《A Glitch In The Matrix》30: A Lightsaber


Evie sat next to Ahsoka in a meditative pose. The togruta was teaching her to quiet her mind.

"Listen through the force, Evie", Ahsoka said. "What do you hear?"

Evie listened, blocking out outside noises, and focused merely on what the force told her. Blurry images flashed across her mind, going too fast for Evie to make sense of. Then it slowed down. Evie could hear faint blaster fire, and she focused on the image, it became clear. Her breathing grew heavy as she rewatched each of her brothers deaths.

Droidbait, shot down by commando droids at the Rishi Moon Outpost. Cutup, eaten by a giant rishi eel. Hevy, who sacrificed himself to destroy the Rishi Moon Outpost. 99, who died when defending Kamino. She saw Echo leaping in front of the shuttle as it exploded, killing him almost instantly. And then she watched as Fives was shot down by another clone. She watched as Rex cradled his dying body.

Her eyes shot open, and she stood quickly. Tears silently leaked from her eyes. Ahsoka stood next to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Evie, what did you see?"

Evie squeezed her eyes shut. "I saw my brothers deaths. Droidbait, Cutup, Hevy, 99, Echo, and Fives."

Ahsoka pulled her hand away, and sighed softly. "The force was showing you the things you fear."

Evie shook her head and looked at Ahsoka. "All of those deaths have already happened, Ahsoka! Except... no..."

"Evie, all the things you saw where things that have happened, or things that are yet to happen", Ahsoka said. "Fives might still be alive. Visions are not always accurate."

Evie closed her eyes. "I need to be sure, Ahsoka. I need to talk to Rex. He was there."

Ahsoka sighed. "You have no way to contact him."

Evie frowned, before she returned to her meditative pose. She focused in on the scene where she saw Fives die. As she watched, she slowly put together where it either had happened, or where it was going to happen.

Her eyes opened with a new set of determination, and she stood, heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka asked. Evie glanced back at her.

"To the place I saw Fives die", she said, her eyes darkening. "And if it has happened, then the clone who killed him will wish he had never been made."

Evie walked out of the room, but she only made it to the front room when Ahsoka caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

"Evie, revenge is not the Jedi way", she hissed. Evie glanced at Ahsoka.

"It's a good thing neither of us are Jedi then."

Ahsoka's eyes widened and Evie pulled her arm away, continuing on her way. Ahsoka hurried in front of her.

"Evie, you're training to be a Jedi. Neither of us may be in the Order, but we must stand by itself principles."

Evie glared at Ahsoka. "You mean like the principle where Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers? I don't see much peacekeeping! All I see are warriors who have let this war go on for way too long!"


Ahsoka opened her mouth to argue, but she stopped herself. "You're right. The Jedi are not what they're supposed to be. But we don't have to be like them. We can be how the actual Order is supposed to be. We can show that we aren't like them."

Evie's eyes softened, and they began to water. "You're right, Ahsoka. But... I'm just... scared... I don't want to be the only one of my squad left. Fives is the only one left besides me and... gah, this was the reason why I left in the first place! So I wouldn't have to see them die!"

Ahsoka pulled Evie into a hug, before leading her back inside. They went back to Evie's room and returned to their original positions, but did not meditate. Instead, Ahsoka turned this into a lesson.

"Evie, if you are to become a Jedi, you must let go of your fears and attachments", Ahsoka said softly. "That means letting go of your family."

Evie's eyes widened. "Ahsoka, I can't do that! My family... they're all I have left. Their memory..."

Ahsoka reached over and pressed a hand to her knee. "You must let go of your anger, fear, and hate. It is your attachment to your family that causes this."

Evie stared at Ahsoka, tears welling up in her eyes. She took a deep breath. "Very well", she said. "But it's not going to be easy for me."

Ahsoka smiled. "I know, Evie. But you must."

Evie closed her eyes, and began to meditate, allowing the force to overwhelm her sense. An image appeared in her mind, and when she focused on it, her senses shifted to where she felt she was actually part of the image.

She looked around the swamp she was now in. She could see a cave ahead, and she could feel it calling to her. She entered cautiously, looking around. When she reached the end of the cave, she heard something moving behind her. She turned, and gasped when she saw her fallen brethren. Droidbait, Cutup, Hevy, Echo, and Fives.

"Evie", they all said in unison. "Evie, look what you've done."

Evie frowned, her eyes troubled. This wasn't natural. "Guys? What are you talking about. What did I do?"

"You left me to face the droids on my own!" Droidbait yelled, shooting forward and wrapping a hand around Evie's neck, almost choking her. Evie's eyes widened.

"What? No. I didn't know the droids were there until after they had shot you down. If I knew they were there, I would have helped."

Cutup shot forward, his hand hand covering Droidbait's, blocking her airway even more.

"You let that eel eat me", he snarled. Evie shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I couldn't do anything about that, Cutup", she whispered, staring into his angry eyes.

"But you didn't have to leave me behind!" Echo shouted as his hand joined the ones around her neck. Evie coughed.


"I didn't want to! I fought against Fives as he dragged me away. I wanted to search for your body, Echo!" she cried, tears freely falling from her fragile eyes.

"Why did you leave us, Evie?" Fives asked coolly as he pressed his hands against their own. Evie couldn't breathe.

"Because I was scared", she choked out, the salty taste of tears in her mouth. "After losing Echo, I was afraid to lose you too, Fives! I... I would die myself if I saw you be killed."

Hevy stepped forward, and added his hand to the other four. "We're disappointed in you, Evie."

Evie stared at them, unable to speak as she slowly lost consciousness. Her vision darkened slowly, and once she almost couldn't see, she whispered two words to them.

"I'm sorry..."

At those words, they pulled away, and Evie fell to the ground, a wracking cough shaking her body.

"We know, Evie", they said in unison. "But it's not us you have to apologize to. We know you've struggled. We know you've hurt."

Tears dripped from Evie's eyes as she stared at the ground. She couldn't bring herself to look at her brothers. Someone lifted her chin up, and she met Hevy's eyes.

"It's not us you need to apologize to, Evie", he whispered. "You have to be willing to apologize and forgive yourself. You did all you could before you were pushed to your limit."

Evie looked past Hevy to her other four brothers, who all gave her comforting and reassuring smiles. The female clone let out a loud sob, and hugged Hevy. The other four wrapped their arms around them, and they sat there for a long time.

"I'll always hold you in my memories", Evie whispered. "But I'll remember the good times we shared, and not your deaths."

Her five brothers pulled away, and formed a circle around Evie as she stood. She looked at each one of them, and they all gave her their signature smile. Evie smiled in return, letting out a quiet laugh.

"I'll still miss you guys", she whispered. "But I know you're with me. In here."

She pressed a hand against her heart, and they mimicked the motion. Evie watched as they disappeared one by one. Fives, Droidbait, Echo, and Cutup all faded away, until all that was left was Hevy. He opened his hand out, and there sat a shiny blue crystal. Evie could hear it calling to her, the sound resonating in her heart. "You've earned this", he said.

"What is that?" Evie asked. Hevy merely smiled and nodded for Evie to take it. The Jedi clone used the force to pull it toward her. It landed in her hand, and she could feel it humming happily as it sat in her hand. It made her smile, and she closed her hand around it. When she looked away from it, Hevy had disappeared. Evie made her way out of the cave and when she reached the entrance, a blinding white light surrounded her. She squeezed her eyes shut, using a hand to try to block out the light. It faded quickly and when she opened her eyes, she was sitting in her room as if she hadn't left. Ahsoka sat there patiently.

"What happened?" Ahsoka asked, a curious look in her eyes. "You were meditating for quiet a while."

Evie opened her mouth to tell Ahsoka what had happened, but something stopped her. She closed her mouth and smiled.

"I received this", she said, holding out the crystal. Ahsoka's eyes widened.

"A kyber crystal!" she exclaimed. "But... how? We're nowhere near the Crystal Caves of Ilum."

Evie hummed thoughtfully. "I don't know. All I know is that I received this whilst meditating."

Ahsoka nodded, a confused look in her eyes. "We don't have the parts to build you a proper lightsaber."

Evie looked at the crystal, and a smile reached her eyes. "I know what we can do."

She stood, and walked out of the room, Ahsoka following. Evie approached Sart, who smiled at the duo.

"So, how'd everything go?" he asked. Evie smiled.

"I received a kyber crystal. I just need parts to build a lightsaber."

Sart's eyes widened and he stood. "I don't have lightsaber parts, but I'm sure we could find something in my workshop that'll work."

Evie nodded and followed him to his workshop, which was off the main room of the house. She could see parts scattered all about the room, and she laughed.

"Take whatever you need", he said. "But it might take you a while to find everything you need."

Evie glanced at Ahsoka, and smirked. "I'll manage."

Sart nodded and exited the room. Evie closed her eyes, and relied on her instincts to help her find the parts she needed. When she opened her eyes, several parts floated in front of her. Ahsoka helped Evie clear a space for her to work.

The parts gently lowered onto the floor, and Evie sat in front of them. She looked up at Ahsoka.

"So... how do I do this?" she asked. Ahsoka chuckled.

"Let the force guide you", she said. "Just as you let it guide you to these parts."

Evie nodded and closed her eyes. She focused on the parts, letting the force guide her on how to put it together. It took a few tries, but with gentle advice from Ahsoka, she finally managed to successfully put together her lightsaber.

She stood up with the finished hilt, and let Ahsoka inspect it for a little bit. The togruta handed it back and watched expectantly. Evie took a deep breath and turned it on.

Blue washed over the two, and Evie stared in awe at the lightsaber. Ahsoka smiled at the clones face.

"I guess we're moving on to the next step in your training."

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