《A Glitch In The Matrix》43: Reuniting With Ahsoka


Evie helped them load up the old transponders they were using to escape, and then joined Hera and Kanan in the cockpit. She watched as the returned to the cold blackness of space, and approached the imperial blockade.

"I certainly didn't miss trying to get past blockades", she muttered softly. No one said anything in response, so she guessed that neither of them had heard her. A few moments after they passed the blockade, Kanan spoke.

"Looks like they figured it out", he said as he tossed a glance at Hera.

"It's too late, boys", Hera said, talking as if the imperial fighters could hear her. Evie chuckled, and watched as they jumped to hyperspace. Evie followed Hera and Kanan out of the cockpit and into the cargo bay. As Hera climbed down the ladder, Evie faintly heard her say "Never thought I'd say this, but thank you, Lando Calrissian."

As Evie climbed down the ladder, she heard Chopper chirp something. The way his beeps sounded reminded her faintly of Cheep. She closed her eyes sadly, but didn't dwell on it.

"So if we can't go back to Lothal, where are we going?" Kanan asked. Evie turned away from the ladder, and took a seat between Zeb and Sabine.

"What are you talking about?" Hera asked as she walked over to Kanan. "We're part of the rebellion now."

"Are we?" Kanan asked. "Are we all sure about this?"

Evie remained quiet as she let the others input their opinions. She wasn't part of this group; she was just hitching a ride to see Ahsoka. As the others discussed, Evie closed her eyes and let her mind relax. She took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. She did that repeatedly until she felt the ship begin to slow down. She felt a jolt as a docking tube attached to their shuttle.

As they exited the ship, Chopper followed them out beeping in distress. Evie's eyes widened at what was said. So did Hera's as she darted away. Sabine informed the rest of the group about what happened.


"Chopper said a transmitter activated on our shuttle moments ago", the mandalorian said.

"What does that mean?" Ezra asked. Evie groaned, and she darted after Hera. This was not good. She heard the others following behind, but didn't bother to pause and let them catch up. Evie slowed down however as they approached the command center. She could see a familiar togruta through the door and wasn't sure if she was ready to face her friend just yet. The others rushed past her, and she took a deep breath and followed through. When she got through the door, Ahsoka was looking the other way.

Evie studied her old friend, and smiled as she realized how much older Ahsoka looked. She looked amazing even after fourteen years. Evie stayed quiet as they started yelling out orders. Ahsoka had yet to notice her.

"He's making right for the command ship", someone yelled. Evie grunted as the ship shook.

"How can one fighter best our entire squadron?" someone asked. Evie guessed he was the commander of this fleet.

"Your pilots are outmatched, commander!" Hera yelled. Evie smiled faintly as her silent guess was confirmed. Hera started running out of the command center, and Kanan asked what she doing.

"Getting involved", she said confidently. Evie looked at the rest of the group, barely making eye contact with Ahsoka before she turned and followed Hera. The others followed after the two.

Evie took a seat behind Hera, while Ahsoka took the co-pilot seat and Kanan sat behind Ahsoka. They all checked in on their gun positions, before Hera disengaged from the command ship.

"Here he comes!" Kanan yelled. As they flew around, Evie closed her eyes and started focusing on the energy that surrounded him.

"The force is strong with him", Ahsoka said quietly. Evie opened her eyes and looked at Ahsoka.

"But he's a sith lord", the female clone added. "I know who he is. I don't know his name, but he's a man completely dressed in black, helmet included. He told me you were dead, Ahsoka."


Ahsoka frowned, before she looked back at Kanan. "Kanan, Evie, let's find out how strong this guy is."

Evie nodded, and stood, standing behind Ahsoka, and placing a hand on the opposite shoulder that Kanan had placed his hand on. She reached out with her other hand, and focused on the powerful sith that was in the enemy fighter. It felt familiar somehow, and not because Evie had encountered him as a sith before. There was almost a... friendly atmosphere to him. Ezra's voice sounded through the comm system. It strengthened the feeling that Evie was getting. She suddenly realized why she recognized the feeling. Ahsoka let out a cry of pain, and fell backward. Evie merely stumbled backward, her hand on her head.

"Maul was right..." she whispered quietly. She looked to Ahsoka, and found her unconscious in Kanan's arms. There was a lot of yelling going on, but all Evie could focus on was how Ahsoka must be feeling right now. She closed her eyes, and gently rested a hand on Kanan's shoulder. The Jedi looked up at her.

"I'll take care of her", she whispered. "You help Hera right now."

Kanan nodded, and let Evie take his place in keeping Ahsoka from tumbling all over the place. Evie faintly listened to what was happening, but she moreso focused on Ahsoka, hoping that the emotions that came from that shocking discovery wouldn't destroy the togruta.

As they jumped into hyperspace, Ahsoka began to stir. Evie let her wake peacefully, waiting for her to be fully awake. The togruta slowly sat up, and Evie stood. She offered her hand to Ahsoka, who took it gratefully. Evie turned her head and watched as they came out of hyperspace, and joined the rebel fleet. The fleet sat still as they gathered their bearings, fixing what needed to be fixed. Evie shot a glance at Kanan and Hera, who got the message and left. It was at that moment, that Evie pulled the togruta into a hug.

"I thought you were dead", Evie whispered. "The sith lord said you were dead. Showed me your lightsaber as proof."

Ahsoka sighed softly as she returned the hug. "Rex and I thought you were dead too, Evie. After your ship went down... we couldn't find you... you were just... gone..."

Evie pulled away, and looked hopefully at Ahsoka. "Do you know where Rex is?"

The togruta shook her head. "I've been trying to reach him, but he won't reply to my messages."

Evie sighed sadly. "Okay. I just... I was hoping to see him."

Ahsoka gave her a sad smile. "Evie... I'm just curious... did you... did you figure out who the sith lord was?"

The female clone squeezed her eyes shut. "Yeah. Maul was right."

Ahsoka sat down in the co-pilot chair. "But... he... he wouldn't do this, would he?"

Evie knelt next Ahsoka. "I suspect that something happened that lured him into all of this. He never would have gone if he wasn't frightened by something."

Ahsoka nodded, before she looked at the door. "Can you go get Kanan and Ezra. I want to speak with them." Evie nodded, and walked out the door to go find the other two Jedi. When she found them, she passed along Ahsoka's message before joining up with the others. They were quiet for a moment, before Hera stood, and walked toward the cockpit. The other two followed, so Evie followed as well.

The doors opened, and Hera leaned against the wall. Evie just barely caught Kanan's last few words. "We must find the strength to fight, but the greater courage is knowing when not to fight."

Hera spoke. "And we'll be beside you either way."

Ahsoka smiled at them but Evie caught the thoughtful look on her face as she turned away. She sighed, knowing that the togruta still wasn't quite ready to believe that the sith lord they encounter was Anakin Skywalker, her old master.

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