《A Glitch In The Matrix》36: Maul's Defeat


Evie stared around the room in horror. There were so many bodies strewn around, and none of them seemed to be living. A clone approached them, giving his report.

"We were ambushed on our way to reinforce the entry point on C-deck", he said. Ahsoka instantly spoke.

"Rex, make sure C-deck is properly fortified."

He nodded once. "Yes, ma'am!" He walked away, but not before he squeezed Evie's hand once to give her some comfort.

Evie gave him a tight smile, but returned her attention to Ahsoka. The togruta was walking ahead to a clone trooper who was resting against the wall.

"Commander", he strained, coughing immediately afterward.

"I'm here, trooper. Sterling, isn't it?" She knelt beside him, and Evie stood just behind Ahsoka, ready to attack if anything started shooting at them.

"Yes", the trooper panted. "You need to know. Maul, he-" Sterling weakly coughed once. "He went right through us, one by one. He was asking about you two." He coughed again, this time more harshly. "The ARC trooper, Jesse. Maul realized he was older, somehow, looked into his mind..." another cough shook Sterling's body. "and he took him. He took Jesse alive!"

Evie's eyes widened and she stared down the tunnel they were positioned next to. The female clone wanted to start down that hallway and find her friend, but she knew it would do them no good. They wouldn't be able to find Jesse in time.


Evie walked behind Rex as they approached the prison cell that held the Prime Minister. They had spoken to Bo-Katan about what had happened, and she suggested they talk to him since he probably knew the most about what was going to happen. The four of them entered the cell that was guarded by two blue armored mandalorians. Evie stood to Bo-Katan's left, next to Rex, while Ahsoka stood on the other side.

"I'm flattered you could find the time to see me", Almec said, a poisonous smile on his face.

"What's Maul's plan?" Bo-Katan instantly demanded, getting straight to the point. "How is he going to escape?"

The prime minister chuckled as he stood up, looking directly into Bo-Katan's eyes. "Maul is not trying to escape because he sees no point in doing so."

He turned away and walked to the other side of the cell. Evie didn't see why he needed to do that, but she guessed he was trying to be dramatic.


"So he believes he can defeat us?" Bo-Katan asked.

"No, that's not it." Almec turned to face them once more. "For weeks now, he's been consumed by a strange sense of dread."

"Has he mentioned Sidious?" Ahsoka asked. A look of confusion crossed his face.

"Not that I can recall", he said. Bo-Katan took over the questioning once more.

"You said he wanted Kenobi here. Why?"

"Wasn't just Kenobi he wanted, no. Uh, there was someone else he was interested in."

Evie's eyes widened as Ahsoka asked, "who?" The female clone was afraid she knew the answer, and she waited in apprehension as she waited for the prime minister to speak.

"If only I could remember the name", he said, turning slightly, sending a smirk in their direction.

"Bo, help him remember", Ahsoka said. Bo-Katan did not hesitate to approach him, and although Evie could not see her face, from the way she walked, she assumed it was threatening.

"No, wait, it was-" he was cut off by a blaster bolt hitting his chest. Evie whipped around to see a red-armored mandalorian take off away from the cell. Bo-Katan instantly chased after him.

"Rex, get a medic!" Ahsoka ordered as she knelt next to the prime minister. The clone commander moved away, speaking on his comm, and Evie knelt on the other side of Almec, studying his wound.

"Maul had a vision. A dream", Almec said weakly. "The name came to him."

"What name?" Ahsoka demanded. Evie closed her eyes at the familiar name that slipped past the prime ministers lips.


Evie heard him thump against the ground and opened her eyes to see Ahsoka's somewhat angry look. She opened her mouth to say something but decided against and moved over to where Rex was watching. They didn't say anything, they just waited patiently for Ahsoka to sort through her thoughts. Evie couldn't blame her. There was a lot to unpack in the short amount of time they had been here.


Evie stood between Bo-Katan and Rex as they watched the clones direct the citizens into a shelter point. There was a lot of anger coming from the people of Mandalore, and Evie didn't blame them. It was probably difficult being told by outsiders that they had to leave their homes for their own protection, especially when these outsiders had brought violence after years of peaceful rule.

Without saying a word, Bo-Katan turned and walked toward the doors into the building. Evie shared a glance with Rex and Ahsoka, but followed the mandalorian warrior.


"This occupation cannot last much longer", Bo-Katan said to Ahsoka as they walked through the halls. "The people will not stand for it. I will not stand for it."

"You asked for our help", Rex argued. "My men don't want to be acting as a police force."

"The Republic forces will depart as soon as we capture Maul", Ahsoka said in response, after sending a glance Rex's way. "Then you will have your opportunity to lead."

They walked through a door into the throne room and were greeted by a not so friendly voice. "I agree."

Evie's hand instantly went to her lightsaber when she saw Maul. She held it in her hand, but didn't do anything with it just yet, especially when she saw Jesse kneeling nearby the throne. Bo-Katan didn't have such reservations, and started running toward Maul, shooting at him.

With a simple wave of his hand, Maul directed the blaster bolts away from him. He used the force to raise Bo-Katan up and force her to drop her weapons.

"My lady, is that any to treat your rightful ruler?" Maul snarled through clenched teeth, as if using the force was taking a strain on him. Evie looked over at Jesse, who was looking guilty. She frowned, and glanced over at Rex, noticing him tensed, and ready for a fight. Maul dropped Bo-Katan, regaining Evie's attention. She followed Rex and Ahsoka as they ran to where Bo-Katan had fallen.

"And now, as a show of good faith, I return your comrade in arms to you." With a simple stretch of his hand, Maul uses the force to release Jesse's bindings. Jesse rubbed his wrists for a bit before glaring at Maul as he stood and limped toward the four. "Run along. There you go. Back to your brothers, and your sister." When Maul said sister, he put air quotations around it. Evie narrowed her eyes, but didn't say anything as she focused on Jesse, who had just reached them.

"Are you alright, Jesse?" Rex asked, placing his hands on Jesse's shoulders. The ARC trooper didn't answer his question, instead looking to Ahsoka.

"I'm sorry, Commander. I couldn't help it. I told him everything", he rasped. "Including about who Evie is."

Evie's eyes closed, and she sighed, before wrapping an arm under his shoulder and around his back, giving him a bit more support. "Come on. Let's get you out of here."

Ahsoka looked to Rex. "Help her get him out of here."

Rex nodded, and the trio of clones slowly walked out of the room. They slowly walked through the halls and got Jesse to a medical station, where he was finally able to rest. Evie heard explosions outside and shared a concerned glance. Evie took off running, Rex following close behind, both pulling on their helmets. They were greeted by the sight of a huge battle taking place. They joined the fight, both pulling out dual pistols.

"No lightsaber?" Rex asked. Evie smirked, and shot a mandalorian down.

"I wanted to make it a fair fight." Rex laughed, and together they began taking down mandalorians.

"I'm at 15!" Rex shouted a few moments later. Evie barked out a laugh.

"Ha! I'm at 19! Now 20!" she said as she took out another mandalorian.

Rex scoffed, and threw a grenade at a group of mandalorians. Evie chuckled at the screams.

"That still only counts as one!" she shouted. Rex didn't say anything, but Evie could imagine him rolling his eyes. They may have been seriously outnumbered, but they were making the most of it. The battle soon came to be in their favor when Bo-Katan and her followers showed up, taking them out from the sky.

"Come on!" Rex shouted to the men nearby. Evie followed as they took down the remaining enemy mandalorians. They overwhelmed them, and easily captured the mandalorian leader, Gar Saxon.

As they were gathering the prisoners, Evie caught sight of Ahsoka balanced precariously on a broken beam. "Rex!" she shouted, and pointed out the togruta.

"Come on!" he cried. "Get the gunships!"

Evie followed him to the gunships, and they quickly got them up and running. They reached Ahsoka just as she caught Maul in midair by using the force. Evie instantly helped hold him up, taking some of the pressure off Ahsoka.

"You're all going to burn! We're all going to die!" he screamed as a couple mandalorians used their cords to hold him in place. "You don't know what you're doing!"

Rex shot him with a stun blast, and Maul fell unconscious. Evie and Ahsoka let him drop, and he hung unconscious from the ship. "We'll take it from here, Commander!" Rex called up to her. Evie helped pull Maul up into the ship as they slowly lowered back down to the surface.

The Siege of Mandalore was now over.

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