《A Glitch In The Matrix》32: Reuniting with the Army


Evie remained quiet as she stood next to Ahsoka, who had contacted Admiral Yularen. After a quiet discussion with him, he contacted Kenobi and Skywalker, and told them that they needed to get back to the ship. While they waited, Yularen took notice of Evie.

"I see you have the deserter with you", he said. Evie was quiet as Ahsoka responded.

"I have asked for her help", Ahsoka said vaguely. Evie watched as a question seemed to work its way across his face, but before he could ask it, a voice from behind them spoke.

"Alright, Admiral. What's so important that you brought us all the way back... here..." Evie turned with a second after Ahsoka did to see a hologram of the two generals.

"Hello, master", Ahsoka said, crossing her arms. "It's been a while."

No one said anything at first, and Evie grimaced at the silence. She was about to cut in when the general finally spoke.

"Ahsoka", he almost whispered, his face ripe with shock. It took him a bit to find his words. "I don't believe it. How are you? Where are you? Are y-you okay?"

"I'm alright", Ahsoka said, almost apprehensively. "Thank you. I wish we had more time to talk, but I have important information for both of you."

"What is it, Ahsoka?" Kenobi asked. Evie presumed it was so Skywalker didn't embarrass himself anymore, as well as to make things slightly less awkward.

"Lady Bo-Katan and I have located the renegade sith lord Maul. And if we move swiftly, we believe we can capture him."

Evie watched as the two generals share a glance, before looking back at the trio.

"We'll send you the coordinates of the ship", General Kenobi said, stroking his beard. "This will take a bit of deliberating."

Ahsoka nodded, but before she could end the transmission, Evie cut in. "General Skywalker, I know you're going to tell the boys that we're coming. I only have one thing to request, and that is for you to not tell Rex that I'm coming. I want to see his reaction."

Skywalker looked over at Evie, and a look of surprise crossed over his face. "Evie? When did you get there?"

Evie sighed and pressed her fingers to her nose. "Been here the entire time, Skywalker. Guess you were too focused on Ahsoka to notice me."


Kenobi spoke up. "I do have one question for you, Evie. How did you get your armor back?"

Evie and Ahsoka shared a glance. "That would be a story for another time. We must be getting underway."

The two generals nodded, and Ahsoka ended the transmission. Evie let out a deep breath.

"Well, that went well, all things considered."

Ahsoka chuckled, and Bo-Katan left them to tell the pilot to go to the coordinates provided. Evie and Ahsoka were quiet, but eventually the clone broke the silence.

"If that call was awkward, then you know that in person is going to be even more awkward", Evie said. Ahsoka closed her eyes, and Evie could see her forcing herself to loosen.

"Perhaps", Ahsoka said. "Or perhaps not. Only time will tell."

Evie nodded, and was quiet until another thought popped into her head. Her stomach twisted and her heart started pounding.

"Ahsoka..." Evie asked quietly. "How do you think Rex will react to seeing me?"

Ahsoka looked over at Evie, and the Jedi clone knew instantly that her nervousness was displayed on her face due to the togruta's face morphing into one of reassurance.

"He'll be ecstatic", Ahsoka said, placing a hand on Evie's shoulder. "Perhaps even more awkward than Anakin on that call."

Evie snorted. "Is that even possible? The general was so awkward."

Ahsoka chuckled, before she tilted her head to the side. "Why do you still call him General Skywalker even though you technically no longer serve under him?" Evie looked over at Ahsoka.

"Same reason why I still call you Commander. Out of respect, and out of loyalty."

The togruta nodded, pausing as she noticed that Bo-Katan was approaching them.

"We're about to land. I suggest you prepare yourself", the mandalorian said. Ahsoka and Evie nodded. As they walked over to the hatch, Evie's hand brushed against her lightsaber. She glanced down at it.

"What do you think they're gonna say when or if they notice my lightsaber?" Evie asked. Ahsoka shrugged.

"I doubt my master would be surprised. Master Kenobi might be surprised, as he wasn't so involved in learning about your past."

Evie nodded just as the hatch opened. She followed Ahsoka out, gazing around the familiar ship. She could see clones moving about, none of them paying any mind to what was happening. Evie closed her eyes, remembering when she was like that.


She opened them after a brief moment, and spotted an astromech moving speedily toward them. She looked further and saw the two generals hanging back. The mech reached them, and Ahsoka gently placed a hand on top, but didn't say anything.

She moved past, and again, Evie followed her until they reached the two men. They paused right in front of them, and almost immediately Skywalker started speaking.

"Ahsoka!" he said, almost like a little child. "I'm so glad to see you-"

Ahsoka cut him off by raising a hand. "We'll have to catch up another time. Things are moving quickly.

Evie watched as the general's face fell at her words. She felt kind of bad, but she knew that what was happening was important.

"Every minute that we waste here gives Maul an opportunity to slip away", Bo-Katan said as she came up on Ahsoka's other side. Evie looked around again, and with the troopers moving about, she couldn't help but wish she knew where her friends and family were.

Evidently, Skywalker had caught her longing gaze because he cut into her thoughts as they started walking again.

"Evie", he called. "I'll show you were Rex and the others are after this briefing, okay?"

Evie glanced at him, and gave him a small smile, before returning her attention to what was ahead of her. The more she walked on this ship, the more nervous she became.

Her stomach twisted and thrashed, no longer seeming as harmless butterflies, but as stampeding blurrg. Evie took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she did so. Unfortunately for her, she ran into a clone that knew her.

"Evie?" Cody asked. Evie looked up, her eyes wide. She noticed another familiar clone standing next to the commander.

"Commander", Evie said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "Jesse."

"Evie, what are you doing here?" Cody asked, putting both his hands on her shoulders. "Rex is gonna be so happy to see you."

Evie let out a shaky breath. "You think so?" she whispered. Jesse nodded. Evie noticed that he had new armor, and guessed that he had been made an ARC trooper.

"He stares at your helmet way more often than he should when he's off duty", the new ARC trooper said. "Especially after he found out that-"

Jesse was cut off by Cody placing his hand over his mouth. Cody gave him a sharp glare.

"Rex should be the one to tell her that", he said. "Not you."

Jesse nodded, and Cody removed his hand. Evie raised an eyebrow before she noticed that her group was far ahead. With an apology to the two, she ran to catch up with the others. When she reached them, she quietly spewed an apology to Ahsoka, who merely smiled.

It wasn't long until they reached the war room, where they gathered around the hologram table. Evie half listened as they talked about what they needed help with. The clone already knew all of this, so she didn't bother to listen, instead focusing on the force to try and calm herself. She was way too jittery about meeting Rex again to be on her A-game.

When she refocused on the room around her, Bo-Katan was gone, and the two generals were staring at her.

"You've certainly grown more powerful", Kenobi stated. "I almost didn't believe it when Anakin said you were a clone of Sifo-Dyas, but it's hard to miss now."

Evie blinked and glanced at Ahsoka, who smiled, leaving the clone to do all the talking.

"After Ahsoka left the Order, she came and found me as a friend", Evie explained. "We saw no reason as to not complete my training, and while I'm sure there are many things I still do not know, I have learned to efficiently wield the Force as well as my lightsaber."

"Woah, woah, wait", Skywalker said. "Lightsaber?"

With a small smile, Evie unhitched her lightsaber and used the Force to hold it up so they could see it easily. It didn't look as nice as theirs, but it still held the same look.

"Where did you find a crystal?" General Kenobi asked. "I thought you could only find them on Ilum."

Evie glanced at Ahsoka, who still remained silent, only giving her and encouraging smile. Evie sighed and returned her gaze back to the two Jedi.

"The crystal came to me in a vision", Evie murmured. "In that vision, I had to let go of my guilt and anger. When I finally did that, the crystal was shown to me."

General Kenobi stroked his beard, but didn't say anything, giving way to Skywalker cutting in. "Now that we've discussed this, there's something I want to show Ahsoka. Evie, you're more than welcome to come with."

Evie nodded, and after bidding farewell to Kenobi, followed after the master and padawan duo.

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