《A Glitch In The Matrix》29: Ahsoka Tano


Shini had just gotten Kedar to go to sleep for the night when a knock came at the door. Evie looked at the two who had helped her.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Evie asked. Sart shook his head.

"No one ever comes by this late at night", he told the female clone. Evie stood as the knock came again, this time more urgently.

"I'll get it", she said, grabbing her blaster. "I've had more recent experience with fighting, just in case whoever it is isn't friendly."

The two nodded, and Evie walked over to the door. She approached the door, her pistol hidden when she opened it. Her eyes were narrow as the door slid open, but when she saw who was outside, she nearly dropped her pistol.

"Ahsoka?" Evie asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."

Evie raised an eyebrow. "Okay... and how did you find me?"

Ahsoka gave a faint smile. "By following my instincts."

Evie nodded in acceptance. "Fair enough. You certainly learned a lot from your master, including following your instincts.

Ahsoka's gaze dropped, but before Evie could ask what was wrong, Sart cut in.

"Evie?" he asked. "Who's at the door?"

He appeared around the corner and Evie smiled gently at him.

"Sart, I'm sure you recognize Ahsoka Tano, padawan to Anakin Skywalker", Evie said, turning so Ahsoka was visible.

His eyes widened and he straightened. "Commander!"

Ahsoka shook her head and held up her hand. "You don't need to call me that anymore. I've lost all my rankings within the Republic, and the Jedi Order."

Evie looked over at Ahsoka, then looked at Sart. He nodded once, answering her silent question.

"Why don't you come in, Ahsoka? We can fix you a nice cup of tea, and you can tell us what happened."


Ahsoka smiled sadly. "That would be nice, Evie. Thank you."

Evie nodded, and led Ahsoka to the main room, where Shini waited. When she turned so she could see both Ahsoka and Shini, she noticed a large backpack on Ahsoka's back. She decided to ask about it later.

"Well? Who was it?" she asked, not yet seeing the togruta. Ahsoka stepped forward, and introduced herself to the other togruta.

"My name is Ahsoka Tano", she said. "And you are?"

"My name is Shini. This is my husband Sart. And you obviously know Evie."

Ahsoka nodded. Evie sat down and, at a small motion from the female clone, Ahsoka followed, sitting next to her friend. She pulled her backpack off, and Evie gave it a curious glance, but shrugged it off.

"So what happened and why were you looking for me?" Evie asked, gazing at her reddish orange friend. Ahsoka looked down at the ground before glancing warily at the married couple. Evie instantly understood what she was feeling.

"Hey, Ahsoka, don't worry about them. I've been living with them for a few months now", the clone said. Ahsoka still looked hesitant.

"It's okay, Evie", Sart said. "We'll be in the back room. Won't be able to hear a thing."

Evie nodded and watched as they left. She returned her attention to Ahsoka was the two were out of view.

"So... gonna tell me what happened now?"

Ahsoka sighed softly, and delved into her tale. Evie listened with utmost interest, making comments every now and then. When Ahsoka finished talking, Evie was angry with both the Republic and the Jedi Order.

"Neither the Order or the Republic is what it used to be", Evie said. Ahsoka agreed. There was an awkward pause for a moment, before Evie finally decided to ask about the backpack.


"So, what's in the backpack?" she asked. Ahsoka's face lit up as she remembered the large pack she had brought with her.

"It's for you", she said as she pushed it toward Evie. "Rex helped me smuggle it out."

Evie opened the backpack, and her eyes widened as she saw her armor. "How...?"

"I went and talked to Rex before coming to find you, asking if he had anything for you", Ahsoka explained. "He originally didn't, other than to say that you guys need to sit down and talk when you get the chance. But then as I was leaving, Rex thought that you might need your armor, and asked for my help to get it. So, we kinda stole your armor. Well, I stole it, Rex just told me where it was."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Of course. I am grateful, but I doubt I'll ever wear this again. But it'll be good to have it, just in case."

Ahsoka nodded, and Evie could sense her hesitating to say something. She looked over at Ahsoka, waiting patiently.

"Evie... even though I'm not part of the Order anymore, do you want to continue your training?"

Evie's eyes widened and she grinned. "I'd love to! I've actually been missing our little training sessions, but I've been practicing whenever I get the chance."

Ahsoka smiled. "That's good. We'll continue your training as soon as we find a safe space to do so."

Evie nodded, and she hummed quietly. "Do you want to stay here for the night? I'm sure Sart and Shini would be okay with it. Although they only have the one guest bedroom, and I'm using it. We could share the room though!"

Ahsoka smiled. "That would be nice, Evie. Thank you."

The clone grinned, and stood, hoisting the backpack over her shoulders. She gestured for Ahsoka to follow her. The duo made their way to the house, passing Sart and Shini playing a game. Evie paused to let them know that Ahsoka would be staying the night, before continuing on to her room. She stopped in front of a door, and opened it, stepping inside.

It was fairly simple, a cot in one corner and a small dresser in another. Evie dropped the backpack by the dresser as she stepped further into the room, letting it rest against the piece of furniture.

"I'm afraid you'll have to sleep on the floor", Evie said apologetically, but Ahsoka waved it off.

"That's perfectly fine, Evie. It's better than sleeping outside."

Evie smiled, and sat down on the bed. Ahsoka sat next to her. The duo talked for a while, enjoying being able to spend time with each other without having to worry about a battle or anything else.

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