《A Glitch In The Matrix》44: Finding Captain Rex


Evie stood next to Ahsoka as the others discussed with Commander Sato about what they needed to do. They spoke about a base, but then Hera started talking about needing more allies. Evie jumped when Ahsoka spoke up.

"I know someone who might be able to help us", the togruta said as she started walking toward the group. Evie stared at her friend, fairly certain she knew who Ahsoka was talking about. "A great military commander with a vast knowledge of the Outer Rim. He could assist us in finding a base, and his experienced leadership would make him a powerful ally."

"How do we recruit this leader?" Commander Sato asked.

"That's the problem. I lost track of him a long time ago and all my transmissions have gone unanswered."

Evie's gaze turned to the floor as she tried to wrap her head around what Ahsoka was saying. Bring Rex... here... She would... she would be able to see him again?

"We can find him. Let us try", Ezra piped up. Ahsoka paused.

"Well, there is one option I've not yet attempted", she said, a small smirk on her face. Evie tilted her head, unsure of what Ahsoka was getting at. The togruta didn't say anything, instead just telling them to go to the cockpit of the ghost and that she would meet them there.

Evie followed the others, and sat on the floor by the door, waiting for Ahsoka to arrive. When she did, she was surprised to see the head of an old tactical droid in the togruta's arms.

"Is that... the head of an old tactical droid?" Kanan asked as Ahsoka handed it to Sabine. Ahsoka instantly started defending her actions.

"These droids were great at finding things, calculating. Found my master and I a few time when we didn't to be found."

Evie snorted. "Don't forget to mention they were a pain for us clones to kill. Always needed a Jedi around to get rid of one of them usually."


Kanan instantly tensed and suddenly his eyes were filled with distrust. However, he didn't get a chance to say anything before Ezra cut in.

"How in all the galaxy is that droid going to find your friend?" he asked.

"Well, I heard he was last seen in the Seelos system", Ahsoka said. "You can start there."

"You're not coming with us?" Ezra asked.

"I have something else to attend to", Ahsoka said. Evie stood.

"The sith lord", Kanan said, seemingly forgotten about what Evie said about her past.

"There are questions, questions that need answering."

Ezra spoke. "I wish we could go with you."

"You have your own mission, Ezra", the togruta said, looking back at the group. "And Kanan, if you find my friend, you must trust him."

"If he's all the things you say he is, we can't afford not to", the Jedi responded. Evie winced, knowing that if he was trained at the temple, he would have seen the clones kill the Jedi. He probably almost died himself. He wouldn't trust clones, and that's probably why there was the sudden mistrust when she mentioned her own clone past.

Evie spoke up awkwardly. "Ahsoka, is it alright if I come with you?"

Ahsoka sent her a surprised glance. "I though you would've wanted to see him."

Evie bit her lip, and fiddled with the cuff of her sleeve. "I do... but, I'm also not quite ready to see him, you know?"

Ahsoka nodded, and Evie start to follow her out of the cockpit. She pause just before the doors closed. "If you guys find Ahsoka's friend, don't tell him about me, please. I don't want him to know that I'm... here just yet. It will heavily sway his decision, and I don't want that. I want him to come because you convinced him to."

With that, she finally left, and caught up to Ahsoka. They returned to the rebellion fleet, and let the Ghost slip away into the dark sky.



Rex stared at the fading light. Ezra stood next to him. Ahsoka had sent them, and Rex's mind kept shifting back to Evie. Oh, how he missed her. She was the best friend he could ever ask for, and he wished he could hold her in his arms once more.

"I've learned from a great Jedi, too", Ezra said, bringing Rex back to the conversation. "Kanan."

"You know, I don't think he likes me. Or ever will", Rex chuckled. "Can't say I blame him. The war left its scars on all of us."

Ezra hesitated. "Won't you reconsider joining us?"

"You know, I've out served my purpose for that kind of fighting, I'm afraid", Rex said. "After E- After the war, I questioned the point of the whole thing. All those men died, and for what?"

Ezra looked away from Rex as he thought. "I guess what they thought was right."

Rex looked at Ezra, and smiled. The kid was right. And it was what Evie would've said too. She may have left the army, but she believed that they were fighting for the right thing. She died fighting for the right thing. Rex moved away from Ezra to stand next to Wolffe. They talked for a bit, discussing the war, and their common friends and who they lost to the war.

Rex was startled out of his thoughts by Sabine coming out of the the walker. "The clones gave us up", she announced. "They warned the Empire we're here."

"Wait, what?" Ezra asked. Rex could've said the same thing.

"You're mistaken", he defended. "We would never do that."

"Oh I found the binary transmission to the Empire", Sabine argued, waving a thin datapad in front of his face. "And there are messages Ahsoka sent to Rex and he never answered her!"

Rex's eyes widened and he grabbed the datapad. "What? I never got any messages from Commander Tano."

He started scrolling through the datapad, and frowned as he saw how many messages there were.

"I knew it!" Kanan growled. "I told you, they can't be trusted."

Rex looked up at Kanan, and watched as he started storming towards Rex and his fellow clones. Ezra stopped him.

"Kanan, wait", the younger Jedi said. "Is this true?"

Rex stared at them hopelessly before he realized that Wolffe had moved away from his side. He turned to see the clone staring over the side of the walker.

"Wolffe" he snarled. "What did you do?"

His friend didn't turn to look at him as he answered. "I... I contacted the Empire. If they found out we were helping Jedi, they'd wipe us out. I wanted to protect you guys, protect our squad."

Wolffe turned to face Rex, and the old clone commander placed his hands on his friends shoulders. "The war is over. We are free men. We can't live under the fear of the Empire for the rest of our lives, Wolffe. That's not freedom!"

Wolffe looked down, and sighed. "You're right. They're not our enemy. I'm sorry."

Sabine yelled something about a probe, and Rex whirled around, eyes wide. Kanan had already disappeared, and Rex hurried to the next level up, staring across the salt plains.

"Rex!" Ezra called. Rex turned and the younger Jedi tossed him a blaster. "You gotta make this right."

Rex took aim, and waited a moment before firing. He shot the probe right through it's bulbous head, and it fell to the ground.

"Yes!" Ezra cheered.

Sabine was more quiet in her thoughts. "Huh. Nice shot."

Rex smiled up at her, before turning back to look at Kanan, who holstered his own pistol. The older Jedi turned away and started walking toward the probe. Rex sighed and turned away, going to help Kanan investigate. While he doubted Kanan would ever like him, that was going to stop him from helping.

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