《A Glitch In The Matrix》37: Returning to Coruscant


Evie spoke quietly with council as she waited for Rex to return with Ahsoka. Anakin had just left the meeting, and she expressed her concerns as soon as he was gone.

"Maul wanted both General Kenobi and General Skywalker to come here", she said quietly. "Ahsoka said Maul told her that Skywalker was the key role in Darth Sidious' plan, whatever it is."

"Then we must keep a closer on eye on him, as well as the Chancellor", Mace Windu said.

"Why the Chancellor?" Evie asked.

"The dark side of the force surrounds the Chancellor", Mace Windu stated. Evie frowned, but didn't say anything more.

"If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous, then he should be removed from office", Ki Adi Mundi added. Evie looked to the ground, trying to listen to her feelings. Something wasn't right. Something bad was going to happen. And it had everything to do with Skywalker.

"The Jedi Council would have to take control of the Senate in order to have a peaceful transition", Windu continued.

"To a dark place, this line of thought will carry us", Yoda said, a thoughtful look on his face. "Hmmm, great care, we must take."

Evie spoke up. "Don't step out of your bounds. I lived among the people for several months. If you try to take over the Senate, the people will not be happy."

There was no more time to discuss what she had said because the doors behind her opened. Evie turned to see Ahsoka and Rex. She offered them a smile, both of which returned them. The smiles quickly faded as they got to business.

"I understand your mission was a success", Windu said, gesturing to Ahsoka.

"Yes", Ahsoka said. "I have Maul in custody. I will escort Commander Rex when he delivers him to Coruscant."


"I will come with her, as I told General Kenobi that I would return my armor", Evie said respectfully.

"A great service to the Republic, you have done", Yoda stated, looking up at Ahsoka.

"I did my duty as a citizen", Ahsoka said. Evie quickly inferred that she was saying that she still wanted nothing to do with the Jedi Order.

"Not as a Jedi", Yoda said, somewhat sadly. It took Ahsoka a moment to respond.

"No. Not yet." There was silence for a second as they waited for Ahsoka to continue speaking, all sensing she had something more to say. "Actually, I was hoping to speak with General Skywalker."

"I sent him to inform the Chancellor that Grievous has indeed been located on Utapau."

"Master Kenobi?" Ahsoka asked, curious about how the Jedi Master was doing. Evie was curious too.

"Engaged the enemy, he has", Yoda answered her question.

"Then the war could be over soon", Ahsoka said in disbelief.

"That depends on the Chancellor", Windu said, crossing his arms.

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked, her eyes filled with worry. Evie knew what they meant, but she didn't say anything as it was not her place to.

"I'm sorry, citizen. These matters are for the council to discuss", Windu almost hissed. Evie's eyes lit up with anger, but she withheld any comments. She saw Yoda looking at her, and she frowned, silently displaying her feelings.

"I understand."

Three of the four Jedi masters disappeared. Only Yoda remained.

"Ahsoka. More to say, have you? A message for Skywalker, perhaps?"

Ahsoka shifted in surprise, and Evie watched as she thought carefully. "No, Master. Thank you. I'll tell him myself when I see him."

"May the force be with you, Padawan", Yoda said, before turning his knowing gaze to Evie. The clone shifted uncomfortably as she glanced at Ahsoka and Rex.


"Speak with Evie in private, may I?"

Ahsoka and Rex shared a glance and nodded, walking away. Evie returned her gaze to the old Jedi Master. There was silence for a few moments.

"A powerful force-wielder, you have become", Yoda said, watching Evie. The female clone smiled.

"Ahsoka taught me to the best of her abilities", Evie said, a small smile on her face.

"To Coruscant, bring Maul. Go to Dagobah, you must. Meet you there, I will. Finish your training there, you will", Yoda said. Evie nodded.

"Very well, Master Yoda", Evie said respectfully. The small green Jedi disappeared, and Evie left the room, finding Ahsoka, and Rex waiting for her.

"Let's get going to Coruscant, shall we?"


Evie stood next to Rex as they made their way back to the cruiser they had been given. She ignored Rex and Ahsoka's conversation as she made eye contact with Maul. She watched him carefully, before sending a small thought to him.

'I believe you.'

His eyes widened, and she looked away, pretending as if nothing had happened. A small thought pierced through her mind.


Evie didn't respond, instead turning to Rex.

"It's going to be weird, going back to Coruscant. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was stunning you and... Fives." Evie closed her eyes as she started grieving for her lost brother.

Rex rested a hand on her shoulder, and forced her to look him in the eyes.

"Hey, Fives died honorably. And I bet he's proud of you right now for how you fought these past couple days."

Evie smiled sadly. "I still miss him though. I didn't even get to give him a proper goodbye. I didn't get to give any of them a proper goodbye."

Rex chuckled. "He probably preferred that you didn't though."

Evie's smile grew wider. "You're probably right on that account."

They grew silent as they landed. Evie watched as four clones in red armor took over transporting Maul to the detention level. As he left, she sent one last thought into his mind.

'Because I know who he's become.'

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