《A Glitch In The Matrix》39: The Return of Rex


Evie watched nervously as the droids tried to run a scan for the inhibitor chip. So far, nothing had come up, and it was making Evie anxious. She wanted her Rex back. Evie closed her eyes tight, grateful for her helmet, as she feared that the terror she felt was showing on her face. She walked over to Rex, and gently gripped his hand. A tear slipped down her cheek.

"You're going to be okay, Rex", she whispered. "I promise you, we will get you back to normal."

One of the droids beeped something about clones attempting to open the door, and Evie's head shot up. "How close are they?" Ahsoka asked. Evie wondered the same thing, but waited for the droid to respond. Ahsoka instantly gave orders to the droid, and Evie stood.

"If they get through, I'll take them out", Evie said, her voice tremoring. As she walked past Ahsoka, the togruta placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't ask that of you, Evie", she said. "These men are your brothers."

Evie closed her eyes, letting a few more tears slip down her cheeks as she placed a hand over Ahsoka's. "I know. But right now, they only see me as an enemy. I'm no longer their sister."

Her voice cracked at the last statement, but she forced herself to open her eyes. Even though, Ahsoka couldn't see them, Evie's eyes were directed straight at the togruta. "Use the force, and find out where that inhibitor chip is located. Get it out of him, and bring back my Rex."

Ahsoka nodded, and got to work, while Evie stood in front of the two, a lightsaber in one hand, and a blaster in the other. As everything went silent, she could faintly hear the clone troopers working on the other side of the door, trying to get it open. She closed her eyes, and let her emotions flow, fueling her with power. In the background, she could hear Ahsoka repeating a mantra, and a few moments later, Rex repeating it with her. Mere seconds later, the computer beeps, but Evie doesn't look away from the door, as much as she wanted to. She couldn't afford to lose focus and she knew if she looked at Rex, she would lose all of her focus, and all would be lost.


The door started sparking electricity, and Evie ignited her lightsaber. The blue on her helmet shone brightly, standing out against the white. Evie tightened her grip on both the lightsaber and the pistol, and got ready to fight. Evie heard Ahsoka say something, as well as the sound of two more lightsabers igniting. The door slid open, and blaster fire ensued from outside. Evie deftly blocked it back toward them. Ahsoka used the force to push two clones back, but two more took their place. Evie pushed around some clones before sending even more flying back. She took aim with her blaster, and was about to shoot, but one shot from the clones knocked it out of her hand. She returned to just using her lightsaber, blocking the bolts, but was forced to retreat. She couldn't go very far before she was pinned against the computer that monitored Rex's condition. Blaster shots came from all around, and she managed to block them until her lightsaber was knocked out of her hand. She turned to look at Rex, wanting him to be the last thing she saw before she died.

However, death never came. Instead, she saw Rex, pistols drawn, and the sound of the door sliding closed behind her. She stared agape at him, afraid that he wasn't actually her Rex still. Evie barely heard Ahsoka as she asked if Rex was okay.

"Yeah. Yeah, kid. I'm okay", Rex said as he shifted so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I almost killed you and... Evie! Is she okay?"

Evie's eyes filled with tears, and she yanked off her helmet, tossing it to the ground with a clatter. The noise drew attention to her, but she didn't care as she darted to Rex and pulled him into a hug. Her lips trembled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly.


"Don't you ever do that to me again", she said sharply. Rex hugged her tightly in return. Evie pulled away, her eyes leaking. Rex wiped away one of her tears with a gloved hand, his own eyes watering.

"You're okay", he breathed. "You're okay."

Evie chuckled, and pressed her forehead against his. "Yeah, I'm okay. We're okay."

"I hate to break up the reunion, but... Rex... how widespread is this?"

Rex's shoulders fell and Evie moved away, so Rex could stand if he wanted to. "Ahsoka... it's all of us. The entire Grand Army of the Republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."

Evie and Ahsoka shared a glance, fear in their eyes. What was going to happen to the Jedi that had come to love? Evie wasn't given a chance to discuss her thoughts with the two as the sound of sizzling came from the door. She turned to look, along with Rex and Ahsoka, and saw that the door was being cut open. She closed her eyes and sighed. They needed to get moving, and quickly.

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