《A Glitch In The Matrix》35: Maul's Attack


Evie stood next to Rex and Ahsoka as they spoke with Bo-Katan for a brief moment, after the enemy mandalorians had retreated. Evie watched as the mandalorians took flight, heading to where the Prime Minister would be. Ahsoka turned to the two clones.

"I want you two to support Ursa at the docks. We must ensure Maul doesn't escape", the togruta said, looking at the two of them.

"If he's here", Rex pointed out. "If he's not, then all of this plays right into his hands."

The clone commander gestured to the burning city, and Evie winced. She hated how they had ruined the city in order to chase back their enemies. She prayed silently that the citizens were alright, and wouldn't be too angry towards Bo-Katan for attacking and burning their homes. It was to remove someone who wasn't a mandalorian from the throne, so this was all for a good cause, right?

Evie couldn't bring herself to believe that it was for a good cause. If they had to destroy the city in order to get what they wanted, then it really wasn't a good cause, was it? Nevertheless, she had promised she would help, and she wasn't going to go back on her word.

"I'll be right there, Captain", Ahsoka said, responding to someone on the com-link. Evie bit her lip under her helmet, and glanced over at Rex. He nodded once at her, and that was all she needed to speak up.

"Commander, permission to go with you instead of Rex? If Vaughn found Maul, then you'll need all the help you can get", Evie asked, almost begging.

Ahsoka hesitated, before she shook her head. "No. If Maul attempts to escape, I need you at the docks to hold him there until I get there to help you."

"But if we both fight him together now, we might be able to stop him from escaping regardless", Evie argued, pulling off her helmet as she stood her ground against Ahsoka.

"Sir, if I may", Rex spoke up, also taking off his helmet. "With the help of the mandalorians, me and my men will be able to hold off Maul for a short period of time, hopefully long enough for you to reach us and take on Maul."

Ahsoka sighed. "You two put up a convincing argument", she muttered. "No wonder you make such an efficient team."

Evie and Rex shared a glance, a small smile playing at both of their lips. Evie knew that Rex was sharing the same thought as her. They did make an efficient team, whether that was on the battlefield, or in their relationship, whatever it currently was.

Evie turned back to Ahsoka, and pulled on her helmet. "Lead the way, commander."


Evie stood next to Ahsoka as they descended into the lower levels of the city. Three other clones stood with them on the lift. As soon as they reached the ground, Ahsoka led the way out of the lift toward a clone that Evie didn't entirely recognize.

"Captain Vaughn", Ahsoka said, resting her hands on her hips. "What have you got?"

"We were cutting off this access point into the Undercity, when we engaged one of the leadership, Gar Saxon." He turned toward the main tunnel leading out of the access point. "He disappeared through there. Seemed in a hurry."

Ahsoka took a few steps toward the tunnel, and Evie watched nervously. Her hand twitched toward the hilt of her lightsaber. "Why would he want to go down there?" Evie asked just as Ahsoka asked "What's down there?"


"A system of tunnels", Captain Vaughn stated. "Sewer ports mainly. Some conduit access pipes."

"Do they lead outside the city?" Ahsoka asked. Evie hesitantly approached, hand still near her lightsaber, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. Something didn't seem right.

"Unknown, sir", the clone captain stated. Evie frowned, and rested a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, getting the togruta to look at her.

"We need to find out where Maul is", she said quietly. Ahsoka nodded.

"Gar Saxon is likely heading to Maul", the ex-Jedi said, turning back toward the tunnel. "We follow him, we find Maul."

Evie nodded, and together they stepped into the tunnel, followed by several clone troopers. As they walked through the tunnels, Evie felt anxious. Something didn't feel right.

"Commander", she whispered to the togruta walking next to her. The togruta glanced at her and sighed.

"I know. It doesn't feel right to me either", she whispered, before speaking loudly to the clones. "Be on your guard, boys."

Evie grabbed her lightsaber, and held it loosely, ready for battle if necessary, but not enough to seem threatening. They turned around a corner, the lights from Evie's helmet and the other clones lighting the way. They crept through the tunnels, looking down each passageway they passed, but didn't turn any more tunnels. The female clone could feel eyes watching them, and her grip on her lightsaber tightened.

They paused, and Evie got ready to ignite her lightsaber. A stomp from behind them made Evie twirl around, and she spotted a red armored mandalorian aiming a rocket at them.

"Get down!" Ahsoka shouted just as the rocket was fired at them. They couldn't move quickly enough, so the two force-wielders used their abilities to move the rocket upward. It hit the ceiling just above the duo, and they were knocked to the ground. Evie groaned as she pushed herself back up. As she stood, she noticed the clones running after the mandalorians.

Ahsoka ignited her lightsabers, and Evie followed suit. "Vaughn, wait!" the togruta shouted before running after the clones. The female clone followed after her. Evie turned round a corner and saw two clones laying on the ground. She winced, but kept up with Ahsoka, trying to follow the shouts and blaster fire. It was near impossible in the maze of tunnels. Finally, the duo came to a room, where Captain Vaughn lay in the middle. He groaned, and Evie instantly turned off her lightsaber, rushing to the clone's side. She knelt beside him, and looked at his injury. He raised a hand to her, and she grasped it, tears filling her eyes behind her helmet.

"I'm sorry, Evie", he said. His hand slipped from hers, and she bit back a sob. It reminded her all too much of her squad's deaths. She closed her eyes, and clenched her hand in a fist. When she opened her eyes, a fire burned within them.

"Maul will pay for this", she hissed as she looked at Ahsoka. The ex-Jedi rested a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"He will", Ahsoka confirmed. "But it will be by us capturing him."

Before anything else could be said, they heard footsteps approaching. Evie stood and drew her lightsaber, looking at the mandalorians that had appeared in three of the four tunnel entrances surrounding them. She and Ahsoka stood next to each other, both with their lightsabers drawn. They studied the mandalorians surrounding them, before turning to face the fourth tunnel, where a loud, clanking, metallic sound came from. Out of the shadows stepped Maul.


"I was hoping for Kenobi", he drawled. Evie narrowed her eyes. "Why are you here?"

"To kick your sorry butt", Evie instantly snarled, holding her fighting stance next to Ahsoka.

He huffed, before slowly speaking Ahsoka's name. "Ahsoka... Tano... is it? I can't say yours is a name familiar to me" he said, before looking at the female clone. "And you... I don't know who you are."

Evie growled. "I'm the sister of the clones your goons just killed."

Maul approached them as Ahsoka quickly cut the female clone off. "Well, I know you."

"Yes, I imagine we have", he took in a deep breath as he walked around the room. Evie and Ahsoka turned every so often to keep him in their line of sight. "several mutual friends."

"I wouldn't put it that way", Ahsoka snarled, readjusting her grip on her lightsabers. Evie did the same, though not to the extent that the togruta did.

"Of course not", Maul spat. "But I'm afraid your way of thinking is behind the times."

Evie noticed Ahsoka press a button on her wrist, and she let out a relieved breath, knowing that Rex would be on his way with more clones. They were far outnumbered right now.

"I was certain that Kenobi would have come himself", the dathomirian said. "Perhaps bring his loyal foal, Skywalker, is it?"

"Master Kenobi had a more important engagement", Ahsoka said. Evie smirked, knowing that that would most likely get on Maul's nerves.

"Indeed", Maul smiled dangerously as he turned away. "I wonder..." he started looking up, and Evie narrowed her eyes. "The moment may be upon us."

After a few moments of silence, Maul turned back to the two. "Why you? Why did Kenobi send you?" He started circling the two again, and they continued to keep him in front of them.

"Why don't you surrender and then we can both go and ask him?"

Maul scoffed. "My surrendering, well, that would be pointless. For if I am correct, soon the Jedi, and the Republic will no longer be the controlling interest in the galaxy."

"And who will be? You?" Ahsoka asked. Maul glanced at her and a fearful look appeared on his face.

"No", he said. "Darth..." he shuddered. "Sidious."

Evie's eyes widened, only faintly recognizing the name. She couldn't place where she had heard it though. Maul's head lurched up and a blaster shot came from behind the two. Evie quickly blocked a strike from Maul's lightsaber. He backed off for a moment, and Ahsoka took over fighting him. Evie quickly glanced and saw Rex fighting off a couple mandalorians. Her eyes widened when he was lifted up by a force choke and thrown across the room, next to Ahsoka. She glanced at Maul to see him running off, followed by a few mandalorians.

She bit her lip as she tried to decide between helping her friends or chasing after Maul. Her decision was made for her when Rex grabbed her hand and started pulling her along after Maul. She yelped as she stumbled before running next to her lover.

"A little warning next time?" she cried as they chased after him. Rex merely chuckled in response. They reached a t-junction and Ahsoka went one way, while Rex and Evie went another. After several moments of running, and chasing what they thought to be mandalorians, Evie ignited her lightsaber as they reached a corner, only to be greeted by Ahsoka and the clones that went with her. Evie sighed and turned off her saber.

"We lost him", she mumbled, taking off her helmet. Ahsoka sighed, and they slowly began making their way back to the surface.


Evie stood next to Rex in front of a holomap of the city. Ahsoka and Bo-Katan stood with them, along with a transmitted image of General Kenobi.

"There are a small number of firefights still happening in sector 11", Bo-Katan reported. "But for the most part, your clones have been as effective as promised. Still, without Maul in custody, this could all fall apart quickly. We must capture him before he escapes."

"He mentioned a name, Darth Sidious", Ahsoka said, looking at Kenobi. Evie followed her gaze to see his eyes shift downward a brief second.

"Who is this Sidious?" Bo-Katan asked. Kenobi frowned.

"I do not know much, but I will share with you what the council suspects", he said, turning to look at Bo-Katan. She turned to look at him, and Evie caught the curious look in her eyes. The female clone had to admit, she was curious too. Rex turned off the holomap, and they waited for the general to continue what he was saying.

"Darth Sidious is the Sith Lord who orchestrated the Clone Wars and played both sides of it from the beginning. I first learned the name from Count Dooku, though any chance of learning about Sidious from Dooku is lost."

Evie's eyes narrowed. She didn't like where this was headed.

"Why?" Ahsoka asked. General Kenobi sighed.

"Because Count Dooku is dead. Anakin killed him while rescuing the Chancellor."

Evie's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything. One question rang sharply through her mind, however. Shouldn't Anakin have captured Dooku, not killed him?

"With Dooku gone, we've lost a vital link to understanding the mystery of Darth Sidious. If you can capture Maul, he may be able to provide the missing pieces to this puzzle."

"Then send me more men", Ahsoka demanded. Evie couldn't help but agree, knowing that without more men, it was going to be a struggle trying to capture the dathomirian.

"Unfortunately, I cannot", Kenobi said. "I'm being sent to hunt General Grievous on Utapau."

"What about Anakin?" Ahsoka asked. "Maybe he can reinforce us."

Evie was instantly against that idea. Anakin was more likely to kill Maul, than to capture him, and while the female clone was all for killing Maul, they needed him to learn more about Darth Sidious.

"May I speak to Ahsoka alone for a moment?"

Evie shared a glance with Ahsoka, who nodded. Evie grabbed Rex's hand and pulled him away. Bo-Katan followed them. They been outside for maybe two minutes, when they got news of an attack.

They rushed back in, and interrupted Ahsoka and the general's conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt", Rex said. Evie finished his sentence. "But there's been an attack."

Ahsoka and the general shared a glance, and he said something to her. She nodded, and started running toward the trio, before she paused and turned back toward Kenobi. They shared a brief conversation before Ahsoka finally turned back and led the way out of the door.

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