned.

"Just like the old days", he whispered, before closing his eyes again. He imagined his sweet Evie's face. "Ain't that right, Evie?"

There was no response, and he opened his eyes again and watched as the Jedi took control of the walker and started firing into the sight of the he and his clone brothers were attempting to fend off. Rex stumbled when the walker started to collapse, and he fell backward. He barely managed to grab hold of the metal frame that was over the gun controls.

"Ah ah, woah, power restored!" Gregor called. Rex reached over and clambered into the seat. He grabbed the gun controls and took aim at the neck, grinning when he saw he had a clear shot. He fired, and watched the explosion. It collapsed on top of the clone's walker, and Rex grunted as he was jolted in his seat. Rex quickly moved so he was on top of the enemy walker, and helped Gregor and Wolffe get up as well.

"Looks like we get to fight another day", he said to Wolffe as they tapped their vanguards together.

"Don't we always?" Wolffe said as Gregor approached them.

"Well, we do when we've got a Jedi leading us", the third clone said. Rex smiled at his brothers, before turning to face the remaining walker. Kanan, Ezra, and Zeb stood on top. Without meaning to, all three synchronized a salute. Kanan nodded at them, before turning to look at the Ghost as it approached. Rex smiled and turned to his brothers.

"I hope you don't mind me leaving you guys", he said. Gregor and Wolffe shared a look.

"Don't worry about us", Gregor cackled. "We'll have so much fun joopa hunting in that thing!"

Wolffe placed a hand on Rex's shoulders. "Be safe out there. You have many battles coming up, as well as a few surprises."

Rex furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?" Gregor and Wolffe share a look, but neither one of them say anything as Ezra approaches them.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?"

Rex cast a smile at the Jedi. "It'll be good to see Ahsoka again."

Ezra grinned. "Great! Come on! She'll be so excited to see you!"

Again, Rex was sure that Ezra wasn't talking about Ahsoka. But he had no idea who else he could be referring to. His mind went back to Evie, but he rejected the idea once more. There's no way it could be her. She was dead, after all.

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