《A Glitch In The Matrix》31: Bo-Katan and the Mandalorians


Evie expertly swung her lightsaber through the air, blocking any blasts Ahsoka sent at her. The togruta was using the blasters Evie had taken from Rex to train the Jedi clone. Evie's eyes were covered so she couldn't see where the blasts were coming from.

Ahsoka stopped shooting, so Evie lifted up the blindfold around her eyes and turned off her lightsaber. The togruta was smiling, albeit a bit sadly. Evie tilted her head, asking a silent question.

"I don't think there's much left for me to teach you", Ahsoka said. "You've done well."

Evie smiled, pulling the blindfold off completely. "Well, I've had a great teacher."

Ahsoka's smile widened at the words. Evie walked over to Ahsoka, bringing the togruta into a hug. "Thank you, Ahsoka, for teaching me how to wield the force, and how to overcome my fears."

Ahsoka nodded, returning the hug. When they pulled away, Evie looked at Ahsoka.

"So now that my training is done, what do you plan on doing?"

Ahsoka hummed. "I don't know. Maybe I'll go to the underworld, see if I can help others down there."

Evie smiled. "You do that. I'll probably stay here, help protect the new family I've found. If you ever need me, I'll be here."

Ahsoka nodded and began to collect her meager belongings. Evie watched quietly, not quite ready to say goodbye to her friend.

The togruta finished collecting her belonging, all of them fitting in a small cross-body satchel. Evie escorted her to the front door, where they shared their goodbyes.

"I'll visit in a few weeks", Ahsoka promised. "Keep practicing with your lightsaber."

Evie nodded. "See you in a few weeks, Ahsoka."

The togruta smiled, and started walking away. The female clone watched until Ahsoka disappeared around a corner. Evie returned back inside, and went to her room to meditate.



Evie jumped at the sound of a knock on the front door. She had been casually talking with Sart, discussing old battles when it came. She shared a confused glance with the clone deserter, and they both got up to see who it was.

Evie raised an eyebrow at the familiar togruta outside, along with a mandalorian in blue and white armor.

"Ahsoka, I thought you said you'd be back in a few weeks, not a few days. And who's your friend?"

Ahsoka opened her mouth to speak, but the mandalorian beat her to it.

"My name is Bo-Katan Kryze", she said as she took of her helmet, revealing a woman with ginger hair. "And Ahsoka said you might be of some help to me."

"Depends", Evie said cautiously.

"On what?" Bo-Katan narrowed her eyes into a small glare. Evie returned it.

"On what you need me for", she answered, looking at Ahsoka, who quickly stepped in.

"Bo-Katan has asked for my help in reclaiming her home world", Ahsoka said. "And I thought you might enjoy some action."

Evie hesitated. While it had been true that she did miss fighting, she wasn't sure if she was ready to return to the battlefield yet. She looked at Ahsoka's hopeful eyes, and then Bo-Katan's slight glare. Evie took a deep breath.

"Let me go put on my armor", she said, turning away from the door. She passed Sart, who was quick to invite the pair in while Evie went to change into her armor.

Before she even started going through her armor, she looked at her hair. It had gotten long as she hadn't seen a need to cut it. Evie grabbed a knife she had on her dresser and quickly started cutting off her hair until it was back to what it used to be. Short, manageable hair that would fit nicely under her helmet.


She opened the backpack, and slowly, piece by piece, she pulled it on until she had a full suit of armor on. All that was left was her helmet, which was not in the backpack. She frowned, and wondered if Rex still had it. Though she supposed it made them even since she still had his pistols.

Evie turned her attention to her dresser, where three weapons sat. Two pistols, and one lightsaber. She put the pistols in their respective places, and hooked her lightsaber to a small hook on her belt.

She stepped out of her room, and into the main room, where Ahsoka, Bo-Katan, and Sart waited. When the mandalorian saw Evie, her eyes narrowed even more.

"You didn't say she was a clone", she said sharply. Evie glared at her.

"Probably because I'm not just any clone", she spat. "I'm the Glitch in the Matrix, the only Jedi in the entire clone army."

Bo-Katan didn't release her glare, and neither did Evie. It wasn't until Ahsoka stepped in between them that they finally relaxed.

"I think we need to get going. You can brief me more on what's happening as we fly to Mandalore", Evie stated, aiming the sentence to Ahsoka.

The togruta hesitated. "About that. We're going to make one more pitstop, if they'll agree to hear us out."

"Who?" Evie asked, raising an eyebrow. Ahsoka hesitated even more.

"Anakin and the 501st", she said quietly. Evie's eyes widened as she thought about seeing Rex, but she quickly returned her face to neutral.

"Very well", the female clone said. "Lead the way, commander."

Ahsoka opened her mouth to reprimand her, but at a motion from Evie, stopped.

"You may have lost the title, but to me, and probably to every other clone, you are still our commanding officer. Loyalty is everything to us."

Ahsoka nodded, and led the way out of the house. Bo-Katan was quick to follow, and the only two left where Evie and Sart.

"Tell Shini and Kedar that I'm going to miss them", Evie said to him. When he nodded his head, Evie turned away, and walked outside, joining the other two.

"Let's get this show on the road."

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