《A Glitch In The Matrix》38: Order 66


Evie walked behind Ahsoka and Rex, the trio heading to the bridge of the ship. Evie watched as Ahsoka ignored the clones saluting her as she walked by, but she couldn't blame Ahsoka. If she said something every time someone saluted her, they'd never get anywhere on time.

The three of them stood at the window, looking out in the vast emptiness of space. The sky slowly lit up as they entered hyperspace. Evie gently grabbed Rex's hand, intertwining their fingers. She squeezed his hand, and he returned the squeeze. They smiled at each other, and she released his hand, allowing him to talk to Ahsoka.

"Something on your mind?" he asked Ahsoka. The togruta turned to look at the two clones.

"As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I've been since I was a padawan is a soldier."

"Well, I've known no other way. Gives us clones all mixed feelings about the war", Rex said. "Many people wish it never happened. But without it, we clones wouldn't exist."

"Well, then perhaps some good has come from all of it", Ahsoka said. Evie smiled, and rested a hand on Rex's shoulder.

"We wouldn't have met Ahsoka if it hadn't happened. And we wouldn't have found each other", Evie said. "I'm glad the war happened. Because I'm glad I exist with you two."

"The Republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers, nor I, for better friends", Ahsoka stated. Rex gave them a soft smile, and Evie's own smile widened. Ahsoka saluted at them, and almost automatically, the two clones followed suit, saluting their commander.

"Commander Rex, the latest briefing has come in", another clone said from behind the two. Evie shared a glance with Rex.

"Want to have a look?" Rex asked, gesturing to the other room. "It might have an update on General Kenobi's efforts."

"You go", Ahsoka said. "I'm sure it's more good news."

Evie hesitated, but she made her decision based on her gut feeling. "I'll stay with Ahsoka. You can come tell us if it's good news."

Rex nodded, and walked away. Evie watched as he left, before glancing to Ahsoka. "What else is on your mind?"

Ahsoka sighed, and turned back toward the window. "I'm worried about Anakin."

Evie followed suit. "I... Ahsoka, about what Maul said. I don't think he was lying."

Ahsoka instantly became defensive. "My master is one of the best Jedi out there!"

Evie sighed. "But he's also led by his emotions. You know how that turns out. If the dark side has any sort of sway over him, he will turn. I fear it's already happened, because he killed Dooku. You know the normal Anakin would never do that unless someone had some sort of-"

She broke off by the feelings of overwhelming pain, and the sound of voices echoing in her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut as her head started to hurt, before her eyes shot open, knowing that something wasn't right. She looked over at Ahsoka, who had a hand to her head.

As Ahsoka pulled her hand away from her head, she whispered a word. A name. "Anakin?"

Evie shared a sorrowful glance with Ahsoka. "He's fallen."

Ahsoka shook her head, and turned away from the window. She hurried through the door, Evie following, and they found Rex standing stock still. Evie hesitated.


"Rex?" she asked quietly. Something wasn't right.

"Rex. It's Anakin. I feel like something terrible has happened", Ahsoka said, not noticing that something was up with Rex. It was only when Rex's hand holding his helmet started shaking that she noticed.

Evie pulled on her helmet, reaching for her lightsaber, ready to defend against Rex. She didn't know what was going on, but she wasn't about to let Rex hurt Ahsoka. It's what he would want. It's what any clone would want. They'd rather die, than hurt someone they cared for.

Rex dropped his helmet, his hands still shaking. "Rex?" Ahsoka asked. Evie heard the clones behind them shifting around, but before she could cut through their blasters, Rex spoke.

"No! I'll do it", he said as he turned around. Evie ignored the tear slipping down her cheek at the sight of the hard look in his eyes.

"Rex?" Ahsoka asked, taking a small step forward. "What's happening?"

Rex pulled his blasters on her, but his hands still shook. "Stay back!"

"Rex", Evie whispered. "Don't do this."

A tear trickled down his cheek, and his hands shook even more. "Find him. Find him."

"Find who?" Evie asked quietly, moving her hand away from her lightsaber, and gently raising her hands above her head, taking off her helmet to show her face.

"Fives! Find him! Fives!" Evie dodged at the blaster shots, and Ahsoka darted toward him, tackling him down against the holotable. Evie pulled out her lightsaber, and ignited it, blocking the blaster bolts from the two clones who had been behind them. She sliced through their blasters, and used the force to push them back. The doors closed, and Evie returned her attention to Ahsoka and Rex. The togruta pushed Rex away, toward Evie, who quickly dodged out of the way, letting him get back up on his own. At the moment, Rex was not her lover. He was her enemy.

She grabbed her helmet from where she had dropped it and pulled it on. She looked for an exit, but Rex blocked one, and several clones came through the other. Evie frowned, and looked to Ahsoka. "Got a plan?"

They stood back to back, and blocked blaster bolts. Ahsoka didn't respond verbally, but Evie heard her voice in her head. She nodded, and started blocking the blaster bolts upward, creating a hole that was big enough for the escape through. They made their way through the vents, Evie following Ahsoka's lead as the togruta was the one with the plan.

It also allowed her to process what had just happened. A few tears slipped from her eyes and she cursed herself. Now was not the time to be getting emotional. But Rex was no longer the man she thought he was. Something had changed him, and all the clones. Why did it change them and not her? And what did Rex mean by "find fives"? Not to mention the feeling that the strength of the light side was failing. Something horrible was happening, not just here, but everywhere. All the clones were turning on their commanders. On the Jedi.

Ahsoka dropped down from the ceiling, and Evie followed, recognizing the detention level. Why were they here? Just as Evie was about to voice her thoughts, she spotted two clone troopers aiming their blasters at Maul. She instantly pushed one of them away with the force, Ahsoka pushing the other at the same time. They both fell to the ground, the force from the push having knocked them out.


"Don't make me regret this", Ahsoka spat, pointing a lightsaber at Maul. Evie kept hers lit, ready to fight him if he attacked. Ahsoka turned to the side of the case, and pressed the button that released Maul. The dathomirian fell to the ground, resting on one knee.

"You.." he coughed. "You survived."

"Is this your doing? Choose your words carefully", Ahsoka snarled, placing her lightsaber against Maul's throat. Evie sighed, and turned off her lightsaber, reattaching it to her belt.

"No!" Maul defended. "No, it was not my doing. I don't know what occurred but surely you have felt it. The voices crying out. The death."

Ahsoka backed off. "The clones turned against me. Even Rex. I don't know why, but they just suddenly weren't themselves."

Maul chuckled. "Brilliant. Brilliant." He continued chuckling, making Ahsoka turn back to him. "I was not privy to my master's plan, but now, now I see it. He turned the Jedi's own army against him. The only question I have now is why didn't this clone turn against you."

Evie hesitated, but pulled off her helmet. "Because I'm not like the other clones. I'm not a clone of Jango Fett, but I am a clone of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. That's why I am the only force wielder among the clones. The only part that was a glitch about me was that I was female. And also apparently this. This is a glitch as well."

Maul sighed, but stood up. "Whatever. Well, you've done the right thing by coming to me. Only together we can survive this. Now, if you will follow my lead-"

"You don't know understand", Ahsoka said, pointing a lightsaber at him. "We're not here to team up with you. We need a diversion, and you're it. Now go cause some chaos. It's what you're good at."

Ahsoka led the way out of the cell. Maul followed her, and Evie followed him, her lightsaber ignited in case any clones were outside. And also in case Maul decided to attack.

"Uh, care to give me a fighting chance?" Maul asked. Evie scoffed.

"We're not rooting for you, Maul. Now get going", the female clone said, moving past him to be next to Ahsoka. Maul's face turned into a snarl as he turned and stalked away. Evie let out a deep sigh, and relaxed slightly.

"Now we figure out a way off this tub, right?"

Ahsoka shook her head. "No. Rex meant something when he said to find Fives, so we're going to do that. There's probably a record of something somewhere in the ship's databanks, so we're going to find it."

Evie nodded, and they quickly made their way to where the droids were powered down. Ahsoka powered one up, and it instantly started beeping inquisitively. The togruta was quick to shush it.

"R7, I need your help", she whispered. The droid continued beeping, but quieter this time.

"I know, I know", Ahsoka said. "Shh, quiet."

The lights came on, as well as the other droids. They all surrounded Ahsoka, all beeping and Evie had to bite back a laugh.

"I don't know. I don't know why the clones are doing this", Ahsoka said. "But we might be able to do something about it."

The droids say something about wanting to help, and Ahsoka makes sure they actually want to. The three droids beep confirmations, and Evie smiles.

"Looks like we got ourselves a team, Ahsoka", she said. The togruta smiled, before ordering R7 to plug into the central computer.

"Bring up every secure file on clone trooper CT-5555", Ahsoka said. R7 displays a series of images, but none of them particularly stand out to her. A short video file appeared, displaying a kaminoan.

"An independent investigation confirmed that the clone trooper CT-5555 experienced a malfunction with his inhibitor chip", she said. Evie frowned.

"Inhibitor chip? What's that?" she asked verbally. Ahsoka shook her head, silently answering the female clones question. The kaminoan continued talking.

"Both the senate committee, and the Jedi Council have accepted these findings. However, a grievance report was filed by CT-7567."

"R7, bring up that report", Ahsoka said. The kaminoan disappears, and R7 beeps at Ahsoka. "It's sealed? Try Anakin's pass code. 8108."

"You know Skywalker's passcode?" Evie asked. Ahsoka shrugged, and gave her a half smile, just as the report came up. Evie's eyes softened at the sight of Rex.

"I already know this report is going to fall on deaf ears, but I owe it to Fives to record what I saw", he said quietly. Evie's chest started to hurt as water welled up in her eyes. "I'm not sure if I believe it myself, but there's a possibility that the inhibitor chips the kaminoans put inside of us have a purpose that we don't yet fully understand."

Evie hummed quietly as the report ended, tears falling from her eyes. She was grateful she hadn't pulled off her helmet. Ahsoka turned toward the droids, giving them instructions on what to do. Together, Evie and Ahsoka put together a recording for Rex to listen to.

They quietly followed the droids as they cut Rex off from the other troopers, only leaving Rex, the droids, and the two force wielders.

"Rex", Evie heard Ahsoka's part of the recording begin. "I think I know what's happening. I saw your report on Fives. It isn't your fault. You were programmed. Your mind was altered to do this when you were very young. I can help you."

Evie closed her eyes as she heard her own voice come from the recording. "Rex... please don't do this. I love you. You're my best friend. You're the only family I really have left now, unless we go and find Echo. So please... don't fight us. Let us help you."

The recording ended, and Ahsoka and Evie stepped out from where they were hiding just as Rex pulled a blaster on R7.

"Where are they?" he snarled. Evie winced.

"We're right here", Ahsoka said gently. Rex turned around to face them, pointing a singular blaster at them. Evie knew he was about to shoot, but R7 zapped him with electricity before he could. He fell forward, and the duo had to move out of the way in order to not be crushed by him.

"Careful!" Ahsoka reprimanded. "We're trying not to hurt him!"

The two force-wielders gently lifted Rex on top of the droids as they heard shouts coming from other clones. They started on their way to the medical bay, and as they walked, Ahsoka took off Rex's helmet so it wouldn't fall off and mess up the droids.

They made it to medical bay without incident, and Ahsoka and Evie helped him onto the table. Evie grasped his hand, and squeezed it tightly.

"You're safe, Rex", she whispered. "You'll be back to normal when you wake up."

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