《A Glitch In The Matrix》33: Reuniting with Rex


Ahsoka and Skywalker paused in front of a door. Skywalker gave Evie a glance telling her to hang back for just a little bit. Evie does as he says, waiting a few moments before she entered the room as well. She immediately noticed Rex, who had his back to her, showing a helmet to Ahsoka that was painted to look like her face. Evie smiled when she noticed that every trooper had painted their helmet like that.

"Hey, Rex", she called, her stomach suddenly doing flips and turns. "That better not be my helmet you painted."

Without hesitation, Rex replied. "Don't worry, it's not your helmet, Evie. Yours is-"

Evie watched as Rex froze midsentence and turned to look at the female clone. He almost dropped the helmet at the sight of her, but Ahsoka caught it. He handed a wooden box over to the general and slowly approached Evie.

Evie watched tensely, and her right hand immediately went to her left elbow, trying to stay strong and not run out of the room. Each time Rex took a step toward her, she wanted to take a step back, but she kept her resolve and didn't move.

Soon, the clone captain stood in front of her, and Evie was visibly shaking. She could feel her heart attacking the walls of her chest, trying to escape, but she willed it to stay put.

"Evie", Rex whispered and gently brought a hand close to her cheek. He hesitated just shy of it, as if he was afraid she wasn't really there. With a deep breath, Evie moved her hand from her arm and pressed his hand against her cheek. She leaned into it, closing her eyes as her heart starting attempting to escape even more. After a few more moments like that, Evie's heart began to slow and she started to relax. She opened her eyes and found Rex just staring at her, his lips slightly parted in shock.

"Hi, Rex", Evie whispered. "I missed you."

Rex let out a surprised chuckle, and pulled Evie into a hug. "There's so much I need to tell you."

Evie returned the hug, a wide smile crossing her lips. "Likewise, Rex. Likewise."


When the two pulled away, Evie felt a thought come into her mind that she knew wasn't her own. She glanced over at Skywalker who was smirking. She gave him a soft glare, but decided to follow his advice.

With a swift movement, she had grabbed the top edge of Rex's chestplate, pulling him down and gently placing her lips against his. It took him a moment to realize what was happening. Evie could feel the shock radiating off of him, but it didn't take long for him to return the kiss.

Evie pulled away, a fire spread across her cheeks. She gave him a cheeky grin before hurrying over to Ahsoka and hiding behind the togruta, trying to cover her blushing face.

She could hear the laughter from the group of clones behind her and she glared, which did nothing to shut them up. Two of them came up to her.

"Looks like Evie has a boyfriend now", he teased, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"And to think it's Captain Rex of all people", the second one added, an equal amount of jest in his voice. It took Evie a moment to recognize their voices, but when she did, she grinned.

"Chip, Poker!" she cried. "You made it off of Kamino!"

The two chuckled. "It wasn't long after the battle of Kamino that we graduated. We had hoped to see you, but we were assigned elsewhere", Chip said, taking off his helmet. Poker followed suit.

"And then you deserted the army", Poker said. "And then there was your execution, which we were actually there, by the way."

Evie blinked. "Oh. Well... thank you for not trying to stop me from escaping, I guess.",

The two chuckled, but an alarm started ringing out through the ship. Evie looked back toward Rex, Ahsoka, and Skywalker. She saw Kenobi running through the door to them, and she said a quick goodbye to Chip and Poker, heading toward the small group.

"-to hyperspace immediately." Evie caught the last bit of what Kenobi was saying as she approached.

"Yes, sir", Rex said, turning away. "Men, with me!"

He ran off, casting a quick glance at Evie. Evie stayed where she was, next to Ahsoka. They watched the men run around yelling orders for a little bit before turning back to Kenobi.


"So the attack on Mandalore was approved?" Skywalker asked. The bearded man shook his head.

"No, it's Coruscant. Grevious has attacked the capital", he said. Evie glanced over at Ahsoka to see her eyes narrow.

"What about the chancellor?" Skywalker asked. Evie frowned. She knew they weren't going to help, not if the Chancellor was in danger.

"Shaak Ti has been sent to protect him", Kenobi stated. "But Master Windu has lost contact with her."

Evie noticed Skywalker's face darken with worry. She frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Not to worry", Kenobi said. "Our fleet can be there within the hour."

"So that's it", Ahsoka spat. "You're going to abandon Bo-Katan and her people?"

Evie saw the togruta cross her arms, and gently placed a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder, attempting to calm her. It did little to help, with Ahsoka just shrugging it off.

"Ahsoka, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the Clone Wars?" Kenobi asked, almost sounding offended. "The heart of the Republic is under attack."

"I understand, that as usual, you're playing politics", Ahsoka said, glaring at the Jedi. "This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us."

Kenobi's eyes narrowed and he spoke coolly. "Right now, people on Coruscant need us."

"No", Ahsoka snarled. "The Chancellor needs you."

"That's not fair", the older Jedi stated. Ahsoka shrugged.

"I'm not trying to be."

Kenobi started to glare at Ahsoka, but Skywalker cut in, trying to find a diplomatic situation for them.

"I'll divide the 501st", he said. "Make a new division under Ahsoka's command."

Kenobi's gaze settled into a cold stare as he glanced at his former padawan. "Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic."

Evie hummed as she tried to think of something else. "What if you promoted Rex to commander?"

Skywalker's eyes lit up. "That's it! We'll promote Rex to commander and Ahsoka can go along as an advisor."

Evie coughed, and the general corrected his statement. "Ahsoka and Evie can go along as advisors. What do you guys say?"

"I accept", Ahsoka said. "That is, if Obi-wan agrees."

"If General Kenobi's okay with it, then I'm in", Evie said, glancing at said general. He sighed.

"Very well", he spoke. "May the force be with you two."

"And also with you, General", Evie said. He turned and started walking away, but paused at the door.

"Two more thing: Evie, you better return your armor when everything is all said and done. And Ahsoka, I killed Maul once. Best to capture him. He doesn't seem to stay dead."

Evie chuckled, and looked at Skywalker. He gave her a small smile.

"Hey, Evie? Do you think I could get a few moments alone with Ahsoka?"

Evie nodded, glancing at the box he held in his hand. "Sure thing. Besides, I can let Rex know what we all agreed on."

Skywalker nodded, and Evie turned away, quickly finding Rex. She spoke quickly and quietly to him, before turning to look back at Ahsoka and Skywalker. Ahsoka had her lightsabers in her hands, but instead of green, they were blue. Evie smiled, and looked up at Rex.

"If everything goes as planned, ready to fight one last battle, Rex?" she asked, barely noticing Ahsoka making her way toward them. The clone commander smiled as he looked down at her.

"If it means I get to spend my days free of worry, then yes. Especially if I get to spend them with you."

Evie didn't get a chance to react as Ahsoka reached them all too soon.

"Are the men ready to go, Rex?"

"Yes, commander", he said. Evie rolled her eyes and nudged him.

"You're the commander now, Rex", she pointed out. "Ahsoka and I are just... advisors."

Evie put air quotations around advisors, gaining a small chuckle from her two friends. It didn't take long before they were on their way to Mandalore, ready to help take back the planet for the Mandalorians.

The clones were ready to fight.

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