《A Glitch In The Matrix》45: The Empire


"How long has this thing been watching us?" Ezra asked. Rex looked to Kanan, who gave his response.

"Long enough", the older Jedi said as Sabine reached the group. "How's the Phantom?"

"Well, engine took a direct hit. We're not going anywhere until I can fix it."

Zeb spoke. "Wait, you mean we're stranded?"

"Yep", Rex sighed. "And the Empire's on its way."

Rex looked to the sky, hoping not to see the familiar cruisers just yet. They were not prepared.


Rex approached Kanan with a data disc between his fingers. "Here they are, the coordinates of every Republic base, separatist installation, pirate hideout, and smuggler's den in the outer rim."

Ezra took the disc as Wolffe spoke. "Plus a few mandalorian bases that even they've forgotten about."

"Thank you, Captain", Ezra said. "Sure you won't come with us?"

"Yeah, you're not bad in a fight", Zeb said. "I mean, for older gentlemen." Rex's eyes shifted to the ground as a soft smile crossed his face. He couldn't help but wonder what Evie would look like if she had lived to be this old. They technically weren't all that old, but with their increased aging, it wouldn't be long until they reached the end of their lifespan.

"Yeah", Rex said quietly. "Like I said, our war's over, kid. Don't much care to get mixed up in another. Oh, and say hello to Commander Tano for me." Although, Rex didn't say it, there was only one person who would likely be able to convince him to go, and she was dead.

"But the empire's on it's way, and they will find you", Ezra argued. Rex shared an amused glance with Gregor and Wolffe.

"Oh, we can take care of ourselves", he smiled. Kanan returned to his comm, hoping to get some good news from their other team member in space. Rex didn't know her name, but from what little he overheard, she sounded nice enough. Unfortunately, they did not get that.


"Star Destroyer just came out of hyperspace. Gonna power down so they can't scan me", the female said. Rex shared looks with the people in the cabin. "Once I finish my repairs, I'll come get you. Good luck down there."

"If they follow procedure, they'll fly search patterns based on our last confirmed position", Rex told the group. He hated that he knew so much about how the Empire worked, but it came in handy when he wanted to evade them.

"Or they'll call", Gregor said, coming up from behind. "Incoming Imperial transmission. It's for you, Wolffe."

Wolffe had a surprised look on his when Rex turned to look at him. "They called back? They... They never call back."

Kanan chucked dryly. "This is why I don't trust clones."

"But you trusted E-" Zeb slapped a hand over Ezra's mouth, but Rex was already sending a questioning look at them. He didn't have time to ask about it, however, and Ezra was already talking again as the thr left the area that the video feed would cover.

"Just get rid of them Wolffe", he said. Wolffe rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah..." he said. "It was my mistake. And I'll fix it."

Once the others were clear of the video feed, Gregor pressed a button to answer the call. Rex stood the side of Wolffe as he talked with an imp. Rex only half listened as he tried to figure out what Ezra was about to say. Could he have been talking about Evie? Rex mentally slapped himself, refusing to let his hopes get up. Evie died 14 years ago, she couldn't be here now. Even though Rex knew it was impossible, he could still feel his hopes rising and he hated it. Rex noticed that Wolffe was starting to get a little antsy, so he jumped in.


"Uh, sorry for wasting your time", he said, giving Wolffe a side hug as a show of friendliness to the imp.

"This image was taken by one of our probe droids", the imp said as an image popped up on their screen. It zoomed in on the Phantom. "It clearly shows you harboring known rebels. Now surrender them, or be destroyed."

Rex's eyes narrowed as he punched one hand into the other. "If it's a fight you want, I hope you brought a better class of soldiers than those stormtroopers."

"They serve the empire well, and I have a great many of them", the imp smirked. Rex merely smirked back.

"You're gonna nee all of them", he grinned as he ended the call. When he turned, he saw the excited grin on Gregor's face and chuckled. He turned to the others just as the walker shook. Sabine ran into the room, her helmet on.

"They found us", she reported.

"Guess that search pattern paid off", Ezra added.

"Battle stations", Rex ordered as Gregor pulled out a crate. Rex grabbed a rocket launcher, and hurried outside. Ezra followed him.

"We're sitting mynocks on this thing", Ezra cried. Rex smirked as he turned to the young Jedi.

"Think so? Wolffe, evasive maneuvers!" he called to the clone controlling the walker through their comm-link.

"Copy that", came the reply. Rex started the climb to the top of the walker, and found the others trying to shoot down the tie fighter.

"Try shortening your leads", he called to Zeb. "You'e wasting ammo."

"You're welcome to help!" the lasat yelled back at him. Gregor was the one who spoke.

"Eh, why spoil the fun? We haven't been shot at in years!"

"Yeah, well it happens to us everyday", Sabine shouted as she ducked as the tie fighter passed close by. Rex lowered the launcher as the tie fighter flew further away. He turned to Ezra.

"Why doesn't someone man the big gun?" the young Jedi asked.

"That's no good in this situation", Rex said. Kanan jumped on top of the phantom as he snarked back at the clones.

"Oh, kind of like you guys."

Rex smiled, and looked at Gregor. "You want the shot?" He tossed him the rocket launcher as the clone responded.

"Love to", he said. Rex watched as the tie fighter came around for another pass as Gregor made his way to the front of the walker. The clone took a shot at the tie fighter, laughing when he hit it.

"Gregor, you've still got it", Rex complimented, smiling at his companion.

"It's in my blood" the clone said. Rex nodded. It was in every clone's blood.

"You know, we'd make a good team if we all fought together", Ezra said, looking at Rex. The clone captain smiled, but his smile disappeared when Kanan spoke.

"Yeah, tried that once. Didn't work out so well. Now if that storm gets any closer, it'll ground us. Sabine, we need the phantom to fly."

"I'm on it", Sabine said. Rex looked at Gregor, who still had a smile on his face, but he usually did so it came as no surprise to Rex.

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