《A Glitch In The Matrix》41: The Final Battle


Evie stared at the group of clones, unable to look away. She faintly heard Rex and Ahsoka's conversation.

"So what do we do?" he asked quickly. "Fight our way to the shuttle?"

"They're too many", Ahsoka said decisively. "Besides... I don't want to hurt them."

"I hate to tell you this", Rex started sharply. "But they don't care."

Evie heard the pain in Rex's voice and turned around, speaking for him. "Ahsoka, this ship is going down. Those soldiers, our brothers..." Evie's voice cracked and Rex took over.

"They are willing to die and take you, Evie, and I along with them!" he snapped. Ahsoka's face turned to one of realization, and she gently placed her hands on either side of Rex's helmet. She pulled it off, and Evie's eyes widened when she saw the tear falling down his cheek. It was only then that she realized her face was wet from her own endless stream of tears. She walked over to Rex, and grasped his hand in hers, taking off her own helmet. Rex turned his face away from both Ahsoka and Evie trying to hide that he was crying.

Ahsoka placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're a good soldier, Rex. Both of you are. And so is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them."

"So we're just gonna surrender?" Rex asked. "Admit defeat? Is that it?"

"No", Ahsoka said, looking at the floor. Evie frowned.

"I don't see any other option, Ahsoka. We either die by the ship crashing or by them killing us, or we fight our way out of here."

Ahsoka turned away from them, and walked toward the window. Rex followed her, releasing Evie's hand. Evie shivered as the cold air touched her hand, but followed the two over to the window, standing just behind Ahsoka.

"I have an idea", Ahsoka said quietly. "Don't worry. It's a good one. I think."

She handed Rex his helmet, before turning and kneeling in front of the three droids. "Can I count on the three of you?"

The three droids beeped in confirmation, and Ahsoka gave a small smile. "Good. I'll explain on the way." The two clones pulled on their helmets, and got ready to follow Ahsoka.

Ahsoka ran out of the room, and Evie and Rex followed. Evie could faintly hear the droids following along behind them. Whatever the plan was, Evie hoped it worked.


Evie walked with her hands above her head next to Ahsoka into the main hangar. Rex was behind them and had his pistols pointed at them.


"Hold your fire!" Rex shouted, gaining the attention of the the clones in the hangar. Evie searched for any familiar clones besides Jesse and was grateful when she didn't see any. She didn't know how she would react if she saw Chip and Poker here.

Evie watched as the troops got into battle positions, ready to fire upon them at any moment. Evie winced, and wanted to close her eyes, but she didn't. She was ever so grateful that her helmet hid her tear filled eyes.

"I said hold you fire, Jesse", Rex said as he walked forward. "I have the situation under control."

"You have your order, sir", Jesse stated. "Now execute it, or I will!"

"Jesse..." Evie whispered quietly.

"Quiet!" Rex said as he whacked the back of her helmet. Evie knew it was a ploy, but it still hurt. He turned his attention back to Jesse. "The order was to execute the Jedi for treason against the Republic." Rex walked in front of the two "hostages", toward Jesse. "The problem is, neither of these two are Jedi. Ahsoka left the order, and Evie has never been one. She's our sister, Jesse. We don't kill family."

Evie watched as some of the clones hesitated slightly, including Jesse. However, it didn't take long for Jesse to straighten up, and aim his pistols again. "Sir, you said yourself that we're under special order from Darth Sidious to eliminate Ahsoka Tano, and CT-3413, and any other clone who disobeys Order 66."

"Just keep him talking, a little bit longer", Ahsoka muttered to Rex.

"Jesse", Rex said. "Jesse, listen to me. We've known each other a long time. If we don't get this right, we will be the ones committing treason, not her."

Jesse hesitated once more, lowering his blasters again, but not as much as before. He didn't take long to make up his mind this time either. "Commander Rex", he stated. "you're in violation of Order 66. I accuse you of treason against the Grand Army of the Republic. You'll be demoted in rank from commander, and subject to execution along with the traitors, Ahsoka Tano and CT-3413."

Evie snapped. "I have a name, you know, Jesse! It's Evie! You know that. You're my brother and I don't want to hurt you!"

He didn't respond, and instead got ready to fire. "Ready?" Ahsoka whispered. Rex turned to look back at them.

"Yeah, I didn't much like being a commander anyway."

Evie chuckled, as Ahsoka said "now". Half of the clones were sent down to the maintenance level of the hangar, and Evie used the force to push Jesse back. He joined the others down at the bottom of the maintenance hangar. Evie caught her blasters from Rex, as well as her lightsaber just after Ahsoka received her dual lightsabers.


Evie pulled out one of her pistols as well as her lightsaber, and fought a little ways away from Ahsoka and Rex. She knew they fought well together, so she chose to take her own path, as that was she would need to do after this anyway, if she were to meet with Master Yoda on Dagobah.

"Evie", a voice darkly said from behind her. Evie turned to see two clones she recognized easily.

"Chip, Poker", she whispered. They didn't say anything, merely aimed their pistols at her. Evie's eyes widened, and she took a defensive stance.

"Guys, what are you doing? I'm your sister", she said quietly, trying to get them to disobey orders. They didn't listen, and instead started shooting at her. She deftly blocked their advances, and they paused.

"You stopped being our sister the day you decided to leave the army", Poker stated. Evie's eyes squeezed close, and she sighed.

"I'm sorry, guys", she whispered. "But I've got to do this." Without another word, she quickly stunned both of them, and searched for anything else that needed her attention. She noticed Ahsoka hanging off the edge of the main hangar floor. She ran over to help pull her up, but was distracted by the clones on the maintenance level firing up at them. She returned her lightsaber to her belt, and pulled out her second pistol, firing upon the clones. They slowly fell to the ground, unconscious. Ahsoka got back up onto the main level, and started chasing after the shuttle that was flying away. Evie didn't know who had commandeered it, but by the cold feeling coming from it, she guessed it was Maul.

She followed Ahsoka, and used the force to grab onto it, leaving Rex to defend them all on his own. Evie grunted as the shuttle continued to move through the strength of their combined force, and she struggled to maintain her ground, sliding ever so slightly as the shuttle tried to pull forward.

"Can't hold them off", Rex shouted. "Too many of them!"

Evie shared a glance with Ahsoka, and together, they released Maul, letting him escape. Ahsoka dived in front of Rex, igniting her lightsabers and defending him while Evie pulled out her lightsaber and a blaster, defending herself as well as knocking some clones unconscious.

The three were forced to stand back to back eventually, having been completely surrounded. Ahsoka stopped defending Rex for a moment to cut a hole in the floor with her lightsabers. They all fell through, Rex screaming as they did so. Evie chuckled.

"Sorry about no warning, Rex", she teased, only to return to being serious when she noticed the clones that had remained on the maintenance level. Rex sighed next to her, and started shooting at them. Evie joined him, favoring her dual pistols instead of a pistol and a lightsaber. She used the force to direct the enemy shots around them. The platforms the clones stood on were sent upward, and Evie let out a sigh of relief as their enemies were lessened. They slowly took out the clones, running to try and find a working ship.

"Everything down here is under maintenance", Rex said. Evie groaned, but as she looked around, her eyes were drawn to a Y-wing and a fighter jet hanging above an open floor. She could see the clouds below. She pointed them out to her companions, but they weren't able to move because a few clones came around the corner. Evie started shooting them down, while Ahsoka defended.

"Get me over there!" Rex said. Evie nodded, and the two ran while shooting. Ahsoka defended them and her the best she could. Rex reached the edge and Evie used the force to push him to the ship. He let out a surprised scream, but caught hold of the ship. Evie returned to helping Ahsoka defend. A platform lowered in front of them, revealing Jesse and more clones.

"Go!" Evie shouted. "I'll hold them off!"

Ahsoka nodded, and darted away. Evie blocked the shots with her lightsaber, whilst continually shooting them down. Ahsoka and Rex got away safely, from what she could tell, which relieved her. She continued defending, but was forced to stop when the ship tilted dramatically to the side. The clones screamed, and she dug her lightsaber into the ship's floor to keep from sliding. She gained traction and used that to jump and land on the fighter. She quickly clambered inside, and hoped that she would remember what little training she had with these.

She pressed a few buttons, turning the ship on and letting it drop into the sky. She deftly dodged the pieces of metal falling to the ground. She tried to navigate out of the debris, and managed to get out of the main parts of the debris. She spotted the ship Ahsoka and Rex were on not too far from where she was, and focused on getting to where they were. She failed to account for a larger piece of debris, and it tore through one of her wings. Alarms started blaring, and she tried to steady the ship as it spiraled out of control. The last thing she saw before her head being knocked against the controls was Rex's alarmed face. Then everything went black.

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